Expectations come with disappointments, as always.
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
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I hope everyone has a great day! :D
I miss your voice
So I keep replaying the message you sent me last year
Why aren't you here with me
You're so warm too
So I posted recently a rant about my ex and the anger I felt towards him from the abuse I endured by his hands and the harm he did to our son. I didn't hold back and really said it like I felt. And I felt justified damn it.
Eh I probably was but the avenue I was planning on taking and divulging to our son what a POS father he had etc etc.
You know someone posteda response and suggested that I truly end the cycle of abuse by taking the higher road.
This annoyed the hell out of me. Out of all the responses, this stuck.
I gotta say user, well done. It annoyed me most because it rung true and I knew it.
I love my son and half of him is from his father. No matter what happened, I have to move past the hate of that because I love my son. If I tell my son all the awful things that his father did that he didn't witness (he already witnessed enough so that he can draw his own conclusion on when he's grown) then I am influencing him to hate his father.
Geez, this already happened with his father and grandmother. She did this to his father who in turn made a decision to ignore his own father reaching out to him. Now his grandfather is dead and his father can't take that back.
I want to end the cycle completely. I want to stop any more perpetuation of pain. I need the healing to begin with me and with him.
Damn I hate admitting when I'm wrong but I was.
I owe you user. Just know you're post made an impact and will affect lives for the better. Thank you
I remember how your pillows felt like clouds, or was it the other way around.
I'm starting to want not waking up in the morning. I don't mean that as a direct euphemism for suicide, but my life is truly not worth the effort it takes to keep it going, and it hasn't been for the past several years. I have Major Depressive Disorder - the kind that sucks the life out of you and makes nothing feel real - and each day is the same, like I'm stuck in purgatory. I keep trying new drugs and I can feel that none of them will work. The only good reason I have to live is that my family likes me a lot and my death would change them forever (I know for certain my father wouldn't survive it). But I feel nothing from their love, or anyone else's. I can't. My head is broken. I'm still rational, still thinking, but it's like I'm stuck in hell. How many years can you keep waiting before it becomes ridiculous? Before you're a fool for thinking it will ever get any better?
I've had my teenage years stolen by this disease. I hope I cannot say the same for the rest of my life, but I don't think things are getting any better.
I am so sorry you have this. You are brave and strong to keep going. Please don't give up. Life=hope
They are having breakthroughs in this area all the time. Hang in there and I really hope they finda cure or something that can help relieve your symptoms.
I don't have many friends and one of them asked me for a favor that I think it's a huge favor I would only save for someone I'm dating, not a "just friends" person. She asked me to go take care of some old church people who are very annoying, for two hours today, since she can't make it. She could easily just cancel the meeting (it's a church group) but she insisted that I go.
If I refuse to go I know the definitive outcome would be that I stop being friends with her, since she's very bossy and doesn't like people disagreeing with her. But on the other hand I find it kind of insulting that she asked me this favor and that she insisted (I suggested that she cancels the group, she said "no, come on").
I'm sick of being nice without getting shit in return. I bet that if I asked her for a favor like this she would say no.
I hate how much I get hurt and how much I unintentionally hurt others. I do everything in my power to ensure my only interactions with people are to help them and make them happy, and I try my fucking hardest to be a good person. I'm sick of that meaning nothing and constantly getting hurt and fucked over. I've paid my dues. I've suffered enough. I want it to fucking stop.
How can I learn to respect women? This isn't natural for me.
I assume all women are incredibly manipulative.
I am also literally incapable of having female friends I don't want to fuck.
I feel like the universe and everyone hate me. I can't believe I'm sad again over someone who purposely avoiding me. I just want to feel loved for once.
She is all mine, I am her only friend and lover. This is just like my animes.
I need escapism from all my sadness. But I don't know what.
I refuse to feel any other way
I still can't decide on whether to cut her off or not. I feel abandoned by her but she has a life and it's normal in friendships I guess? But she will come back and then leaves leaving feel abandoned again
Stand your ground, man. Say you can’t and that’s it. If she questions why, say that somethings come up. You don’t have to explain shit to her.
That's a mature approach and you should keep that stance. (sarcasm font in use)
Why am I here? I didn't want to go to college. I needed to work on my reclusive tendencies but this is overwhelming. I'm constantly bombarded with a series of negative and positive interactions. I've gotten to the point where I'm finding places to hide just so I don't have to face my roommates. On top of that I just don't care for school. Why didn't I stay home? I could have just gone to therapy and gotten a gym membership, while working on learning a trade. I don't even feel like I'm living for myself anymore.
when i say you’re hard to love i don’t mean it in a cute, open yourself up way. i mean it in a you’re toxic way. you’ll end up losing the few people that remain unless you stop being so hateful and self-centered. i know you feel like you’re like that because you have so many problems, but really, you have all those problems because you’re like that. everybody keeps telling me i dodged a massive bullet and they seem happy for me, and act like they cant really understand what i ever saw in you. the answer is, i’ve seen you when you’re in a good way - if you were like that always, you really would be happy.
Same. I could've written this post. Feels ya!
I wish more mothers did this. I wish mine did.
I don't know if this is a good relationship anymore. I was honest when, over a year ago, I said i was fine not talking to you ever again. And these couple of days surely prove that. You bring out the worst of me. You make me hate myself in such a way that I doubt there's been any progress in my emotional state.
You make me feel sick of myself. And I know it doesn't take much for you to get sick of me. I know today you dont want to even know me. Last night was proof enough to be sure that no longer being a couple was the right decision. Yesterday we said the way we care for each other now is fine and it doesn't have to change.
So why, why, do you insist in making me feel like this? You and him have both grown so much, have changed so much. I'm proud of you both. I care for you two enough to make this trip to be with you. But don't impose on me change. I need to change, yes, but not in the way you two did.
I need myself. Stop asking me to stop being me. I know you care, but just as it was years ago, your way of caring hurts me, and when that happens you victimize yourself, blaming me for being an insensitive, grumpy bastard who brings down others, nevermind that I'm depressed and cant feel any joy for that day. I try my best not to, but its tiring when you expect me to enjoy the same things you do now just because we are together. We just cant enjoy being together anymore. You feel dragged down and I feel forced to do what I dont want to. But thats your way of trying to get me to move forward, isn't it?
I appreciate it, but none of you will give me happiness. I have to learn how to give it to myself. And your way definitely isn't how. I'll keep trying and get help again. May life have mercy on me and let me enjoy it the way I need. I can only hope to make enough mistakes to not kill myself. And if I end up doing it, I know you will hurt, for a day or a week. But nothing else. You no longer need me in your life. So stop trying to drag me into it, please.
Everything feels bad. I keep going though.
I don't know if it gets better or when it ever would. Giving up is for pussies though lmao.
I don't expect you to have changed at all since I left you at the courthouse. You always surrounded yourself with toxic people and hid who you were from everyone. Including yourself. You won't bite the hand that feeds you so you will never challenge the most toxic relationship you have. Until that issue is faced you will never grow our evolve and will continue to be stuck. I'm thankful to no longer be part of that toxic pattern and I'm free to continue to change grow and move forward. I'm so sorry but you will continue the suffering until. You two can only scapegoat me for so long before time will pass and you'll be out of it longer than you were in it and nothing will have changed and the misery will still be there. I really wish you both well but I can't take responsibility for it another second longer.
I'm free. I'm happy and healthy. I'm going to pass that on to him.
I’m so depressed and feel trapped in my relationship sometimes. it’s nobodys fault and that makes it harder for me to deal with the emotions. About 6 months ago I’ve developed an undiagnosed neurological problem that results in chronic pain, numbness in my lower back through my legs, and overall difficult moving. It sucks and I’ve been miserable because I’m learning how to live life and function in a completely different way. I hate feeling so helpless and stressed all the time. 2 months ago my boyfriend got into a major car accident and he’s dealing with his own recover process. Physically therapy, severe pain, mobility issues too plus dealing with lawgeee since the guy who hit him didn’t have insurance and he’s already down 15-20k out of pocket alone between getting a new car and medical shit. I have to take care of him now and do a majority of the household chores since he’s physically incapable of it. It wears on me physically and mentally. Neither one of us get out of the house much anymore unless it’s for school (we’re both part time now) or grocery shopping. All of my energy and pain tolerance just goes to functioning like a normal person and I have very little left over for fun stuff or time for myself other than just laying in bed watching TV, but that’s usually because I’m in too much pain to do anything else.
I don’t want to leave him because the relationship is still very loving and he’s good to me. I would never forgive myself if I upped and left someone in such a dire time of need. I just feel so fucking lonely. I tried doing more shit with my friends but they’re all busy with work and school so hanging out with them is also limited. I’m spread so thin just trying to do basic things there’s really nothing left over for myself. I’m too poor and in too much to pain to do much for myself.
I’m so frustrated and so lost. I don’t know what to do except keep pushing forward.
Pic appropriate
J I miss seeing you and I want to know that you’re okay. I’m sure you’re doing great, but I’d like to know that, too. I’ve thought about asking your friends about you but I won’t. I also won’t friend you since you’ve removed me. I don’t know if you care one bit about me, actually. Probably not. But I wish you would say hi if ever come around again. I’m sorry we could never really know each other. K
Life has no meaning besides what we give to it. Our purpose is to struggle and survive.
I'm J, but no girl feels this way about me. Such is life as an ugly, poor manlet.
Once again they avoid me even when I am in some of my most darkest days. I thought family was supposed to support you, to help you, but they are nowhwre. They help with nothing. They dont understand a therapist is not enough. I need them but they made it clear they dont give a fuck. If I killed myself they wouldnt even care. I can honestly say my death would affect no one.
She might think it will be a good experience for you. Maybe there is someone there she would like you to meet. Perhaps she is trying to get you out of the house and this is a non-stressful social environment.
This meet could be the highlight of these people’s week so canceling will be devastating to them.
It is two hours and a singular commitment. If you do not want to do it, there is nothing wrong with that bc you allocate your time as you see fit. However, it is only 2 hours.
Take this as an isolated issue and leave the “without getting shit in return” as a separate issue to deal with.
Letter style.
L, Nope, we can not be friends, atleast not for as long as I am the one that has to "bite the bullet" and pretend that we're fine.. What you did was wrong and I live comfortably nowadays in acceptance that sometimes wrong things happen to you for bullshit reasons.
But it is an acceptance of the wrong thing happened, not a realization that the right thing happened or even forgiveness towards you..
Time doesn't make something wrong turn into right, it only makes you accept that the wrong thing happened and you drop it.
As long as we are in our current situation we can not be friends.
Corrections of the wrong doing are required for me to be able to be friends again and I have no power in correcting it myself and I have no right to ask you to correct it so unfortunately we're in a deadlock.
It was nice to have known you, but we're not friends and I find it hard to believe that we'll be able to re-enable the friendship we once had.
I'm sorry.
Yes they are supposed to. I'm sorry they are not.
I found out I might have borderline, still checking things out with my psych to be sure. Past couple of months have been hell with the moodswings. Any borderline or bipolar anons with some coping strategies? I'm really having a hard time getting through the day and just going to lectures.
What is going on in your head? Please tell me. We became good friends, we mutually wanted to be with each other. We have been together for months. We were sad when we had to wait a week+ to be together again. Then, like a light switch, you are cold, almost to the point of not speaking to me at all. The flirting is gone. The daily hows it going. I get you had some personal stuff come up, but how can you go from seeming like you genuinely cared for me, to barely tolerating me overnight? I'm here for you, I'm not going anywhere. I just wish you would let me know what is going on. I feel like I'm the backup guy, that I'll get pulled back into the love rotation when whomever you are with now doesn't work out. Just fucking tell me. We weren't exclusive so that part isn't the killer, it's the lack of any communication or affection! I fucking miss you! I miss our cuddles and hugs. I'm a fucking wreck, I'm about to lose my damn mind.
Meds, like stabilizers and anti anxiety
Meditate 30 minutes in the morning before you do anything else
Exercise hard as frequently as your body allows
Better thN bein.curled into a ball
I think the best outcome for you is to realize the true situation and stop using me as a scapegoat.
I hope you do and then you heal. You find your path and become self sufficient! Get your own place and peace of mind. Figure out what the hell you want out of life and meet the hottest cutest big ass girl that rocks your world and you guys have everything in common. Do the same things, enjoy the same anime/manga/viday games etc. Get married and have your OWN life without her interfering or insulting your wife. Well let's be honest, she STILL will always find something wrong with her just like she did with R and D. Any female is never good enough for her boys. But especially you golden child. I'm sorry you are the chosen one. You were her baby after forced abortion. You were doomed from the womb. And now I'm to blame for your emotional developmental "delay". Even though we were only together for 4 years. Hon, your delay is more like 15 years.
Seriously, the happy ending for me would be your happiness away from her. That's all I'll ever pray for you for. Good luck! I got him by the way. You never need to worry about his well being. I got that covered.
I wish you were taller.
Phone posting here so I apologize in advance for that.
Im just tired man. So tired. Im tired of this war against the jews. Trying to weed out a parasite from within nt race that had infiltrated and subverted centuries priar to my conception. Trying to show people the power of meditation and how you can raise your bioelectric energy within your soul and empower it.
I'm tired of walking around all day and loving my fellow man but knowing most of them are just NPC's. And i don't mean they don't actually have an internal monologue I mean they are just too programmed to look outside the box for a moment.
Im tired of all my drinking. All i do is drink, mostly as a means to find that special someone. Taking liquid courage to go out and find that special guy or gal, i am so alone now.
I had a girlfriend and our schedules pulled us apart and we fought over petty things. I was the one that walked away and broke up with her because i couldn't take it anymore but now that I'm walking through life completely alone i have to face the stark realization of difficult and empty this is.
The greys don't stop harnessing me, every day they look for an opening. I keep telling myself it will all get better and it vaguely does. Not really though.
My inner self, the guy I used to be curled up on the floor a few weeks ago and died. Now the only operating forms of myself are just spite and passion. Passion to be with someone, anyone. And spite to keep making every day on this planet difficult for the jews.
Thanks for the thread op.
How do you know I’m a girl?
I am, btw but there’s nothing that indicates gender in my post is there?
Honey your feminine dialogue is always apparent. Especially to men.
See through that shit like glass
I'm fucking depressed and nobody cares. I called my mom and she didn't even care. I dont know what to do I need somebody to talk to but I feel lil a burden
i care...
Look at the root cause of your distress, little to big, and force change upon those things
Or a baller
I appreciate it man I think I'm going to go to temple tomorrow and talk to somebody
It feels like I'm never going to get over my ex. Whilst having partners before him, he was my 'first' and we were together for four years. It's been 6 weeks and I'm only getting worse. More depressed. I'm not even bathing at the moment. We were fighting all the time. I can't be with him but I can't be without him. I don't know what I'm going to do.
if you keep fighting and get nowhere but still wanna stay together, that’s because you’re not communicating correctly with one another. i’d recommend getting a counsellor to act as an arbiter to your communication, so they can detect where are you guys misunderstanding each other. or just get over it.
Who done did the breaking up? Why?
We're both pretty autistic so our ways of communicating are different. We tried to talk but just pissed each other off all the time. Sometimes we'd have great weeks of no fighting and then out of nowhere we'd be at each other's throats.
Read above. I did.
I feel like my friends may be tired of me, they're online friends, thing is i'm an argumentative person, but I only get heated if someone talks shit on me because we disagree, but i've been like that forever and it looks like they just put up with it and they likely talk shit behind my back, because they do that to their other friends when discussing with them.
I feel like i've ridiculed, because i've been ridiculed by another user on a group i was in, just because we disagreed, that dude was a bully and they allowed him to stir shit up, call people things during discussions all the time so I left.
The feeling of loss after a breakup with someone you once had a deep emotional connection can be as painful as experiencing the death of a loved one. This breakup is going to hurt user and it's ok for it to hurt. It's ok to grieve, it's ok to feel like you can't do the journey alone without him.
All beginnings have an end, but conversely, all ends lead to a new beginning.This is an inescapable force of this reality. There's no need to worry or fear, the sun will rise for you again user.
Thank you user I really appreciate that. I'm just so tired of hurting. I get that it's gonna hurt and stuff but I'm so fucking tired. I'll try and let myself do what I need instead of being a dick to myself
Make sure you sleep enough, eat healthy, low carb, no sugar, low caffeine. Exercise, try to keep on a schedule, do journaling to track your mood.
I like nootropics because bipolar is taxing on your memory. Read about Bacopa and Acetyl l Carnitine.
Ask about DBT it’s completely necessary for bpd or bipolar. It’s called Dialectical Behavioral therapy. It’s usually done in groups and is like a year commitment. I did it over again for many years and it helped.
I mean, only options are to get over it or keep fighting for it. Only you can choose what’s gonna best, but usually having the harder it is to let go of a person, the more important they are to us. Just don’t let pride or hubris or anxiety or apathy or fear make that choice for you. It’s perfectly valid to say “Hey I made a mistake”, as it is to just continuing to brace through the break up. You me tion being so depressed you’re not even bathing - these issues don’t really appear out of nowhere, did this influence your fights/break up? That’s something else to consider.
Imagine the two of you, together and with your issues resolved. Is that something that attracts you? Then talk to her and work on fixing things. If it doesn’t attract you, then continue broken up.
I'm not a hero for looking past her condition, and I'm not a good person for just being with her.
I feel utterly outshined by my friend sometimes. He makes everyone laugh, he's much more sociable, and girls I'd been into before have crushed on him hardcore because of his personality. I'm not *that* worse off and I know I have good things going for me as well, but it's really easy to start falling into this hole of feeling inadequate or lesser when I'm around him.
Also, I think I'm believing that too many things will right themselves if I get another girlfriend or have sex. It would definitely be nice, but I might be causing too many personal problems in my desperation to get to it. I'll try to keep it in mind moving forward. In general, it's too easy to fall into old insecurities and habits when things get tough.
You can’t digo yourself out of a hole, you’ll need someone to throw you a rope.
Yes you are.
That’s not true.
That's a great step, finding a strong support network is an important tool as a human. Allows others to help carry your burdens.
Marrying someone with cerebral palsy isn't a heroic act.
If you truly love her, it is.
Yes it is if the hole is deep enough. Go jump into one and tell yourself you can get out without help.
Despite all my efforts to make my life worth living, nothing I do is worthwhile. Everything I tried to involve my self with and surround myself with was a waste of my time, and I don't think I'll anything will ever not be a waste of my time. It's all skin deep.
The things I want in my life to make me happy are only ever distractions keeping me from realising I'm not happy. I don't know what the thing is that will make me actually happy, or if it even exists. I just hope I can find the answer soon because if this is all that I have in store for the future it's not worth the pain and disappointment.
Any hole or a specific one? I believe if it's a dirt hole then it wouldn't be that difficult to dig yourself out.
Then that would be very difficult. :/
And what if you break your leg while jumping in there? Then you're very fucked and most certainly need help from others.
Depends on how compact the dirt is and how reliable your shovel is. :^)
my ex cheated on me so I panicked and dumped her, that was a mistake. I'll probably never find anyone again, I think I still love her but maybe I just need to hear her say she's better off without me. I don't know if she feels the same way as me that's why I need the closure / confirmation in my brain.
you and other user talked to me and got me involved in uni stuff right when everyone was so cautious to get to know each other and I'm so grateful for that. I basically unloaded a bunch of edgy personal stuff on you whilst I was drunk, idk how you took that but I feel it made you not want to talk to me after.
your a great friend but you remind me so much of my ex who I'm not sure I'm over, you have the same interests, you talk like each other - hell your even the same height as her. all I see when I look at you is her cute face telling me how much she loved me.
I've found myself getting really defensive over you behind your back, almost as I would with my now ex when we were together. you have a boyfriend and I get that, but I feel like I get pissed at boys who don't care and try shit anyway. then I end up feeling like a cringey white knight.
I've been subconsciously trying to get away from you yet consciously trying to get closer to you. maybe it's best to stay away from me for both of our sakes. I'm not blaming you for being you, it's my problem not yours
I don't want to go back to being alone, but I will if I have to. thanks for everything user.
jesus christ
fuck the metaphor just don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it
My academic major makes me physically sick. The people I graduated with are all working minimum-wage jobs. I'm doing better since I went back and got a degree in something else, but if I lose this job or lose more of my passion for it I'm fucked.
same dude, I ain't no pussy
I started dating an older man and I cannot believe what a difference it makes. I'm on cloud 9.
Can you tell me why? Pls.
You want to know why you're so unhappy? You're toxic. Your beliefs are toxic. Your habits are toxic. You are wrong about everything. You talk about others being NPCs, about being programmed while you parrot the incredibly simple ideas of people you haven't even met. You're not thinking outside of the box. You're just following a different agenda. Just as guilty of being "programmed" as anyone else.
You will remain miserable for as long as you keep lying to yourself.
Pulling yourself up requires something a support network doesn't provide.
If they're assholes, tell them. Let em know you won't show up for holidays if they aren't being supportive, it's their job.
I think my boyfriend doesn't love me anymore, or maybe never loved me at all. For the one year we've been dating we never said "I love you" but thats because I felt like we should wait until we really mean it. As of late, he never talks to me that much anymore. We used to message each other all the time but now he barely responds and its always half-hearted. It hurts so much because I truly love him. Its so painful to watch them slowly lose interest. I miss the days where we would talk non-stop. I swear to god if I was a new girl and he wasn't sick of me we'd be talking right now. but thats not the case. Don't you know how to appreciate me while you can? I did everything for you. I transit 2 hours to your place to clean your room, make your meals, buy you what you want and need, and cuddle and kiss you. Yet you push me off and get annoyed and play osrs on your computer and ignore me. Why do I love you so much?
This reminds me of why women are so fucking stupid. It's probably because I have family issues and swoon for any little love and attention I get but now you're really abusing it. You don't make me happy anymore but I try so so so fucking hard so that you do. I'll stop one day and maybe then you'll realize what you had.
It was so easy before to look at women and laugh at them when they stay in unhappy relationships but here I am in the same position. I thought if I dated a robot instead of a chad that things would be different, but its always the same. It's so silly to think that you once promised and made fun of people who treated their girlfriends like you do now.
It's my last day of comfy unemployment. Quit my new job last Tuesday when the cock sucker that hired me lied about how much potential there was to grow (found out what the pay was REALLY like through the guy that was training me) and when I worked a fucking 13 hour day that Tuesday starting at 6:00am. I've been pissed about it all week. I've got 2 interviews in the next 2 weeks. I'm 23 and have no college and no real work experience except 2 years in IT and 1 year in pest control. I've made this post in several different threads across several different boards. I want to talk to my friends about this but they have moved away save for 2, both of which are incredibly busy. I don't ant to burden them by randomly bitching about my life situation. I feel like such a bitch still trying to figure out what to do in my life and I know the reason why I keep making these posts is that deep down I want someone to tell me everything is going to be ok. That I'll find something before my 3ish months of rent and bills saved expires. It's like a fat girl on Facebook talking about positive body image. It's pathetic. I just want someone to talk to.
But it doesn't matter. I still gotta get up tomorrow and put in those applications. I gotta find a way to make it. I've come too far these past few years from depressed, sad cunt to semi-fit with a positive outlook on life. I'm not gonna lose it yet. I no longer want to kill myself on a regular basis like I did in 2016, but the idea is still there and I honestly have no problem with it. However, I'll be God-fucking-damned if I don't go down without a fight. I'm so sick and tired of life fucking me. I AM GETTING MY SHIT TOGETHER. I am going to make something of myself. I will not fucking quit. I will not let everything I've worked for fall apart because of 1 slimy businessman that lied to my face.
Fuck you, you little cock roach and fuck everyone that took advantage of me. I WILL MAKE IT. I always find a way and always will
I want a jewish girlfriend.
I wish I was never your student.
>have to do group report
>5 members in group
>do literally everything myself while people have to go to work, football practice or whatever (conveniently when they are needed, surprise)
>get most of work accomplished and are about midway through, have rush of ideas getting through everything and have tons of references making it looks really high-quality
>professor puts notice in group chat
>"could you please submit a progress report detailing what contributions each member has made"
>don't know if I should lie to help the rest of the team or be honest in case they mess with my grade
I mean its the rare case where I really can blame them for partying and not actually doing the work though it feels terrible, especially when I could have given more discipline or something of the sort, its perhaps my fault in the beginning for not laying down the rules of engagement and giving no encouragement to help. While it would get a high-grade I can't imagine it'd show that I can work well in a team, which is an equal concern.
I would lie and split it semi-fairly. That karma will come back to you user.
so essentially, you want to lie so that other people can have fun while you do their work for them. realize how bad that sounds now? there's a difference between karma and having no self-respect.
if everyone is supposed to share the work equally and you're not the assigned group leader, it's their responsibility to contribute. be honest w/ your professor, but obviously don't do it in front of the other group members. have proof of their laziness when you do.
Please don’t leave me alone. Can you tell me what I did?
If I didn't split it though, wouldn't the karma be coming back to them if anything? That's the thing that gets me, so long have I seen friends and relatives be cheated out of their lives simply from them harboring good, honest intentions in a society. While I obviously wouldn't be losing half of my possessions or a house, I do worry that I could lose out in manners that I haven't rationalized and be unable to amend it in the future while they unconditionally benefit.
I've been assigned group leader and we have been told that we can report one of our team-mates given that they never show up providing that we record their absences, though I've never really stood up for myself in that manner before. Usually I'm the one who drags things down, its the only talent I have, though these past couple of months seems I've been having to do everything and while its honestly rather straight-forward I don't understand why they don't write anything at all. I give them books and they spend 10 minutes reading a page, how do you do that? I mean I remember the first time I read a book and sure it was near mind-breaking getting into it but to spend that long and not come up with a single way to twist it into a sentence is ridiculous. Every time I try getting people to use the library they go there for two seconds and spend more time talking about the seating than the work and how they are over-drafting from going to clubs (again, how do you do that?). Yet, in spite of all this, I know they have more to lose than I have - I've been a drop-out and had to support myself, thereby knowing the repercussions while they've seemingly never had a shred of responsibility in their lives - but when it hits them they won't be able to fight back and only then realize that they were treading in tall grass when the snake bites. Sorry if this sounds bitter or condescending, its very conflicting at the moment. Its very much a lose/lose situation.
I'm thinking about getting laid this weekend. Just getting laid. I'm a female virgin. I could easily find someone, I just have to want it. I miss feeling anything for someone and closeness.
I was listening to this damn song, Soulful by L'indécis, and it made the romantic feels spike up again. If I can't find anyone long term I want to get laid by a cute boy.
next weekend*
You were always looking for someone else.
You shouldn't waste time trying to force someone else to be that person.
Go find them.
They're waiting for you.
I miss my dog and I just want to play with a dog for a bit.
Would it be weird to make a tinder account and just see if any girls would let me play with their dogs?
Yes, but pic related has to be your profile pic.
I didn’t want him to change. I’m not looking or wanting someone else. I do want to change myself, tho.
>implying the son of a bitch who stuck you at the bottom of a stone fucking well is going to throw a rope down for you
asking for help does jackshit aside from making you wish you were dead, people are right to be afraid of doing it
I miss that feeling too.
I'm not just angry, I'm borderline wrathful. I need at least a 3.0 this semester, and your fake pretentious ass is going to steal it from me! I gave that paper for you to review, and fixed all ALL the errors you wanted. But because you want to feel like a big smart man, you HAVE to make up flaws. I don't need to quote common knowledge! Metropolis is a shit movie, just because it's silent and a century old does not mean it magically gets artistic value. I followed your diections exactly. To. The. Letter. I swear to god, if I get below a "B" on this final version of this, I might actually sue the school to get it graded by someone else. You absolute meme degree, snobby hipster, bleeding heart, absolute fucking shit spewing actuall retard!
I will drag you, your family, and your career through dogshit filled mud before I let you take away my future!
Alright Jow Forums one of my biggest most shameful secrets...
My farts are really rancid because of my diet, they make my boyfriend gag and run to the other room. The thing is, he doesn't know its me. I always blame the dog. I am sorry doggo, I know you are innocent. I can't help it, you don't have the capability to rat my farts out to him and you always have a guilty expression so I will continue using you so I may fart whenever I please.