Women really are just large children who mature at 13-16 aren't they?

Women really are just large children who mature at 13-16 aren't they?

Every girl I've been with since 16 have been about the same level of maturity. Even older women. Hell all my mother's friends are like that.

Is this how they all are? Am I just chronically terrible at picking them?

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They never mature, nor do men.

Just accept that adults are children in bigger bodies.

yeah the adult thing is a meme used to control kids.

Then why are there so many special laws for kids and women?
It feels coddling

Basically this. I used to be extremely misogynistic as a teenager then I realized I was just hyper focused on what women did because women were the gender I was most interested in. If you look at people in general you'd realize that most people are pieces of shit. There's a very small percentage of people who are worthy of being SO's with and they're in such high demand that they usually are already taken.

Stop being so uptight.

Because experience and mental development difference

Women and kids get support from the system, while men get the draft and their brains blown out. What a beautiful world.

Yes.... this is why you treat them as a dad would and keep them in line and tell them what to do. Thats all chad does.

Being confident is loke how you would be if you had a 5year old to watch for a day.

Does this actually work?

why do you think they call their bfs 'daddy'?


You ever notice both genders think the other immature? Its more like their brains work differently and neither understand how the other works.

Gonna give this a try next time I'm with women.

LMAO i blame the patriarchy

This is some level of red pilling that should not be possible omg

No not all women are retateded terrible child like


I call my bf Daddy. He takes care of me and beats my ass when I'm bad. Its a beautiful relantionship. We're both so happy.

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People in general are being infantalized because it makes more money for corporations. It's easier to sell things to people when they have no self discipline, no critical thinking skills, no introspection. Every fleeting impulse is glorified as ""self care"" and every emotion is accepted as-is without question because something something you're a beautiful precious flower and every thought you have is a perfect dewdrop.

But that doesn't make for good workers.

Try both genders ARE immature

Like come on dude. The whole of humanity is a group of immature fucks too smart for their own good

>Is this how they all are? Am I just chronically terrible at picking them?
What is more likely; that you are the lone sane person in a world of insane people, perpetually cursed by a population of 3.5 billion people that are roughly the same OR that you're just another Jow Forums dimwit whose ability to attract women is a direct reflection of what a boring, immature and generally unredeemable person he is? Is 3.5 billion people the problem or is it just you? You do the math.

Here is the triangle of women:


Go ahead and pick two, and only two. Congrats! Now you understand women user!

crazy cat lady territory


scary as fuck

My mother is firmly number 3. Only when I turned like 24 did I understand why my father left.

right? crazy isn't it?

Here's my triangle for automotive repair:


pick two, of course.

Eh, I'm misanthropic. I just tend to notice the bullshit of women more because they fuck up more. Men fuck up on grander levels, but women make this shit a sport.

that's true for pretty much any service.
just common sense, really.

true dat

>Is this how they all are?
Listen to your grandmum talk to her friends. The entire conversation will be gossip about other women and crap, usually beauty products, they bought. It is the exact same conversation 13 year olds have.

It really is cringe. I thought it was a meme that women never change, but put an excited 8yr old next to an excited 40+ woman and they act exactly the same.

I'm disgusted with how my gf acts like a giant child that constantly needs attention most days

>Does this actually work?
Yes it does.
Take this from a guy who was married twice. I treated my first wife wonderfully, like an intellectual equal, and did my best to do what she wanted. She was controlling, bitchy, miserable, a failure at work and cheated on me repeatedly.

I divorced her and had more sex in a month than my last 5 years of marriage. I stopped putting woman on a pedestal and basically treated them like my kids. I loved and cared for them, but also stayed in charge. New wife is 16 years younger than old wife. She's happy to see me and keeps herself looking attractive. We have great sex any time I want it and any time she wants it. It makes for a lot of sex. When she acts like a bitch for no good reason, I act mildly angry and annoyed, but I don't snap back.
She once told a friend of mine "one thing I love about him is that he doesn't put up with my shit, but he doesn't make me feel bad about it either."

>Men fuck up on grander levels
I agree
I almost think men save their bullshit up until they get an enormous tsunami of fuckupness while women just emit a constant dribble of shallow worthlessness constantly.

Kind of want to try this with my mother and female friends

>If you look at people in general you'd realize that most people are pieces of shit
Never understood why this is such a difficult concept to grasp.

I think that everyone has some immature aspects to their personality.
When I look at almost every person I know (from my grandpa to my boyfriend to my mother to me) I can think of a few traits that I'd define as immature.

Some people have more immature traits, some have less. Maybe you're terrible at picking, maybe you focus on certain traits to define the "level of maturity" that are less developed in women (for example women tend to be more emotional and empathetic, do you consider that as a sign of immaturity?).

lmao that's pretty well put.
I am right about to experience my next tsunami.
Kept my shit together for some years, but there is a big crack in the surface and the accumulated fucked upness is about to burst forth.
Man this is not gonna be a good time.

On your mother?

do it just start ordering her around.

I feel that would end horribly for user.

>Is this how they all are?
Some and most.
>Am I just chronically terrible at picking them?

gimme some skins homie
this is also getting screenshot

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My eyes have been opened.

How do you judge this supposed maturity? What criteria do you have?

I'm beginning to believe there is some truth in this.

I've been trying to find a dominant gf (don't judge me) on Vanilla Umbrella, and the app is FLOODED with "littles" looking for "Daddies." Like, it's unreal the ratio.

Welcome to female sexuality.

It's just a sexual kink, it doesn't mean anything.
Daddy just expresses the more "gentle" and loving nature of the domination.

I mean, I can't judge them since I kinda want the same thing, but gender-flipped. It just sucks that the reverse is seen as creepy and weird. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Just thought I'd share my recent realization.

Nigga it's worse if you want things equal. Feels like you're fighting against human nature itself. Probably am.

Plenty of people want things equal. I think it's hard to have a relationship where everything is the same, but most relationship are somewhat equal.

I bet you watch office porn

You're making me feel like there's hope.
I do not like this feeling.

>I bet you watch office porn

I mostly stick to my femdom hentai.

Find a girl who also likes femdom hentai?

I've been working on it. Not very easy. Depression and other problems get in the way a lot too, so it's been a struggle.

Not him, but unfortunately such girls are about as stable as the Venezuelan economy.