Any tips for getting over someone that acknowledges they like you, and would have dated you...

Any tips for getting over someone that acknowledges they like you, and would have dated you, if they just hadn't met their boyfriend slightly before me?

I don't see her all that often, but when I do, we get along perfectly, and it's clear we still have a ton of chemistry. It doesn't help that she's drop dead gorgeous and is always the best looking girl in the room. I can't stop beating myself up over missing out on it. It's been a while since I actually gave a shit about any girl, so this feeling sucks.

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All you can do is no contact and if they come around later great.

Had a similar situation this year. Coworker had a bf and we became friendly. We even did shit like sexting and kissing and she told me she would leave him but I got let go and she stopped talking to me, I guess she decided to give her bf another chance.

Really hurt much like I'm sure yours does. Just pretend she doesn't exist unless she reaches out. That's what I did last time and that's what I'm doing this time.

Haven't spoken to her in a month and it still hurts so expect it to take time user.

I'm so sorry.

shit happens, give it time and you won't care anymore.

Also stop seeing her in person, it'll only cause the pain to last longer.

Are you stupid? Shes just letting you off lightly. If you were so great she would leave her BF for you.

Nice to know someone can commiserate, I guess. Sorry to hear it user. I definitely don't reach out, but I ran into her at a Halloween party last night and she and I had a great time... I even got into my first ever real fight for her when some guy was trying to load her into his car.

I can't stop seeing her in person unless I stop hanging out with a certain group of people that I happen to enjoy. I don't see her a lot, but I can't just carve an entire set of people out of my life because I caught feelings for a girl that occasionally hangs out with them.

>Nice to know someone can commiserate, I guess. Sorry to hear it user. I definitely don't reach out, but I ran into her at a Halloween party last night and she and I had a great time... I even got into my first ever real fight for her when some guy was trying to load her into his car.

Even so if the BF is still there leave it alone. Too much fucking trouble.

People don't just monkey branch for someone "better," moron. She went above and beyond to explain how into me she is, but she's already committed to someone. I can coexist around her and not try to "steal" her because I'm not a sperg, but I'd prefer to just get over it at the same time so we can be friends.

I'm leaving it alone in terms of not trying to win her over or anything... the fight last night was something I would have done for any girl when they were getting borderline kidnapped. But I have to admit, because it was her, I had a lot more fury behind it all.

Still, just wanna get over it.

Well aren't you a gentleman. Your the one asking for advice, I am giving it. Don't be so defensive.

You gave "advice" basically telling me I'm no good and that's the reason I'm not dating her. That's not advice, it's an insult. I mean, it's Jow Forums and you have no clue who I am, so it doesn't hurt my feelings, but it's just not a clear read of the situation.

You sorta sounded like a dick senpai.

Its harsh but we have like 10 threads a day asking the same question so I am trying to save time. Its not rocket science and we all learn this at some point in our youth.

I mean do you really want advice or do you want someone to tell you if you do xyz she will run into your arms.

Lifes not like that man. If she really was interested in you, she would lose interest in her current partner. Most people I have dated were seeing other people at the time. Its a reality of being a adult.

No, I want advice on getting over it. I'm not trying to steal her, which I've already said multiple times. I'm 32, I understand how things work. She had literally just started dating this guy when we met days later. Unless you're a really fucking shitty person, you're not going to abandon your brand new relationship a week into it, just because you met someone.

K best of luck bud

>People don't just monkey branch for someone "better," moron.
If you don't think ALL women do this before leaving a relationship I really feel sorry for you.
You need to realize women are biologically capable of moving on better than we are. Think about how many thousands of generations of husbands died in wars. They can sluff you off and never look back and feel zero guilt.
You've still got a shot though. It's a new relationship, maybe it won't last and you'll be there to snatch her up.

I think that your conduct in this thread indicates that you're probably not going to accept a rational solution to your problem. Sorry, can't help you.

It's never the right time OP.

She's taken, you're not. She's pretty, you're normal. She's getting laid, you're not.

If you really want to move on, do some hobbies, OP. The more you spend time with her the more you just delude yourself. Either move on or pray to God she leaves her BF for you or cheats with you.

Caution though, if she cheats with you and you two get together, don't think she won't cheat on you too.

I don't think people are actually reading my thread.

I'm not trying to steal her. For the hundredth time. I'm not trying to wait around for her boyfriend and her to break up. I'm also not hopelessly hanging out with her at every opportunity - she is someone I see through friends.

All I'm asking for are suggestions to get the feelings to go away when I know I'm going to see her from time to time.

You can't. You just supress them. Everytime I see a hot girl on the street my feels indicate I want to fugg but I don't act on it.

Mate no offence but your 32, your too old to act this way, not to mention you are in for a world of hurt if you hold middle age woman in such high regard. Anyone single at 30 (male or female) is generally single for a reason.

Look on the brightside though, divorce is becoming more common and there are a plethera of single mothers out there who need some love too. No joke maybe you should look into this, I can almost promise you your feelings will go away for this person when you are getting your dick wet.

She's a little younger than me. Like 26 or 27. I'm single because I haven't met a girl I like enough to commit to. I don't see the point in forcing myself into marriage/a relationship with someone when divorce is so fucking common, as you mention, along with all of the other bullshit that kids and whatever bring into your life.

I don't really have any interest in hooking up with a single mother. I get my dick wet plenty, so this isn't just about being horny.

Jeeez the more you write the more the whole situation makes sense.

Similar, but we talk on a regular basis. She's literally my best friend and I cherish every moment with her. We send each other letters and cuddle but agree to do nothing further. It hurts me to feel envious of what she has with her husband but at the same time I couldn't imagine not hanging out with her.

Do what you feel is right. Things like this are complicated but keep solace in the fact that one day you will also be happy and kept your friendship alive.

I wouldn't wait on her breaking up though, that will just fuck you up and give her the wrong message.

I am in almost the exact same situation as you, just reverse the genders. Also my best friend isn’t married, he just has a girlfriend. But everything’s the same otherwise.

Go have a good cry, it will never be the same. I have one of those. I kinda think we would have been married now, but I turned down her advances and she met some asshole college professor and had kids and got fat.

This is why I say never turn down free and willing pussy. Never. Fucking fools.