Femanon here. Why does my guy friend hate it when I call him bro or dude...

Femanon here. Why does my guy friend hate it when I call him bro or dude? I used to call him honey and sweetheart and things like that but he has a girlfriend now so I feel like it’s inappropriate to still refer to him that way, but he’s getting upset about it.

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>hey. youre so unattractive to me that ill just call you what friends call other friends, teehee
Girlfriend or not that'd piss me off too

Your guyfriend is a overly sensitive ninny. Tell him to stop bleeding out of his vagina

But I am attracted to him. I have feelings for him and he knows that. I’m just trying to be respectful of his relationship by keeping things strictly platonic.

Because if it sounds unnatural it sounds annoying.

Retard: Truth: Why would he want you to call him honey when he is in a relationship? You should tell his gf to break up with that sack of shit desu.

>I used to call him honey and sweetheart and things like that but he has a girlfriend now
>I have feelings for him
Why did you never make a move?

>But I am attracted to him. I have feelings for him and he knows that.
Then you should stop talking to him until these feelings are dead unless you are trash and want to make things difficult for him.

You both sound like trash though.

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I was always too shy, I tried hinting that I liked him for a long time but he never really picked up on it.

So you're literally a female beta orbiter and he picked someone else. My normal advice here is to man up and move on, so do whatever the female equivalent of that is.

Just put your head in his lap "as a friend"...because you're "tired" if he gets a boner, you'll know he has feelings for you. Then give him a blowjob and he's basically yours.

Something like this already happened. We were sitting together outside and I was wearing a short skirt. I guess I was shivering a bit bc it was chilly out and he reached over and started kind of rubbing my bare legs to warm them up. He got a boner. I didn’t think much of it at the time. Does that mean he’s attracted to me?

What’s wrong with you? The man has a girlfriend. Just leave it alone

you're fucking weird. i hate people like you

he’s feeling her up but she’s the one at fault? and do you know how many “i’m in love with a girl who has a boyfriend” type threads i see where the comments are supportive and sympathetic and don’t have this type of accusatory tone? double standards are wild.

How is she weird? Sounds like a basic roastie to me, they’re all whores with no morals at heart.

Fucking roasties. I hate them. Makes me hating myself for having one as a gf

Are you a fucking subhuman? He has a girlfriend. Fuck off you disgusting whore.

>everyone is at fault, so no one is and they should proceed
What logic is this? Ofc the guy sounds like a subhuman as well but he isn't here is he? We're talking to her

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I’m only one user. I wouldn’t support it the other way around either. If the guy she’s talking about were in the thread then I’d blame him too but I’m talking to her

Just suck his dick, user. This way he can be fucking you and fucking his girlfriend like some sort of anime harem.

this is the best advice, these other moralfags don’t know wtf they’re talking about

I started to do that to a girl that I like because she now has a boyfirend but I like her. We are in a sam position femanon hahahahah

Calling him dude probably sounds patronizing or passive aggressive.

Girls saying "bro" or "dude" sounds too try hardy, like they're trying to assume an attitude that they can't pull off. It's the same as when teenage girls try to pick up slang and mannerisms from famous rappers, it just comes off as annoying

my sympathies user, its really hard having feelings for someone you can’t have and people are so judgmental. i wish you happiness and hope everything works out.

>I guess I was shivering a bit bc it was chilly out and he reached over and started kind of rubbing my bare legs to warm them up
>I didn’t think much of it at the time
I refuse to believe that anyone could be this dense, nice bait

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Before he used to see you as his mom but now you're making him see you as his dad and now he is throwing a tantrum because he hates his dad. Some roleplay to exaggerate his role as a a little boy and yours as his mom is what is needed here.

Source: professional primal scream analyst/therapist

Ty femanon, wish you luck also. But I think I will ge out of her life slowly with a mindset that there are other girls which I will maybe like.

I feel you Op.
He obviously likes you too but his relationship is stopping him.
The girl I'm crushing on doesn't like it when I call her bro even though she was in a relationship. She confessed it's because she had a crush on me too.

Lol! It’s not bait, I honestly just thought he was being nice at the time and that the boner was just a sort of automatic physical reaction to touching a girl, didn’t even cross my mind that it might mean he likes me.

I wonder why people do this. I’m not OP but I’ve been in the position of falling in love with someone while still in a relationship. I didn’t want to give either of them up and ended up losing them both in the end.

Are you a female? My ex did the same thing after 8 years

I’m a guy actually.

I had a good girl, and a side chick back when I had a harem. My gf was way hotter but the side chick was crazy for me. Well she started to get attached to someone else so I went after her. Lost my super qt gf in the end. Ended up being with the side chick, even had a kid and started a life with her. She left 4 months ago to be someone else’s side chick and now I have to pay child support.. suckkkkks

Living the white trash dream

I wonder sometimes if he’s worried he’ll leave his gf for me only for me to realize he’s not worth it and leave him. He underestimates how much I love him though.

Don’t tempt him to cheat or play mind games with him. The only way is for you to respect them and only hang out with them both. You might become great friends with that girl and gain way more in the long run. The way you got together will always be in the back of your mind, you will know the other isn’t worth trusting, just don’t do it that way it’s notworth it. If they don’t work out and you end up with him afterwards then it’s a diff story

It was the white trash dream, I had a harem because I sold hella weed. Got busted went legit and lost it all.. white trash nightmare now. I’m in the the most white trash county in NC. I’m not even going to be able to afford to live alone when I start paying my baby momma child support na-I-mean. FML

He doesn’t want the two of us hanging out or being friends. But I won’t tempt him to cheat. We actually came sort of close to kissing one night but I stopped it and told him I knew he would feel like shit about it later, and I don't want our first kiss (if it ever happens) to be while he’s in a relationship and tainted with guilty feelings. If things end with her, we’ll see what happens but until then I know nothing can happen between us.

he's being a thin skinned faggot
female friends calling you that is pretty standard
calling your female friends dude is normal too

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The guy I’m talking about sells weed too.. wow.

>He doesn’t want the two of us hanging out or being friends
>We actually came sort of close to kissing one night but I stopped it
yeah, your crush is a dickweed
get a better one, sweetie

People who sell drugs are not good people. You need to really step back and look at your inner self and wonder why you are attractive to trash

just proving my point

All my posts

They are right, him not wanting you two hanging out is a bad sign. You should try to be a good influence on him. Trust me I went through it and I was a piece of shit. Now I’m dealing with it, don’t give in.

*Attracted you moral superior, but I’d wager inferior dickweed.