What's the best language to learn after English? I already know Portuguese, and was considering French...

What's the best language to learn after English? I already know Portuguese, and was considering French, but seeing the State France is now, they'll probably be speaking Arabic in a couple of years. Another would be Russian or Japanese for their literature.
What do you guys suggest, pros and cons?

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yeah don't f with french, i was at first and learned quite a bit but then it turns out most of europe will be underwater in ten to twenty years anyway.

russian probably would be good bet since we'll be overrun with russians

Fuck off back to Jow Forums you lying incel.

you already know English, spend your time learning an actual marketable skill that could help you in the future.

>What do you suggest
A long enough rope to neck yourself


After English? Mandarin.

America has far more arabs than all of Europe and your languages are still English and Spanish.

This is false

OP, why are you lying? It seems like you are not smart enough to learn any languages so just give it up. Concentrate on finishing high school first.

I was thinking about languages cause I like the way they make you think differently, alter your perception on things, especially words itself. But your ideia is actually not a bad one, tho.

You can barely string together English... Maybe languages are not for you.

go for germanic languages like german, swedish, danish, norwegian...

Those are all dying languages. I'm far too scared to ever set foot in Europe. Haven't you been watching the news?

well, english is an germanic language, my suggestion would be for you to study other germanic languages.

You don't understand. I do not want to learn dying languages. Europe has a smaller population and economy than most US states. Most countries have implemented sharia law and nearly all are muslim majority.

Be patient and learn german.

Ah, I see whats happening here. You don't want to talk about languages at all this is just shitty Jow Forums bait.

If you already speak portugeuse than spanish would be a good one.

Lots of cool southamerican countries speak spanish so you couls travel/work there and lots of people speak it in the phillipines too

I'm gonna do all the countries a favor and tell you no language is worth it, that way no foreigner has to keep up with your shit

>pic of half portugese amerimutt getting shot

Should have been pretty clear from the start that OP is just a Jow Forums incel.

don't learn Russian
it's not worth your time
learn Latin
russia is temporary
Glory of Rome is eternal

Chinese obviously

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Hebrew. It was one of the first languages, it'll be one of the last. Also what's wrong with learning Arabic? The more that speak it the more you should want to, too.