Is my girlfriend too fat? She has the exact same body as the girl on the right...

Is my girlfriend too fat? She has the exact same body as the girl on the right. My friends always looking down on me for settling for a fatty and niggers are always trying to steal her from me because for some reason they love fat women. But I am very high IQ so her body doesn't do much for me and I feel a little shamed being seen with her in public.

But I feel like the fatter body type is starting to make a come back and she might be in high demand soon.

She's not like, obese, but definitely on the high middle level of the fat spectrum.

Attached: 1540122712683.jpg (1080x1080, 84K)

>is my gf too far?

if it looks like the ass cheeks end at the height of the navel there‘s something wrong. She‘s fat.

Yes she’s too fat


There is a point where it goes to "thic". This would be an example. If that's really your gf, yes, thats considered obese and does not seem at all in her BMI.

If your gf looks like right then she would literally make my duck pop. So no she isn't too fat. However, dump her anyway and give her to me.

That's obese, user. If not, it's almost obese. Gym and diet time.

Yes. But as a low-IQ white supremacist you probably don't have many better options so might as well settle for a fatty
>not like, obese
Girl on the right is definitely obese user

Who cares if she's fat? Better question is if she's pretty. There are two chicks in my organisation who are definately fat but look fucking good. They dress nice wear make up and take care of themselves. I mean i guess not physically but christ every dude wants them.

>Who cares if she's fat? Better question is if she's pretty.
Obesity is not sexy
>There are two chicks in my organisation who are definately fat but look fucking good.
No they don't
>take care of themselves
If that were true they wouldn't be fat
>every dude wants them.
No they don't. You do because you're a chubby chaser and/or have low self esteem.

kys chubbychasing nigger

>we will never have the source for that picture

You have over a dozen sites and methods at your disposal you useless simp. Find the source yourself you disgusting faggot.

wtf that's the best body type. my gf is skinny and it's hard to get turn on during sex. if she was thicc as that I'll fuck her everyday.

why are you attracted to unhealthy people

Go on walks/hikes/bike rides, etc with her. Play a few rounds of Dance Dance Revolution or Pump It Up or whatever they're called now against her at the cinema or arcade. Cook decent meals together 2-3 times a week where there's leftovers for her lunch. Make it fun for her and she won't even notice you're slimming her down. She'll just realize that even her tight pants are too loose one day, which will probably turn into a shopping date for both of you.

No, you

If you have to ask them she probably is

Absolutely not fat!

I would take both of those women out to dinner!

Why are you asking guys on Jow Forums what they think? Beauty is subjective, make up your own fucking mind.

OP that's not fat, a little thick yes, but definitely not obese. I personally like my women a little on the bigger side.

She could do to lose a few pounds but would still tap over and over again with reckless abandon.

>I am very high IQ

>thinking that's fat
Kys asap

>high IQ
LMAO haven't laughed this hard in ages.

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>very high iq

Attached: 0000000.jpg (580x528, 24K)

OP your gf is going to the niggers because:
A) They don't make her feel like shit about her body
B) Their dicks are not pencil-sized

She isn't ugly but she is overweight.

I'd slay that ass.

Op here I'd like to add I'm gay if that matters

C'mon your girl is so perfect, dude. Love her more than anything else.

Half nigger here, if you're too big brained to like her body type I'll gladly take her off your hands.

Otherwise, encourage her to exercise or just find a different gf.

No shes perfect.

>Is my girlfriend too fat?
If she isn't, then who gives a fuck about what others think?
If she is, what are you going to do about it? Leave her? Make her lose weight?
>But I am very high IQ so her body doesn't do much for me
So you only care because she makes you look bad? You either stay with her or don't, user. For fuck's sake.

>High IQ
Dunning-Kruger effect in full motion

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I'm sorry if reading is hard for you. The way it's worded implies that there has in fact been an attempt already. If you don't believe me, find it yourself.

Trips in effect

I'm also high iq

It is more likely that trained people have that. Pure fat just falls down. These girls have naturally muscular butts but also fat on top on it.

She’s hot

>But I am very high IQ so her body doesn't do much for me
You're an autist of the highest caliber. Get down on your knees and thank the sperg lords above that any woman would allow you to touch her.

>She has the exact same body as the girl on the right.
Reading just isn't your thing is it?

I can't believe you're basing the value of your partner on how other people feel

Do you get hard from her body?
Do you want to fuck her into oblivion and then cuddle with her?
If the answers are no, then leave her

Simple as that
If you loved her, you wouldn't have made this thread


my gf is thiccer than the op girl and I had sex with her 5 times yesterday. i came so hard the 4th time i passed out for like an hour and a half, she had to check if i was breathing. when I woke up I drilled her and made her cum two more times before I dropped her home.

man i wish she was here right now. conflicting work schedules suck ass. she even texted me at work like "I miss your dick right now :("

You couldn't afford to feed both of them

She's not fat but she is slightly chubby, nothing wrong with that in fact that's definitely my preferred body type, thing is what you really need to watch out for is there is a decent chance they will blow up in their mid to late twenties, not all of them do but the only guarantor of a girl staying skinny into her 20s is her being rail thin early on

Why would a "high IQ" person be so fucking obsessed over one highly superficial standard that comes from group think.

You are ashamed because your gf doesn't meet a commonly held prejudice held by group of small dicked 'purists', who are so afraid of having their dick make contact with anything other than stick-insect females.. Who by the way, will age terribly because of their low bmi, while only offering attractiveness in the form of short-lived neoteny to lolita fetishists.

The idea that you link neutenic attraction to high IQ, makes me think your a IQpleb with some money prospects, and just want to maximize your social status by having a more appealing trophy wife.

Youre "problem" that your thread is about, is a fucking non-issue, if this is really a real concern for you, you must have a shitty relationship, devoid of any substance or depth, which seems to be your ultimate criteria for a female's physique.

The level of fickle reasoning in your post, really just ends up spelling out that your relationship is based on so little, that you are feeling threatened by your gf having a higher market value that you don't want to be responsible for deserving: sounds like you've just insecure as fuck, and aren't happy maintaining your relationship unless she is willing to accept her physical value from your opinion.

Are you borderline? A narcissist? Only capable of having codependent relationships?

Your a fucking disaster, hope your honest about this bullshit with her so if she has any sense, she can bail on your superficial and hollow masculinity.

Just do what makes you happy

Doing gods work user,well said

"I am high IQ" what? what the fuck does that have to do with anything? as for your gf, she's not too fat for me but some dudes may not agree. It's personal preference, everyone has a line between thicc and fat.
