I am currently cheating on my wife with 2 different women

I am currently cheating on my wife with 2 different women.

#1 is a petite busty single 25 yo girl. Below average intelligence, but highly available for sex.

#2 is a no tits married 25 yo girl. But she is smarter and prettier than #1. She speaks 3 languages and has a master degree.

What should I do?

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do us all a favor by simply killing yourself

kill yourself

stop baiting incels you fucking incel

The reason why I cheat on my wife is because its being 2 full years without sex. We talk about it but so far, she keeps running away from my questions.

I love my wife, so divorce is not an option.

#2 is a very dangerous option, because she is married. But she is a very good person to talk to, because she is like the smartest person I have ever met. But still, I dont want to get murdered by her husband. #2 and I both have very high libido, so thats why we keep looking for casual sex.

#1 has very big tits and does exactly what I tell her to do. She is single and I am the one who is the boss in there.

I think I should stay with #1, but my mental conection with #2 is stronger, because we could talk for days, while #1 is only good for sex.

So, should I stay with #1 or #2?

Depends. What are the STR/DEX stats?

#1 looks like Danielle Bregoli (Cash me outside girl). She had big tits, looks underage, and is low IQ. Her libido is "normal" but she does what I tell her to do.

#2 looks like Ellen Page. Small tits, very fucking smart, and you want to stay days just chatting with her. Her libido is very high. Cons is that she is married, and I must put 10X effort, in order to go out with her. She is wife material.

you already have a wife. just go with #1. now fuck off.

I think I should stay with #1, because the only need I need to cover, is the lack of sex. #1 does the job, and she is single.

While #2 is wife material, I am currently married, and I will not divorce my wife. Also, the fact that she is married is also a dangerous situation. I know it will be hurtful to end my relationship with her, but it is getting damn too risky. I cannot take those unnecesary risks. And also, being wife material should be irrelevant, since I am currently married, and I also know from first hand that she is a cheating whore.

I guess you are right. Now second subject;

How do I end a relationship with #2? I dont want to hurt her... she has being a very good girlfriend. She is like 130 IQ, and I will miss her a lot.

Really adv? No fucking advice from you?

You're a cunt and you'll do what you want regardless. Don't cheat you prick.

You're in a bit of a pickle and most incels here can't even meme up some garbage as "advice" especially for some shit like you're pulling.

Get a divorce, then get back to us.

Tell her that you care about her relationship and then go NC.

Do humanity a favor and kill yourself, you shouldn't reproduce

start by tying a noose, don't forget to write a letter to each one of them


Talk to your wife and work things out with her. If you loved her, you wouldn’t cheat on her.

Single girl will eventually want you to leave wife for her.

Married woman might understand your situation a bit better and not push you to leave


basically whats the problem with keeping up your situation and have both girls as fall backs?

The problem with your wife isnt your wife walking out, it's that you let her go away and not show her, that you are interested in her, her problems or a solution. hell, might even be, that she is cheating aswell by now. Two years no sex is in the range where you should expect a divorce any day.
Don't think you are special because you have two other chicks lined up. Number 1 will be borring if you ever have to take her as GF and for Number 2 you are just like a #1 for her, boring but giving her attention, she is lacking in her marriage.

Basically the only way you can get happy is making up your mind: Either your Wife is worth it and you can be happy with her, than stay with her and become someone that makes her happy aswell. Or break it off and realize, that you have not a single girl around you can give you what you are lacing: self respect and beeing happy on your own. Solitude and self improvement would be the answer then.

You don't love your wife if you're cheating on her with two other women.

And here I'm still 22yo virgin

You come to a board populated by teenage dweebs who have never even spoken to a real live girl to complain about your problems with three women?

You ARE a sadist, aren't you?

This guy has a point, there's a possibility that #1 will develop feelings or attachment at some point and either push you to leave your wife or possibly intervene herself. That said, without knowing her personally, there's no way to know if that's something she'd consider an option, so think about that and weigh the possibilities.
If I were in your shoes, I'd stay with #2 and just make sure that you're both careful so you don't get caught before you have a chance to talk about the subject with your wife. By cheating on her, you should probably have an explanation ready. While there's no guarantee you'll get caught, there's always a chance and the longer your fling goes on, the more opportunities there will be for a slip-up.

>She speaks 3 languages
Do Burgers really find that noteworthy?

As for the question, maybe initiate an open relationship or break up with your wife so you can enjoy your life without being a dickhead to another person?

OP, threadly reminder that there is a non-zero chance you'll be horrifically slain in a murder suicide when #2's husband finds out. You just never know what people are willing to do when they think they've lost everything.


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Please kill yourself.

Being an American is like being a human or orc in WoW. They lead their respective faction so there is no need for them to learn a language other than Common/Orcish because all the other races just learn those languages instead. Anyone that wants to be successful is expected to learn English. We don't need to spend time learning languages unless we have some special role.

WoW messed up by not letting undead also speak common tbqh.

Also while you don't need to, it's great for expanding your mind alone and missing out on that is just silly, especially because it's stupid easy to learn a few more languages when you're a kid. Besides, it's great to have somewhat private conversations in public places.

>I love my wife, so divorce is not an option.
This faggot

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Im back

so yesterday I had crazy sex with #1, and my balls are fucking empty. I tried to end my relationship with #2, but she told me that we should see each other today.

We saw each other today, she gave me a ring and told me how much she loved me, and yada yada yada. I asked her about her husband and she told me not to worry about it, and that I should not worry about it either. That she wants to have a relationship with me.

So right now, I have like 3 relationships with 3 women. This whole thing sounds fucking expensive. Is there anyway I could opt out?

I tried to opt out with #2, but now I got a fucking new ring. WTF?

Fix whatever the problem is with your wife, you low test bitch

We gave you advice. Kill yourself.
You don't love your wife. If you did you wouldn't cheat. You feel obligated to maintain things but you dont love her.
On top of that your wrecking another relationship.
I think you're a piece of shit with no shame or honor and deserve to be alone.

I think the same about myself
I don't even know how the hell I ended up in this place

You know what you have to do now.

Kill yourself it's the only way

And you may tell yourself, “This is not my beautiful wife.” And you may ask yourself, “How did I get here?”

Same as it ever was

Stay with both

You should kill yourself.

nigger YOU are a cheating whore
>I know it will be hurtful

Your playing with fire. And while I couldn't care less what you do. You should ask yourself. I know it feels good now. But is it worth it? The answer is likely no. But what do i know. You'll do as you please anyway.

Marry married woman. Make your current gf your secret mistress


Jesus, her eyes and hips are stunning

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OP I'm probably the first and only dose of sympathy you will get. I love all humans and despise the ugly shit they do to each other and have come to expect it. As such, I can be indifferent but caring in this circumstance.
So heed my words or don't. But here is what I think.

For starters your marriage is fucked. You don't go 2 years with no sex, cheat, and not communicate your legitimate problems once and hope to salvage anything.
In my opinion its good you cheated because you were able to take an irreversible step to ending your marriage and the both of you can sooner destroy your lives and begin and putting yourselves back together. If you do love her then give her the opportunity to start the next chapter in her life without dragging it on.
Examples of evil cheating instead of "regular" cheating would be if you are a Narcissist or a Sociopath. Your posts indicate you care about her and are aware of her potential pain so I'm assuming those aren't the case.
"regular" is used to indicate cheating as it happens in more understandable or common occurrences not to be confused with excusable.
Next point; you seem genuinely remorseful and full of self loathing
honest but rhetorical question. If you could go back to before you cheated and tell your wife that you are going to find sex somewhere else if she can't fulfill your needs... would you? Things weren't doing good enough and you made choices. This is the bed you made, so nut up and deal with it.

Now on to your Girlfriends,
#1 is hot and holds no real interest for you. After your ended marriage she is copy paste "the hot girlfriend you had for 3 weeks.. fucked the shit out of.. and moved on" there is a point where you stop eating at a buffet... So have fun with your toy until your done and drop her.

#2 not as easy. 9 times out of 10 someone who cheats (in marriage) isn't looking for a relationship.. they are looking to fill the void of what they aren't getting romantically or sexually. But lets not make assumptions. Perhaps she knows where her marriage is headed and perhaps her husband knows/shares these feelings. If this is the case then she might just be waiting for her husband to be the one to pull the plug so she can play victim. Its alot easier to not be the first one to address the state of disaster.
>I asked her about her husband and she told me not to worry about it, and that I should not worry about it either.
That can either be her avoiding how bad he will react... or their relationship dying and they know it. Find out which one it is.
If after that shes still into you and you believe she wouldn't dumpster you and continue her cheating trend (seperate all of your fears and beliefs and just go with your gut) then you might could have some happiness with her. Plus you are obviously compatible.. why throw away the only good thing in your shitty situation.
If on the other hand she is like most cheaters... just distracting herself and not ready to grow up... then drop her too.
Just remember for real relationships to work, honesty and communication is key... and this one won't judge you for your past unfaithfullness. And next time your romantic life gets this bad... be a grown up and do what it takes to break it off and watch out for numero uno. You aren't doing anyone any favors by continuing the charade.

TL;DR end your marriage, dump #1 when ur bored, probly dump #2 unless she proves actual love and is ready to grow up.

stop cheating on your wife. Probably tell her and/or end it.
Why did you cheat in the first place?

>reading through this dumpster fire of a thread about this dumpster fire of a person

Factually wrong. I wouldn't put up with it from my partner but you can love someone and hurt them.

your wife knows and is a cuckquean

>I love my wife
>But I see no problem with cheating on her with not one, but TWO other women
The first step is to get the self-awareness required to recognize that you're a massive asshole. The second is to admit that you're a massive asshole to your wife. The third is to step in front of a speeding train after she dumps you for being a massive asshole.

why dont you make your relationship into an open one then? let her have some fun before it all goes inevitably wrong

lol fuck this

He said in his second post because he isn't getting sufficient snu-snu from her.


this is the quality content I expect of Jow Forums

#2, so you can ruin BOTH of your home lives when your infidelity inevitably gets out.

>that fucking nose

that's not how it works

Leave your wife for #2. Cheat on #2 with #1. Problem solved.

Yeah, you're right. I can't be a good student if I consistently flunk Spanish but ace eveything else.

Love ain't all or nothing.


If what you're saying is true you should really consider divorce. You're already emotionally divorced from her, you just have to do the hard part of separating and then bringing in the lawyers.

Dude I cannot even tell you how common your problem is. The thing is, if you've told her you need more sex repeatedly and she keeps saying no, then she's not really in love with you either. It's a matter of comfort and convenience being with you.


>What should I do?

Besides not getting caught?
Use condoms
Won't bother to comment on your decision to cheat, just remember getting divorced has some severe consequences in the western world.