Tfw soon you will stop existing

>tfw soon you will stop existing

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Only your ego dies, spirit lives forever

no brain activity = no consciousness = no you

I would feel equal measures of relief, panic, and regret

Feels good man.

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you won't feel anything user


Kill yourself faggot. I meant before I die.

t. reddit

>T. Jackass troll with the intelligence of Reddit and /b/ combined

you don't greentext t., c'mon reddit at least make an attempt to fit in

Lol dude really?

Nothing else?

fuck out of my thread already dude holy shit your posting style reeks of reddit so much it's painful

No you

I know this feel OP












how do you deal with it

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By using massive amounts of drugs

I don't really, I just await my doom

This faggot isn't me

The amount of mushrooms I've done these past two weeks. Holy shit.

No this faggot isn't me

Neither is this one

come on anons don't fight, we can all talk
i also use drugs, any of you do MDMA?
i would like to try shrooms and lsd but i'm waiting for a good opportunity

Dude I wish. I don't even have a proper dealer right now so I get my weed through improperly connected friends. Which means the weed is shit

How do you get it?

Do you have a dealer? How did you find your dealer if so? I'm a newfag to drugs

>getting weed through shitty acquaintances
I know that feel user
It's probably not worth it for weed but why not buy from the darknet? You can get mdma crystals and lsd papers without much risk really since they are very small and easy to ship stealthily

check reply, you can get crystal mdma from the netherlands for like 5 eur for a gram(dose is 100-200mg), the dutch recently discovered a way to make mdma easily and cheap and it drove the prices into the ground

finding a weed dealer isn't difficult if you aren't an r9k robot, you will definitely know somebody who at least smokes weed, ask them to hook you up
for others check above reply(or ask people irl as well)

Do you really want to exist forever? We all want to stay past our bedtimes, but you gotta rest eventually.

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Never tried the darknet. Also I'm an American. But I'll look into it, see if I can't find someone who knows where to go and do. My life is ok but I feel like shit anyway and want to get properly fucked during my off time. Do I need a crypto wallet to buy shit on the darknet?

i've really thought about this a lot, do you honestly "want" to stop existing? i mean are you fine with it? try to "remember" what it was like for you before you were born, what did you experience during the times of the roman empire? you didn't exist, you had no senses
and you will return to this state

well being american you can order domestic and have very little chance of getting discovered, i don't have such a luxury here in eastern europe, and yeah you will need cryptocurrency, as long as you aren't a brainlet you should be able to figure it out

Cool thanks. I can figure that part out. I just need to figure out the darker shit. Had an ex bf that did this shit before I got into drugs. Wish I had him explain it to me back then cause he set up some weird shit to keep him from being caught

here i'll give you a quick cheat sheet: you want to create a live usb with TAILS gnu/linux on it, disable javascript in tor(security slider on max), make sure to learn how PGP encryption works and use it when sending your address to the vendor
that's about it, if you don't know how to do any of those things you can find out using the keywords i gave you

>do you honestly "want" to stop existing? i mean are you fine with it?
I mean, I think the bedtime thing is a good analogy. Imagine if you could never ever sleep. Imagine having not just a lifetime ahead of you, but the whole of eternity lying before you. You can't even imagine it it's so long. Like just think about the terrifying magnitude of it. Eventually the universe will die, just like you, but we're saying even that will never come.
I wanna stay up late and watch star wars, and maybe I wish I'd gotten up early enough to watch some morning cartoons, but I'm glad I'll get to lie down eventually.

He stole some peoples identities, started credit cards in their names, then maxed the cards by buying bitcoin. Then I think he bought it through some site and had it delivered to some p.o. box that he opened in his grandmothers name or something.

Sweet thank you. And I know how to run an operating system off a usb but nothing else so I'm gonna figure the rest out. Thank you glorious user

that's really not a good analogy, when you go to sleep you will wake up again (not counting actual death into this analogy otherwise it gets recursive), but once you stop existing you will (presumably) never exist again
sure, you are tired after a busy day and can't wait to go to sleep, but you know you will wake up next day feeling energised and ready to do more things

literally retard nigger tier, i am honestly surprised he wasn't caught pulling that retarded scheme

good luck user, it's not that difficult or complicated

I guess, but if I offered you immortality but you had to be conscious for all of it, would you say yes?

He was pretty retarded I'm gonna be honest. Probs got caught sometime after I left him.

I don't want to feel anything.

so in your theoretical question would I still die once the universe reaches max entropy and heat death/other end? if i would not, that means i would ascend to some higher dimension of existence? you are asking me if I would like to become a literal god? i think you know my answer to that question
or if i would still die with the universe, of course i would also say yes, i would still experience the oblivion of non existence but at least i would be able to live my life as long as possible by the laws of physics

Let's just say heat death never came.

you can't just change all of the rules like that, but i will play along
in this theoretical universe in which entropy doesn't exist, i still would accept the offer, with infinite time and no entropy/energy limitations i could create anything, thus again becoming a god

I'd rather suffer through eternity than die.

My biggest greatest fear is death.

exactly my thoughts as well, i would much rather go to a christcuck hell with eternal torture than stop existing

and yet I'm an unhealthy skinny loser. I guess the cognitive dissonance hasn't set in yet.


>there's no way to actually be aware of not existing
>even if an infinite period of time passes before your next moment of consciousness after death, it will feel like no time passed because you did not experience the not existing in any capacity

This shits fucking me up but I haven't been able to get it out of my head after i realized it, where's /sci/ when you need them?

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yes, i have also thought about this a lot, but it is also possible you might never exist again; even if the exact same atoms formed an exact copy of your brain again as it is today, it would still not be your consciousness, just like it would not be your consciousness if you used a teleporter that scanned you, destroyed you and rebuilt you at the destination: it would merely be another consciousness with your memories

i also thought about the teleporting problem, but is it also another you if you pass out? like something sure changes after passing out in your brain but it will feel just like before after, you still exist where would be the difference while teleporting or even if you somehow exist again?

Some days that sounds like the best possible outcome.

Why do you assume you get powers? You are a human, just one that won't die.

I just want to die so I can stop disappointing everybody

What if there’s more to life after death? Doesn’t the very notion of the universe suggest that there’s more to existence in general? It just seems silly to believe that everything came into being just because.

I, for one, am excited to see what happens after death.

Good riddance.