Be me

>be me
>27 year old
>stuck in a loop of weed, depression, and vidya
>nobody to talk to, and zero motivation to do anything with my life
>get a text message on my phone
>its a girl I havent talked to for a decade
>she says she just came back from her studies abroad and wants to meet up since we used to hang out in high school
>we meet up
>I decide to be open, tell her about my problems, and how I am a loner shut-in
>she contacts me a week later
>says she found a job opening for me in the company her older sister works at
>introduces me to a bunch of new people that regularly ask me to hang out with them
>now I have a job, new friends, and don't feel like withering away in my room

What do I do to thank her? I dont want to invite her to a dinner or anything like that because it might look like I am hitting on her, but I want to somehow show my gratitude. I can;t believe I still had a person remaining in this world that wanted to help me out of the mud.

Attached: 1534538404862.png (691x653, 20K)

Just tell her you are very great fun for her help, tell her she's a great friend, & ask her if there is anything she needs help with?

Bro G kind & not being selfish will take you far in life bro!

Women are a party wrapped in an enigma!

Just buy her something nice user. Something she's in to with a thankyou card and a heartfelt message and you're good.

That's actually a good idea. Once I get some spare cash after payday i will get her something. Thanks, user.

Holy shit! A happy ending on Jow Forums? Good going, user!

Hell yeah annon congrats bro! Hope it keeps getting better, your gonna make it!

Congratulations, OP!

Just buy her something nice or treat her to dinner and thank her.

>Stop smoking weed
>Go on anti depressants
>Cognitive behavioral therapy
>Stop eating like shit
>Do some cardio workouts
>Go on /fa/ and ask for some help
>Look at different normie hobbies and pick the one that's the least cringe.
>After you deal with your own shit you can start looking for relationships be it platonic or romantic.
>It doesn't happen over night
>Stick with it no matter what
>Some days are gonna be shit it's just how it is.
>Apprciate the good days and the small things that makes you happy.

I'd feel pathetic if that happened to me personally.

fuck off retard


Buy her a nice gift which shows your appreciation

A sincere "thank you" should suffice.
Good job. Just be careful not to fall back into bad habits. It's easy to do.

You could still invite to dinner and say that u ain't hitting on her but as gratitude ^^.

No joke, brought a tear to my eye.

A simple Thank you will do.

I am in same rut minus weed. Unfortunately my life got worse as I have been trying to get it together. Basically suffering from new health issues so now I am debilitated and going to palliative care soon. Dont have long left but Im glad it worked out for you, OP.

i swear i'm not crying

Tell her that if she even needs anything you will help her and that you appreciate it so much

If this were me I'd be in tears while showering her with whatever gifts she may want

Jesus christ this woman is amazing. Cherish her op, there aren't many people like that. Also buy her some stuff for the short term but honestly that isn't enough. Keep going like this, keep your life turned around, and be there for her for as long as you possible can. Be the best damn friend you can be.

And if you fuck her over op, well fuck you. You won't deserve to live.

Awesome! So glad to hear about something good happening on this board. Way to go, OP!

I'd suggest buying her a gift with a note, much like what said. Hopefully everything goes well for you in the future!

Never ever take meds they will harm you permanently.
I've never been the same

All that matters is that you know somone with enough power to give you a handout. Fuck this planet.

I legit ALMOST teared up reading your post. The first half was pretty much describing my life to a T., and I'm unironically super happy for you. I know how it feels, and I'm glad someone came along and save you from that horrible cycle. It gives me hope that maybe there's a chance for me.

Godspeed user. You've been given a second chance, don't squander it.

This sounds too good to be true.

Honestly I'd just ask what her favourite candy is. It's Halloween, if she's got a sweet tooth you can bank in on that for 20$ easy