I just beat the everliving Christ out of a guy. He was trying to drag a girl I’m into into his car. She was unconscious. It was a big party
I’m drunk as fuck, what kind of trouble can i get into?
I just beat the everliving Christ out of a guy. He was trying to drag a girl I’m into into his car. She was unconscious. It was a big party
I’m drunk as fuck, what kind of trouble can i get into?
Personally id just say fuck it and forget about it.
Proper procedure would be to report him for being a rapist.
Do you seriously think that girl was a unique case? Wait until he starts killing to cover up his tracks and the blood will BE ON YOUR HANDS!
Think about this OP. Just this night alone around the world there were probably 1000 women in that girls position that didn't have someone save them. As for trouble, if there's proof that you assaulted him, he might be able to press charges if he's seriously injured. I think as long as there were other witnesses around to prove that he was in fact trying to take advantage of that woman, you should be fine. I am not a lawyer though so yea.
where is the girl?
back in OP's basement
You saved a girl from probably being raped. I would say none.
Also today op was not a fag. GOOD JOB OP
Assault and battery. I hope you get convicted and jailed. That guy was helping the girl get home. And being the beta faggot you are you saw a man with your oneitis and went ballistic.
Why are so many people defending OP? He did not save the girl from being raped. He is trying to justify him going full retard on an innocent man.
>That guy was helping the girl get home
Lol no he wasn't. If she was awake, sure. But anyone with any amount of sense would wait until she woke up to get her home as he couldn't even get her into her house without fucking keys. No, he was gonna take her to HIS home and rape her.
And if he searched this unconscious girl I would say there is a 90 percent chance that he took some liberties as well.
Now i'm thinking of a scenario where OP was actually the bad guy but was too drunk to realize it, leaving the scene feeling victorious when really everyone around him was in absolute shock for beating up that girls brother.
>someones brother can't be a rapist
Alright this thread is getting a bit too lewd for me. I hope my first advice was good. Take care all of you.
There are plenty of possible scenarios where OP is the bad guy. We should absolutely not take his 100% word for it. He is purely telling his side of the story. Furthermore someone who is prone to violence like that is far more likely to be a bad guy.
Think about it. Why did OP just not talk and confront the guy? Call for help? Instead he went on full psycho.
because he was drunk
Oh okay, that solves it. As long as you're drunk you're allowed to assault anyone you want.
No but being intoxicated definitely fucks your decision making skills. Also, I see. Intention doesn't matter in what you do. So I guess if you fuck a 16 year old who lied to you about their age with a convincing fake id then youre still a subhuman piece of shit. The intention or context means nothing.
The "I was just defending myself" excuse does not absolve you of consequences. You assault someone, then you will be judged appropriately. So far OP has not given a single indication that what he did was in any way justified.
Other than some random guy dragging a random unconscious girl into a car?
That doesn't sound super sketchy to you?
Preventing a rape/kidnapping is justifiable for use of lethal force in my state.
Are you op?
I am this guy
That is what OP claims. Take it with a grain of salt.
OP's behavior is what is sketchy here. He is looking for validation for having beaten up a possibly innocent guy.
Which you must prove. Just you saying you did, especially drunk, does not give you a free pass. There is a reason why we have courts and presumption of innocence. OP admitted to committing a violent crime. Now it is up to him to prove he was justified. Something he has not at all done.
>be me
>about to get to plat with solo queue on siege
>sister starts begging me to take her to some shitty ass college party because shes a little scared of someone who's been stalking her
>agree because I care about and love my family
>party is okay mostly just normies being retards but find a nice group of gamers go talk with
>talking with a beautiful 10/10 girl and about to get her number when I see my sister wobbling around
>excuse myself because I know this is my que to take her home
>while walking her back to my car some random freak comes at me and attacks me with a rock
>already on the ground and bleeding before I know what happened
>y-y-you b-better s-stay away f-from her C-chad!
>runs away doing this weird laugh
>somehow managed to drop my sister off and make it to a hospital while blood was running down my face and my sight swimming
What should I do Jow Forums how do I press charges against this guy?
How do you know?
One time I got drugged at a party, my brother came to rescue me and dragged me home while I was unconscious.
In this cases, you call the fucking police.
As you can tell from the replies in this thread OP, it depends very much on witnesses and the truth of the situation.
If someone saw this guy dragging this girl, if they are not dating or related, then OP you might be ok.
If it's her brother or boyfriend you don goofed
If no one saw what he was doing, then he can file assault charges on you and you're in trouble. It will be your word against his, and he's the one covered in bruises.
It all comes down to the truth and if you can prove it.
you did the right thing.. whatever the consequences, so be it.
This made me chuckle
If the guy intended to rape the girl you're into then there's no way he's going to press charges. I doubt that he's retarded enough to draw that kind of attention to himself, but times have changed. There's still alot more we haven't heard and one detail can change this situation, but from what you've told us, I think you'll be alright.
It might be time to put the bottle down, OP. If alcohol was a major factor that spun you into a rage then take that as a sign to stop drinking.
Yeah dw about it
Theres nothing wrong to have sex with a 16 year old
>youre a piece of shit for fucking a biologically adult female with breasts, hip, and ass who literally had an ID and told you she was 18+
if that's actually true you're based as fuck OP good job
Good post.
If he was actually trying to rape her, he's not going to call the cops, and no da would waste time trying to get a jury to convict your hairy ass.
Are you "sure" he wasn't just her designated driver trying to take her blackout carcass home?
You should probably call the girl and ask her.