>Rejected again
This isn't fair. When is it my turn to have a girlfriend Jow Forums? What am I doing wrong?
>Rejected again
This isn't fair. When is it my turn to have a girlfriend Jow Forums? What am I doing wrong?
if you 'need' a girlfriend you shouldn't have one. fuck out of here with that 'turn' shit smfh
This. Learn to love yourself before loving others. If you love someone without loving yourself first, you are doing them a disservice.
t. someone who didn't love themselves while being with someone and after fixing that, is with someone who doesn't love themselves
The day you realize that you're fine on your own and don't need a woman, you will be ready for a relationship
Let's imagine you really wanted to try playing video games. But every time you went to the store to buy a console and a game you were told "sorry sir, you're not allowed to buy video games". Meanwhile you see hundreds, thousands of other people walking up and buying video games no problem
You might not NEED to play video games, but if every time you try to acquire them someone is telling you "no you can't do that" for no reason while everyone else is allowed to then you're going to get really fucking angry
judging by your OP pic you're probably childish and immature, probably with a deep streak of bitterness that is detectable by anyone in any interaction you have. Furthermore, judging by your OP pic you probably don't know how to interact with people, especially women, very well, and and hold people who actually know how to interact with others in contempt, preventing you from learning from them and improving for next time. Additionally, judging by your OP pic, you probably have outlandish expectations of women and relationships that is bordering on a fairy tale, medieval romance, or anime. Finally, judging by your OP pic, you're probably gay and want to fuck men dressed as women, not actual women.
This but also
This, except you can give a fuck about vidya but relationships are something kind of essential to a human life
Well this one wasn't constructive
This is such bullshit. There are immature, depressed, bitter, self-hating fucks all over the place getting gfs and getting girls. Self-love isn't what this dude needs to get laid. It's a good goal in its own right, but as a stepping stone to getting girls, you are dead wrong.
I never, ever saw someone with low self esteem with a girl.
I saw literal neckbeard and fat basement dwellers getting attention from females but self-hate is a big red warning sign for a girl
>When is it my turn
Never, it's never anyone's turn.
If you're seriously equating sentient human beings with video games, you might have more issues than getting a girlfriend.
I'm not gonna preach all that "you just gotta love yourself, man!" shit cause I know that's not what you're looking for anyway, but you seem to be looking for a relationship just to have one. I'm not saying you don't genuinely want to find a partner, but I remember my >tfw no gf phase and looking back on in my head was in such an awful place that I would have been a horrible boyfriend, and I think yours is too. And a side note, I can promise you that whatever you think a meaningful relationship is, it's not.
Yea, and those immature, depressed, bitter, self-hating fucks are with equally degenerate women, and they're going to project their issues on to each other.
If you're fat, you don't love yourself. You don't respect your body and don't feed it the right way. If you're in a relationship and you're splitting dinner with your woman, you eating like shit is in turn making her eat like shit, you're projecting your fatness on to her. If you're a negative person constantly, you're creating a negative environment that projects negativity on to your partner. It's pretty fucking simple.
If you can't understand how your negative habits come in to play in a relationship, then it's on you when things fall apart.
No offense, but I don't think an incel even understands what he's seeing when he looks at people, much less people in relationships, so forgive me if I totally disregard your whack opinion.
>I don't think an incel even understands what he's seeing when he looks at people, much less people in relationships
>I never, ever saw someone with low self esteem with a girl
Total bullshit. There are plenty of depressed men with girlfriends. Some of them are deeply awful people too, eg. guys who threaten suicide if their girlfriends break up with them. How do you explain that?
>If you're seriously equating sentient human beings with video games
I'm not, I'm equating two activities (one of them being relationships, one being entertainment)
Rather than being pedantic about the metaphor I decided to use why not address the fact at hand, which is that it is endlessly frustrating and miserable to be an incel?
>all that text just to agree with me
lol so you're applying the Teen Wolf and Spider-Man Homecoming suit lesson to human relationships?
This is true
Depressed men with a girlfriend? Sure
Depressed men getting a girlfriend? Good luck
It happens all the time. You're thinking of depressed people with no social skills, Jow Forums types. Depression paints with a much broader brush than that. Robots are only the very bottom of the barrel.
Of course there's chad semi-chads or whatever getting rough time but I was speaking more about the Jow Forums kind of people, who are depressed about what they are.
I got a friend of mine who's 5'4 and he's just a freak when he need to speak to a girl because no one (according to him, I think he's exagerating) ever talked to him beside 2 or 3 times in his life (for 30 secondes on average, lol)
But he's getting ridiculous with his height complex so he makes distance between us.
>just totally put your life on hold until some unspecified milestone dude you totally wont regret doing this
This is the worst advice possible.
Girls are willing to tolerate a ridiculous amount of shit from guys.
For an insight go on to Reddit or a similar site and browse boards related to relationships/dating, search something like "my boyfriend" and you'll find hundreds of threads with subjects like
>My boyfriend is depressed and miserable all the time
>My boyfriend is threatening to kill himself if I leave him
>My boyfriend is lazy and unemployed and spends his entire day playing video games/smoking weed/other useless hobby
>My boyfriend has poor hygiene/smells/doesnt shower for days on end
>My boyfriend is not sexually attractive to me but I'm dating him anyway
>My boyfriend is ignoring me/insults me/is mean to me for no reason (but I won't break up with him)
Etc etc etc
All I want to know is why all these horrible and/or lazy men who fail at life in many ways can get girlfriends, but I can't?
Because they
a) got lucky, yes it happens
b) they live in a place/situation where there's enough girls to try and repeat
c) they showed their very best at a given time to get someone
There are too many awful/lazy/disgusting men in relationships for this to explain literally all of the examples given
There has to be a deeper answer. It's as if there is something very subtly wrong with men who cant get girlfriends, that men themselves cannot detect, but all women can, that actively repulses girls in a way that noticeable things (eg. poor hygiene, extreme depression, bad character traits, ugliness) alone cannot do.
You’re an idiot that’s why you can’t get a Girl.
Literal retards get girls even stacies, not a point
>What am I doing wrong?
I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here, and guess it's because you go around "confessing" to girls and telling them that you love them and shit before you've even gone on one date.
Am I wrong?
Yes, you're wrong. That's not what I do at all.
>Girls are willing to tolerate a ridiculous amount of shit from guys.
I don't really believe that but I have no proof against it so...
What do you really want though? To feel validated? To get in between her thighs? Have her gaze reach yours? This are all trivial, there is always an underlying desire. And it's the desire to prove to yourself that you are worth something. Most lonely people weigh their worth based on what others say. But if you are willing to realize that only you can decide your worth, only then will you truly be desirable.
You’ll get one when you finally stop caring.
>learn to love yourself
>okay I love myself
There’s a difference between being confident in who you are and acting confident only to have your ego shattered at every turn.
Listen to me OP here's the truth: It's all random.
You will get a girlfriend at random, by random chance. That's how life works for many things. Look at your friends, you've met them at random. If you weren't at the right place at the right time you wouldn't have met them. You would have met other friends who would have been better or worse.
Same with girlfriends. You will be at random places doing random things at random times and meet random girls. These chances add up and eventually you will meet someone but you can't know who, when, where, how. You also can't know how good it will be. It's just luck, unfortunately.
Life is not all about luck, hard work is required. But luck is such an important factor that it would be stupid to deny it.
>inb4 luck is the excuse of losers
No, it's not an excuse it's just understandign how things work. Same way average middle class people don't compare themselves to the poorest people, they don't want to think too much about the fact that they were lucky.
By the way my advice is not to stop working on improving yourself. People who say you need to do stuff for YOU are correct. Try to do what makes you happy and you will look like a happy person that is more likely to have people wanting to be around you. But then again, you may still be unlucky and more often than not end up surrounded by people who aren't compatible with you.
it's not a zero sum game
how do you love yourself without being a narcissist when being a narcissist literally means loving yourself? Jow Forums keeps speaking against narcissism while simultaneously suggesting that guys should love themselves so much that "they don't even need a woman"
Nailed it. You just need to roll them dice.
>it's my turn on the girlfriend
listen man not sure what stage of life youre in but real love typically happens when you aren't even really looking for it. in high school met babes at debate tournaments, now customers leave me their numbers at work (I work at a convinence store so lots of face to face shit), you just have to keep moving forwards and putting effort into appearing a way you can be proud of so people whod be interested will see you as approachable
Narcissism is about satisfying your ego, which at its root is just covering up some insecurity and isn't healthy self-esteem. If you really love yourself you won't feel the need to tell others about it.
Constantly. Yes. It's not like you run out of dice anyway.
loving yourself is just that. being a narcissist is that to the exclusion of loving anyone else but yourself, plus expecting everybody else to love you too, and also to the exclusion of themselves. love is an additive thing. if you adding love to yourself results in a subtractive effect of love to/in the people around you, you're doinitwrong
>you just have to keep moving forwards and putting effort into appearing a way you can be proud of so people whod be interested will see you as approachable
>putting effort into appearing a way you can be proud of
this is very very good advice
Tell me your secret
Get these chicks off my dick
I saw something today it was life isn't as serious as you think and you know it's pretty true chill out man.