Why do I hate black people?

Why do I hate black people?

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You hate the stereotype they sometimes carry around. A person with black skin could be anything.

Because youre a bitch ass cracker

Well why do you? I hate niggers like a black man hates white trash. If you unironically look down on nig nogs as a whole id get out there and meet more. Black folks are just fine and overall just want the same things you and I do. Careful around niggers tho

Depends. I know I never gave a fuck until I started working with them. Mix back, they're either super intense or super lazy.
My ex cheated on me with a blackish dude. Add the fact that porn has slowly drifted towards cuckoldry and race-mixing, i think I developed a inferiority complex.

I will say this though, ive seen scary videos of black men being outright animals. Its scary.

It doesnt help that they smell. They all smell. Those that dont hide it.

Also some of them are fucking hot. I have two black workers who have impossible proportions.

all the blacked spam on this site doesn't help

You sound gay as fuck

Because they're uglier, dumber, smell bad, are more violent, have a disgusting "culture", etc...

Anyone who likes blacks has never lived around a black community.

No you.

Why the fuck are you posting this racist ignorant question and why all the mean ass racist comments
All of you have no hope in this world and all the universes
All of you kill yourselves

Never met a real one huh? It seems you are lacking the critical information to make an informed judgement here. But feel free to yell and scream about racism it gives us player characters a good chuckle.

Met a lot of sorry ass niggers, but also met some cool ass black peeps. If you were born into a nigger family in the ghetto you’d probably turn out the same way. Even if you had white genes and just had black skin. Fucking white trash is the worst though holy fuck seriously. The worst hood family doesn’t have shit on any of the white trash ive encountered. Including my own gd family desu.

You hate because you are confused.
To understand all is to forgive all.

Hate itself is not good or bad.
Neither are understanding nor forgiveness.

Play your role, be who you are.
Those you hate are who they are and they play their role.

Well someone said that they all smell well that is offensive
Also saying black men in some videos are scary
I mean what the fuck
And the question itself is terrible
This person needs to rethink on what they are saying for themselves
And stop saying niggers
Kill yourselves yes please do
You people are ignorant

Literally every human smells. Some smell more than others due to adaptation. Or are you gonna tell me the difference in the number of sweat glands an east asian has compared to a black african is due to a social construct

All im saying is that it sounds wrong to say that all black people smell
Geez man go die

Every human smells retard wat u think we have noses for?

Get a load of this fuckin racist, he says all backs cant smell. Way to lump a whole group of people together just for that. Fuckin kys

Maybe because they pretend to like or worse, actually like the Black Panther movie.

Not every black person smells
The way that sounded
It clearly was offensive
Im a retard
Yea ok
Go get raped by pete from mickey mouse lmfaooo

Anonymous not anymous

Im not saying that all blacks cant have the ability to smell
What im saying is that not all black people smell bad
My mistake on not being specific enough on what i was explaining

You have low intelligence and you lack significant accomplishments of your own so you latch onto white supremacists as a coping mechanism


Watch this. Its fiction but it nails the question you are asking. There is a reason why most racists are bloated, divorced white men.

I dunno user. The only thing I could suggest is to go meet someone who is and get to know them. I've met plenty in my life and a common theme amongst almost all of them is that they're pretty respectful for the most part and unlike certain white faggots they tend to have a pretty solid grip on reality.

TL;DR: They're actually pretty solid people just don't be a dick and don't go full autism around them.

>This guilt shaming
Go back to /leftypol you pathetic Europoors. Your job here is to give decent advice not be an utter fucking prick.

Im patheitc yeah okay
"Hey pete from mickey mouse"
"Go rape this one"
"Do it good"