I think I am better than most people. I don't think I am the best in the world, oh no, just that I am a part of people that are just above others. I don't feel I deserve to live over others, or that anyone deserves to die, just objectively better.
As for why,
I can view things objectively. People have too many emotional biases.
I can read people and manipulate them easily.
I have a lot of natural talents. I don't have to work so hard to advance from beginner to master. I just teach myself anything I want to do.
I know who I am and what I want. Criticism doesn't affect me.
People like me and trust me easily. Even if I don't like them.
I have really high empathy. I can feel how others feel.
I can lucid dream at will and remember every single dream. I have memories as early as age 1. I have been extremely lucky in so many dangerous situations.
I wrote details but it was too long. I know there are others like me, I have examples, but they are rare, most people I meet are inferior. I can't imagine being like that, being easily manipulated or slow to learn skills.
Similar, although not the dream part and early memories. I can recall fragments and more and more as I got older. What taught me humility was getting to university and work with people smarter than me. Now I do research because it is challenging to me, but I know I could easily make more money elsewhere.
Owen Allen
Does anyone else feel this way? Does anyone else have these abilities? Do inferior people realize it manifests in jealousy and envy? How rare is this really?
I've never met anyone who remembers dreams on a daily basis. Or someone who learns so many things for pleasure in a short span of time.
Other people like me
There is the polyglot guy who learns languages very fast
There is a girl who is naturally an amazing painter, successful artist
There is an athlete who learned skills extremely fast at a later age than most kids start
Jose Collins
Interesting. I'm only humble around friends, otherwise I don't hold back just to appease someones insecurities.
In addition I don't think people are smarter than me. I think they just excel more in one field that doesn't interest me, and I excel in others. But I could excel over them if I chose to focus on only one thing. I just get bored that way, so I learn new skills all the time.
By fragments, what's something you remember?
Landon Wood
>Does anyone else feel this way? No doubt. My brother in law is a high-functioning person too. I don't know that theres anything that he's not good at or can't learn. He's also tall and handsome too. >Does anyone else have these abilities? They aren't that rare. The thing is to have them all together I guess? I have an IQ of 125, with extremely high emotional intelligence too - i can understand and manipulate people as well. I subscribe to rationality as an ideology while still feeling empathy. Can't lucid-dream for shit, though. >Do inferior people realize it manifests in jealousy and envy? It depends on the person. I have positive regard for excellence; Envy and jealousy are foreign emotions for me. I only feel happy for more capable people. There are people prone to jealousy, and I can't stand them. They often become Marxists, which is an attempt by the weak to rail against the universal reality of differential attributes. >How rare is this really A wild guess is perhaps 1 in 200 people. The upper echelons of society - the one that's not visible to theb middle class, are populated with such people, I imagine.
I'm happy with where I am. I'm above average, but only slightly. I can relate with most people in both directions. I'm actually genuinely glad I don't have an IQ of 145+; I've met such people, and personally I think I'd go insane being surrounded by comparative retards.
Daniel Johnson
>gigantic ego; the post This will be entertaining.
Ethan Richardson
Well I remember some events with a high level of detail, yet have forgotten other parts. Eg, my mother was staying at home to raise me and my sister until I was old enough for preschool and I don't remember what we did together in that time. I do recall which blankets we had and which one we took to certain things, stuff like that, but I don't have a continuous memory of all my life. Maybe it is like dreams. I rarely recall them as they are probably not relevant to me in any way. The ones I do remember are typically work related or related to some personal thing I am trying to work out. It is pretty cool to have figured out a solution to your problem the next morning, but I don't have control over that. If lucid dreaming would make me work all night, I don't know if I want that.
As for people being smarter or more skilled in a certain field, I have learned that it doesn't really matter that much. A good work ethic is almost always better. If you have both, you are able to get ahead. People have different roles and it is best to let them do their part and only focusing on what you need to do. Understanding their pov might make it easier to work with them, but I don't need to be a mechanic to tell one to fix my car. I am fine with having other people taking care of problems they are trained for.
Lucas Thompson
Sounds like ur a sociopath user
Cooper Long
That's actually really interesting. Thanks for sharing.
I think that a lot of people tend to reserve the abilities for a reason, the reaction of others. And yes what I mean is that I see people that are amazing, but only in one aspect. It is rare to excel at many things or desire to learn many things, I feel alone with that part. I don't even know what my IQ is because I thought the tests aren't exactly accurate, I don't really care to take it.
As for lucid dreaming, I think people can learn it with practice. But I am a light sleeper and do it without meaning to so it has its cons.
Brody Murphy
I completely agree. I let people do what they do best and appreciate it. And hard work is important. Talent is useless if you are unproductive with it.
Interesting memories. I remember being breasfed and bottle fed after, binky, crib, trying to walk, all these things. But I was researching that people don't usually have memories before 3 years old. Those memories mixed with the dreaming thing and fast learning thing make me think I have a well connected brain, and or I remember a previous life. There's still so much we don't understand about the brain.
Matthew Rogers
I considered it but it doesn't match the diagnoses pattern required. I grew up a bit traumatically which probably contributed.
Nathaniel Cooper
delusions of grandeur. look it up bro in the context of: you are depressed.
Adam Anderson
>lists basic ass abilities >believes in "superior/inferior" without context >can't even formulate a question in OP I too loved being 16.
Do you really need others to answer such simple questions for you?
Colton Taylor
Nope. You're psych 101 knowledge doesn't make you an expert. A grandeur would believe themselves to be a super hero or grand power, and depression would make me lose interest, I'm just acknowledging being naturally talented and intellectual by learning skills easier than them, and having more in tune with emotional intelligence than most people. It's confidence.
I'm an adult, much older than a teenager, have been this way my entire life. I haven't changed at all. I didn't go through phases trying to find myself.
Asking questions is about discussion. I can see your intellect is quite.....
Levi Clark
It's totally fine to think this way, but it's an extremely unpopular attitude so I'd suggest practicing being humble with strangers too.
Nathan Williams
I don't really talk to strangers like conversations, I keep to close people only. It never really comes up, but I can never really express how I feel. I want to express it. That's why I hate emotional biases. If I am confident they get insecure and jealous, if I hold back they think I am a pushover or lack confidence. It's bothersome. I know others fee this way and wanted to talk about it openly.
Anyway thanks
Julian Price
Do you want to manipulate people? What did you accomplish yet? Do you learn from other people you deem inferior?
>If I am confident they get insecure and jealous, if I hold back they think I am a pushover or lack confidence. It's bothersome. I know others fee this way and wanted to talk about it openly. Heh, I know that too. People go apeshit once you show them that you're not a pushover.
Hunter Rogers
>I'm an adult, much older than a teenager, have been this way my entire life. If it's the truth, it's legitimately sad, mate. Usually people growth out of it and get more perspective at the very least by the mid twenties. The idea of superiority and inferiority alone is ridiculously infantile when talking about complex organisms.
>Asking questions is about discussion. What could the discussion here possibly lead to beyond a circle jerk or people making fun of you? What did you even ask that would require one?
>If I am confident they get insecure and jealous, if I hold back they think I am a pushover or lack confidence. It's bothersome. What happened to the emotional intelligence? Finding the right balance is the very basis of communication, user.
Joshua Rogers
>Does anyone else feel this way? >Does anyone else have these abilities? I sort of feel the same way but i would never call it being 'better' than other people. Me personally, i consider myself above average in terms of intelligence, social awareness, likability (most people like me well) and i'm a very confident and persuasive speaker. I have a natural talent to get people to follow me because they tent to trust me that i'll get the job done, whatever that may be. The things i described above are the areas in where i can quite easily out compete other people and they do sometimes make me a bit arrogant and cocky in the sense that i feel superior over others.
But on the other hand i always remind myself of my flaws, because i definitely have them. For example, i tend to struggle with motivation and discipline, i have a fairly lazy attitude on life which still regularly fucks me up when i'm at school or at work. And sort of tied to that, i can be a bit rudderless in life, i don't really know what i want to do with my life to be honest. But maybe that's because i'm only 21 y/o.
But bottom line is, i will never consider myself as objectively better than other people, there are many people out there who have skill sets that are just as valuable if not more valuable than mine.
Gavin Martinez
Right, so what advice do you need, then?
Because, you know, this is the advice board, and it sounds like you have everything under control.
Angel Wright
I want to be away from people and their bs. I guess a few times I tried to play nice and be friends and what that entails is basically "Constantly accomodate them while they don't return the favor" Decided socializing was a waste of time because people are inherently inferior intellectually. A few times I talked to good people and just drifted apart naturally.
I am introverted but grew up with the expectations to be extroverted. I've turned down friendships with a lot of people. I don't want to use them at all. Manipulation is possible because they trust me easily or I can read them easily, only use if needed to protect myself.
Blake Hughes
True. There are so much I never want to think about though. Getting diapers changed, learning to shit on my own, taking showers with my parents etc. Vivid details I do not want to think about as so much of being a child is gross.
It also took me a long time to appreciate children at all. I used to loathe people my own age because they were different. Even dad jokes went over their head, and they never did anything interesting. Since then, I have started to appreciate their path to learning as a way to cope with them being incompetent as that growth is pretty interesting, especially since I build systems that aim to mimic that.
I still don't know what the dreaming part means. Do you not get exhausted for not having that break? How much do you sleep on average? Have you ever done studies on your own sleep patterns with all the available sleep trackers?
IQ isn't really that important IMO, the same person can study for it and score pretty high and score really low when they are tired or preoccupied with other thoughts, at least with online tests. Study for it, take the test a couple of times and then share screenshots with people if you want to brag about it, but it is pointless to most people.
Brandon Wright
>If it's the truth, it's legitimately sad, mate. Usually people growth out of it and get more perspective at the very least by the mid twenties. Not OP but I grew into it in my mid 20s. I started self-improvement in my early 20s and have been improving greatly ever since. I now see the people who would look down on me as if they are stuck with their lives. They are simply not improving and have no incentive to do so. I have a legit 9/10 chad friend at my age who used to absolutely overshadow me at sports and is also one of the most accomplished people at work, but now I see myself getting ahead of him more and more. It wasn't my intention, it's just something that happens and that I noticed.
Once you have the right mindset, these sort of things just seem to happen. OP seems to have been born with the right mindset from the start. And when these things happen, you begin to wonder why they happen, because you simply feel like and see yourself getting ahead of everyone else.
Did you, perhaps, ever read 'The Fountainhead' by Ayn Rand? If not, do so. That book was written for you (or about you?). It's scary how similar you posts are to the main character.
> reasons why i am better than everyone else > i can lucid dream at will
kek this cringe
Joshua Williams
Does anybody else feel they are better and more important than everybody else around them regardless of the fact that they don't have a single merit to their name to back that up?
Yeah, pretty much every teenager on the planet.
Dylan Gomez
>Hi, I'm OP, and I'm here to brag about these alleged talents of mine on a Cambodian knitting forum.
Alexander Morris
Still better than another no gf incel or is my dick enough thread tbqh.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
>I think I'm amazing but the only people I can tell who will even remotely agree are Jow Forums of Jow Forums It's called narcissism and tons of people share it Overbloated sense of ego and self is an absurdly common problem these days >I'm not super interested in the inevitable rebuttal so please don't
Jeremiah Allen
It certainly is quality bait, though.
Hunter Cruz
Yeah, no, I wouldn't be that optimistic.
Nathan Ward
Well, what I'm saying is that I've seen shittier bait 'round these parts.
Evan Ward
Holy shit the LARPing in this thread is out of control.
Brody Parker
The perfect response.
Easton Price
OP is delusional narcissist, kill yourself you aren't better than anyone you're one of millions of people that think that way. You're in no way unique.
Jace Anderson
The sad thing is that this deep on the internet I dunno if it's bait or if someone's head is legitimately stuffed that far up their own ass.
I just disbelieve everything on the internet though. There's just two people on the internet, me, and a 14 year old girl who's also the FBI