OMFG I just want a girlfriend, please, some girl, please let me love you and hold you and take care of you...

OMFG I just want a girlfriend, please, some girl, please let me love you and hold you and take care of you, make you food and tell you I love you every night while I hold you in my arms, let me buy us a house and spend our entire lives together and have a family and then travel the world together and retire to a nice lake or beach house and do whatever we want.

I just want a girl to let me love her, and for her to love me back. Why is this so much to ask for? Why is it so hard? Doesn't everyone want this? Why can't I find it? I can't take this much longer, I really can't

I've tried Tinder, I've tried OkCupid, I've tried to find friend groups in my city but there is nothing for a person like me. I don't even know what to do or why I'm writing this thread, I just am really sick of life and don't know what I'm even doing anymore, why I'm even alive, if I can't find a wife

Attached: Dilbert strip shower circuits work meeting.gif (640x194, 45K)

Ok but I'm fat xx

You're mentally weak and have an attitude of a child.

Ah yes the ironic 'if you just stopped obsessing over it you'd get it' ordeal.

Hello, fellow 17 yo

OP, please jerk off, take like 15, then come back at me when you're done being a horny pathetic fuck.

Life's a journey bro. Women are pit stops.

I don't care if you're fat unless you're so far that it indicates a complete lack of personal responsibility on your part to take care of your own health. What girls consider "fat" and what is actually fat is often different

Okay, how do I have the attitude of a child? Don't make claims without justifying them please.

Lack of dating success means I'm 17, okay

>Life's a journey bro. Women are pit stops.
That's sexist

What's the difference between "obsessing" over something and trying but failing your whole life to the point where it's frustrating and you want answers on how to succeed

Thanks for the "adv"ice guys, just insult me then leave, real helpful, this site is garbage

No, you’re garbage and you have zero sense of the world.

"you have zero sense of the world"
Way to say nothing, care to elaborate?

Why is that sexist?


>being this worked
Holy shit man, nvm you were right, kys

Hey op I feel really desperately for a gf at times too but I think it's best to focus your mental energy on not being obsessed about it because maybe one day you do get one, you don't want to be homicidal/suicidal if/when it ends. I would also recommend a therapist. That's been helping me a little bit. I genuinely wish you luck and happiness/fulfillment.

Grow up.

What a useless post user, care to elaborate? Seems like nobody in this section is capable of writing more than two word responses and insults

Drop your kik

>not Jow Forums
oh my god the reddit thing is real isn't it

It's good to have dreams OP, keep at em, you'll get there.

How old are you?

It's because this place gets a dozen people like you a week and they don't listen to advice when they're this deluded. Your behavior screams underage and if you aren't, you're extremely stunted in a way that words wont help. You need life experience and to get some substance to your thoughts and desires. What you want WILL NOT happen the way you are now. Happy?

It's a normal life thing to want a gf and a family and to grow old together with your loved ones

I'm stunted? Okay, get a grip friend. Nothing I've said it unreasonable except maybe the rant in the beginning which is from frustration of knowing I'll die alone on my current path


Lol what a fag