I'm a 4/10 however due to my relatively high IQ (131 : WAIS - IV, s.d. is 15) I'm fairly detail oriented and only attracted to girls who are 7.5+/10.
What the fuck do I do now, these types of girls are not attracted to me at all.
I'm a 4/10 however due to my relatively high IQ (131 : WAIS - IV, s.d. is 15) I'm fairly detail oriented and only attracted to girls who are 7.5+/10.
What the fuck do I do now, these types of girls are not attracted to me at all.
No one gives a shit about your IQ. If you want to show off how smart you are, the only way to effectively do that is to be successful (have a good career, be ambitious, confident, considerate, reliable, insightful, etc). Being successful doesn't guarantee you a partner in life (nothing does), but it will help your chances considerably.
IQ is not the same as social intelligence. Hyper intelligence is often associated with social dysfunction so if you're as smart as you say you are you'll understand the decoupling your IQ from the expectation you have of relationships is your only path to success.
Surely a man of your intellect can construct a workable plan for improving yourself up to at least a 7.
post on reddit thats what ecksder
girls dont care about nerd why do u think were making robot pussy you dummy
>I'm a 4/10
2 options
be financially able to pay for a woman to not have a job. that will increase your score by a couple points at least.
other option is be in a position of power, so you can trade sex favors for giving the woman a better job.
outside those two things you should probably aim for a 2 or 3 of 10 female so that you can have long term relationship stability by being the superior in the pair.
Lol I haven’t even read this thread but I know what all the replies are like. If anything your IQ makes you even less desirable
Read the OP again lads. He's clearly not implying that his IQ has anything to do with his own attractiveness, but rather that it causes him to have a higher standard for what he deems attractive.
The real question is why do you feel entitled to 7.5+ girls?
I have a higher IQ than OP and still don't understand how that would cause him to have "higher standards", sounds like cope to me.
And this user gave the best answer
Based reading comprehension user
become more attractive
I have an idea. Since, according to you, intelligence causes one to have higher standards then maybe you should go for a 7.5/10 who is severely lacking in that department
get rich
You're not attracted to 7.5+ because you're "fairly detail oriented", you simply don't want to date ugly chicks, like literally anyone else (well, with the exception of straight women and gay men, who wouldn't want to date an ugly man).
so 1. when you mention your IQ in a conversation where it's completely irrelevant (which it almost never is), I don't think of you as a smart person, I think of you as an autist who clings to this number to verify himself because he doesn't have anything else to show off, for the love of god stop doing that, you embarrassing man.
and 2. unless you're outright deformed, moving up from very low score to a reasonable middle one is almost entirely up to your presentation, dress well, get a proper haircut, get rid of acne and groom yourself, you'll be up to at least a 6.
That said, you’re mistaking symptom for disease.
A good quote:
>[its incorrect that] women are attracted to toughness rather than the conquest of toughness
Attractiveness breaks ties, but it isn’t the game. The attractive part of attractiveness is mostly what it implies, some things more fairly than others:
>The orderliness of personal affairs signaled by maintaining good grooming and scent
>The success and awareness to dress well
>The upkeep and care signaled by maintaining good oral hygiene and a nice smile
>The dedication to keep a body in shape implied by musculature
>The drive to succeed signaled by high earners
>The passion in improving one’s craft signaled by intense skill at instruments or creative pursuits
These signals are hard to fake convincingly over a long time which is why they’re used. They ultimately mean far more than raw looks, which are NOT all that desired for their own sake.
>What the fuck do I do now, these types of girls are not attracted to me at all.
Start levelling up. /fa for haircut and clothes and /fit for body.
If you're tall, you'll be a 10/10 in a few months.
If you're so smart, then why don't you teach us how to marry a beautiful woman?
Most guys who say things like "I'm 4/10, what do I do to get grils" are guys who aren't serious about it and want girls to come to them with no effort applied.
You want girls? Take a hard damn look at yourself. Do you:
Stand up straight with proper posture and walk with confidence?
Do you groom yourself and appear presentable?
Do you have modern fashion aesthetics (i.e, do you dress recently and relatively in fashion?)
Are you healthy looking. As in are you of average weight and build at the minimum, or are you statically over/under weight and don't make any attempt to take care of your health?
Do you speak with confidensce, and are able to make small talk and engage with people.
Those are just a small handful of things you could address and are well within your control. Making up excuses about how f*** ugly you are and how it's hard to change is just laziness. You want women to be interested? Then make them interested by being someone they would want to approach. And that's only going to happen by being straight with yourself and improving who you are and not making excuses
The fact that you mention your IQ is why no one fucking likes you.
all of them are the same
find one you can tolerate and she will tolerate you, rest is secondary