I'm planning being 6'2" or 6'3".
I'm 5'11" and planning doing Limb Lengthening, what's the ideal height?
I would never date a guy I found out had limb lengthening surgery. I would rather date a 5 ft Chinese dude than any 6'3 dude who had surgery to look that way. Jesus fuck.
and? You could never find it out since I would lie, height is acctraction.
>be robot
>think girls won't date me because of height
>pay $40000 for limb lengthening
>girls still think I'm a sperg and won't date me
>regret paying for surgery
Is it worth it user?
Can’t wait to see how you walk in your 60’s...
it doesn't matter if they date me if I feel confident in myself and better life outlook.
No, you wouldn't.
$85,000 is a bigger home that could offer almost the same esteem and attraction qualities.
And what if you’re the statistical chosen one that gets an infection, necrosis, or bone cancer and you lose both your legs and end up in a wheelchair...
If it will boost your confidence levels, go for it. Studies have shown that confidence and height are attractions that women like. Even if your goal isn't about attracting someone in the end, wanting to feel good about yourself is pretty big. If its something that will benefit you in the long run, go for it.
Jesus, I'm 5'7 and I'd be really happy with 5'11. Hell, even 5'9
I still get attention from girls though, so I can make it work.
In any case, you do you OP
Is 5'11" actually short nowadays or what? Is OP retarded? Why would someone do Leg lengthening at 5'11"? Isn't it the desired height?
seriously curious
ya, pussy inflation has made 6ft the min height to not be 'short'
OP is just retarded, if he can't do well with 5'11, I doubt he'll do much better with 6'3
This nigger posts this every fucking day, imagine being this fucking retarded
OP is just a faggot. He posts this bait every day thinking he'll bait some angry manlets
Do you post this everyday you probably don't even have the fucking money to pay for this surgery.
He will when he inherits his grandma’s Beanie Baby collection.
I'm 6' 5" and miserable
These napoleon complex guys don't get it. Im 6'4" and 29 year old virgin. Decently fit too. Height preference is just another example of girls saying what they like and not acting on it.
You have to be what a girl wants when she is wanting it. That's it's a numbers game, always has been.
"Yeah, my legs always were that disproportionally large, hahahah...."
>haha I can just lie
You're going to ruin every relationship you will ever be in and you deserve it
5’3 manlet here.
This sounds like the male equivalent of the breast implant. Are you going to get your arms lengthened, too? You’re gonna have those fuckin penguin arms if you don’t.
I would never be this insecure about my height desu. Just learn to love yourself, bro.
So glad I’m 6’1
Even if this liar were telling the truth, this opinion is 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
It's retarded and just shows how much of an insecure cuck you are. You still have midget genes at the end of it.
Bitter virgin 6'2" guy got triggered.
a majority of your post is buzzwords