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GIOYC / Get it off your chest
How do I get myself a GF who will cheat on me and get knocked up by another guy?
Posted this on the dying old one, but:
>Drunk text ex
Worse yet:
>She answers
Worse yet:
>Keep talking to her while sober
What the fuck is my deal? All I'm doing is making myself hurt talking to her, like I'm some kind of masochist. Maybe it's just the idea of being able to speak with her and kind of have her company, in some weird way. All it is though is self-torture.
How I feel today
Be celibate and wait pretty much
A part of me hopes that buying this car will be that one thing that finally starts making my life better. But the rest of me knows there's just no way for me to be happy, ever.
You don't care about me, why else won't you initiate a damn thing? I am tired of doing all the work. Its clear this love is one sided.
you feel like this every day
Pinnacle of feels
I'm confused about my sexual orientations.
I like transeual woman, and I don't feel comfortable about that. My parents could never understand it and I'm being a problem son all my life. And my mom is a super cathling anti gay....
Maybe she could accept a gay son, but not a tranny lover.
I don't knwo what to do. Maybe renounce sex...
Your parents don't need to know
I know, but it's hard.
Transexuals get really offended if you treat them like secrets.
I would love to be honest.
Because I don't want that to be used against me.
I've reached a point where I'd like to make legal arrangements to specifically ban former friends and estranged family members from my funeral when the time comes. If you don't give a shit about me in life, don't repent on my grave because I will not have that shit.
i want a friend
How would you like them to initiate? I feel like I’m bad at that.
I’m always very receptive when he initiates.
Youn don't have many?
If you want to talk, be free to talk with me.
Im 30 and a looser, but we could talk and recommend books, and usefull info.
I just made like 3 dating site accounts. I feel dumb, and I know nobody is going to date me anyways. I already know my messages will get ignored. And I'm pretty sure half of these are bots because they have the exact same profiles but with different people.
After 4 years of being single I really stopped caring. Now that I opened that door again it feels awful knowing in going to fail.
My female friend who I've been in love with for 2 years came over the other day. The conversation moved towards relationships and she flat out asked me if I was a virgin and I had to cop to it. It was embarrassing as fuck, but I knew she wouldn't make fun of me about it. Afterwards she asked if there was anyone I would ask out if I could. There was a long, awkward silence as I tried not to say "you". I ended up just saying "I don't know", and she said if I ever come up with a name, let her know.
Is this a blatant green light for asking her out? Did I massively fuck up? Should I grow a pair and ask her out?
You missed the boat, now she's taking the train to somewhere between Chadtown and Tyronesburg.
You are incredibly bitter, angry and sad over this. It means I am certainly more in control of my emotions than you could ever be of yours.
canada sucks
I have this churning nervous stomach acid in my gut because I have this hunch you think I'm a piece of shit. For good reason. And the sad part is you don't even know the half of it. But I'm trying to change. And I think that's why I met you. Just at that point where I changed enough I could start being around good people, making pretty girls laugh, etc. And I intentionally stepped in shit knowing whatever we are, won't end well. But I want to keep being less of a piece of shit around you.
fuck this shitty country
Better question is why do you care
I don't find this worthy of a new thread: Is online dating even worth it?
depends. what are your expectations?
>I've only had a few friends throughout the years.
>my longest held one never cared much about me. We did want he wanted to do, when he wanted to do it. It has his topics and subjects, and my stuff fell by the wayside or was never done.
>stop putting effort into the friendship and it's just burns out because he never puts any effort into it ever.
>get new friend. College friend.
>get online friend.
>college friend never asks me how I'm doing. Never follow up on events or activities that I mention, whereas I always follow up on theres. Because I like them and care.
>Week off of school they ignore me completely, and when we get back to school they provide a shitty excuse.
>they don't care about me.
>online friend used to talk me to sleep. It was nice. But after a small arguement they have completly stone walled me and refuse to talk to me.
>I've tried to talk to them again, and have tried to make up for the arguement best you can over the Internet. Still no response.
>I'm actually kind of afraid they might have killed themselves or got themselves sent to hospital as well, but I have no idea were just Internet friends.
>and if they aren't, and are just ignoring me because they are upset, then they are just being assholes.
Other than these two, I have no one else. I'm isolated and I'm tired. I try and put effort in friendships, and I get nothing in return. Instead I just feel alone because no one really cares.
I'm tired of it. I'm tired of getting friends and then losing them because they don't care about me.
I'm honestly ready to kill myself. I don't want this anymore
I wonder if I was ever significant to you. If I was able to be there for you even once, it would justify the pain.
For somebody so direct, you sure chose the most convoluted way of expressing yourself to me.
Perhaps I'll never have an answer for everything that occurred, but you've certainly answered what exactly it is that I mean to you.
I think I'm a bit disappointed.
Hypothetically speaking, meeting up eventually. I doubt I'd date causally, if that makes any sense, which is why I feel like close distance relationships are more ideal, dunno. I guess if it's in the same country or different, that would also play a pretty big role.
enjoy the rituals and ticks and the immediate relief you get after succumbing to them because once it manifests into pure OCD and every single thought and action and feeling you have is invaded with feelings of existential dread and worry and anxiety you will wish for this current hell you are in
there is no future for us
You showed me your true colors. You never though of me as something more. Why would you expect me to be your doormat? You weren’t honest and I have my standards.
>larper beware
it could work out. that being said it takes a lot of work and effort. both of you have to be honest and always communicate. cannot stress that enough. its overused but people still shut down or jump to conclusions insted of talking things through.
The conversation with the therapist today made me realize that I was kinda neglected when I was a child and that hurts a lot to think about or even accept. it was hard just typing it out. I'm so lost in the world now feeling overwhelmed trying to learn what I should have been for my entire upbringing.
i fell negative about every aspect of who i am. i force myself to do things every day that should improve myself, but nothing ever changes.
how do i stop being so unhappy for being subpar in every way? hedonism makes me feel worse and my brain's dopamine and serotonin receptors are all fucked up
Congrats! First thread larper! Collect your prize from the customer service desk.
almost everyones parents fuck them up in some way, shape or form. youre not alone...
At least your therapist didn’t put you in a psychiatric ward
What's the appropriate amount of time I need to wait before telling my gf I love her? We've been together a little over two months and I'm worried it's too soon. But I know how I feel
Oh well it was good while it lasted
PA 10th congressional district here, HOLY FUCK, I am going to be so pissed if the Republican wins this election. With the new redistricting given to us courtesy of the state supreme court, this is my chance to not have to be """represented""" by an awful Republican piece of shit.
I didn't move to PA to have to deal with shitstain Trumptard Republishitters.
>being an unironic poorfag
My income has absolutely nothing to do with my voting or my ideology. My positions are based on the principles that guide me and informed by my knowledge of history, economics, and government.
tfw the gov has been nothing but bougie white entitled fucks getting rich off the labor of the poor since it was even created by creating loopholes in taxes etc for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer
Just because you are an ignorant scum-sucking Trumpanzee sycophant who votes based on his desire to "own the libs" doesn't mean everyone else operates in the same manner.
I just never wanted to accept it because I love them so much and plus I want to be accountable for my own issues. The therapist said that we often are a product of our environment though and I didn't grow up in one that displayed any genuine love, most tension and anger.
>getting worked up over partisan politics
decidedly not woke
>he thinks political bullshit actually matters
you're the one that says they're voting by ideology, not me. not sure where you got the sycophancy or "owning the libs" thing. my vote is motivated by my own interests and nothing more
Imagine being this ignorant. Our country is being sold off to the highest bidder and actively drained of both our wealth and our soul by a bunch of malignant narcissistic psychopaths masquerading as leaders, not to mention the rest of the world which is being destroyed by their unending greed and insatiable hunger to consume everything. The GOP enables this process in every single way possible.
Is it in your interest to allow the world to continue to get wrecked by greedy oil companies and their bought-and-paid-for Republican politicians? Anyone who votes GOP is not thinking long-term. The little amount of money you think you're going to save is not worth the cost to yourself and future generations.
>they unironically think blue team is substantively better and less beholden to megacorporations than red team
... what was with that response? do you not think we'll be together in a decade?
The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real
The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real
The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real
The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real The Law of Attraction is Real
They are, in fact. It's evident in the policies they pursue. Every single policy designed to correct the issues of income inequality, climate change, public corruption, or to advance basic American principles such as human dignity, equality, and rule of law has been pushed by DEMOCRATS and actively opposed by REPUBLICANS. Virtually every policy that has done the complete opposite of those things has been jammed through by the GOP.
It's easy to be a cynic, but I don't form opinions or vote based on cynicism. I look at policy, and that clearly demonstrates why the Democratic party is the party for me.
>I wonder if I was ever significant to you.
You were.
>If I was able to be there for you even once, it would justify the pain.
But you weren't, which is why you aren't significant to me anymore.
>For somebody so direct, you sure chose the most convoluted way of expressing yourself to me.
Confusion. I was in pain you didn't even want to get to know me it seemed, but at the same time you gave me a false hope you would. I didn't know what you wanted, if I was annoying you, or if you were as nervous as I was.
>Perhaps I'll never have an answer for everything that occurred
You won't, because you never will ask me directly and I am too tired to seek you out and give them to you.
>I think I'm a bit disappointed.
As am I. I thought my love for you would have been stronger than it is now, but its not. Its fading so perhaps it would have never worked out anyways.
Hey, I am still going to continue the only life I knew, even if it drives you away. Maybe you will learn I am no threat to you or anyone there. I don't know what to tell you, to sacrifice my own personal comfort for yours seems like an impasse, but I won't let go of what I know because you want to be immature and not talk this over. You stubborn man, you could always approach me and speak your mind, but you don't, and I don't want to go out of my way to talk to you when you expressed how uncomfortable I make you. That last look you gave me really said everything anyways. So, goodbye I guess. I really would have liked to have been your friend at the very least but you wouldn't let me and I can't force you.
Its fading because you stopped talking. Im sure it would still be as strong as it was.
Its like you were in almost exact situation as i was. Like you spoke the thoughs i had.
Shame can do a lot to a man. Perhaps this person would like to be your friend as well, but he believes he doesn't deserve a friend as great as you are. He believes that his absence from the world is what is best for society.
>Its fading because you stopped talking
I don't have a choice anymore. I am just trying to move on right now, it is for the better.
Shame, huh? He must be ashamed of us then. That would make sense. He didn't get to know me, so how would he even know I am great anyways, I don't think I am good at all. Selfish, childish, unambitious ect. I have plenty of flaws. His absence is certainly hurting me, if his goal is to do that then it is working, but I don't think his erasure from our lives will do any good for anyone, including himself. How he would think that its for the better is beyond me. Perhaps its the only way he can heal and reflect? Who knows.
Yeah, I got with him to make you jealous, but now I actually love him so now I am torn. However, after all thats happened, I am choosing him. Even if you think he is trash, that we're co-dependent or whatever... it doesn't matter to me if he is poor or sometimes obnoxious and has some extreme beliefs, he is there for me. And he will always be there for me. So I am going to be there for him too through thick and thin like he was for me. Its the least I can do for him.
>Make lyrics videos on youtube sometimes for fun
>Have a very modest following and my videos get some views
>Decide to make some videos for some of the much older songs i Like from my favorite band
>Surprising amount of views considering how old the songs are
honestly didn't see that coming, I wonder what it is about these songs that brought people in to listen.
Ugh, I am so fucking confused. I don't even know if I do or don't want you. I don't even know what kind of man you could be either, and I am already feeling like you would just abuse me too, you even said you would hurt me. Who are you? Why do you do these things to my head? For fucks sake...
Do you make any money off of it?
nah it's just a hobby thing of mine I like to do sometimes. I haven't even made a video in almost 2 years so I upload very infrequently anyway.
Usually I'll get days where I feel inspired enough to make videos for several songs and upload them, then I go long periods without making anything.
I do manage to attract new followers and comments and such sometimes despite not uploading much which is nice.
I never forgot, I had no idea what I could do to help. That's why I stayed beside you, even when it destroyed me. You needed a constant more than anything. I felt that was the best thing I could do. I gave what was mine to give. As much as I wanted to just take you with me and get away from it all, I didn't have the power to guarantee you any better of a future at the time, no matter how desperate.
I am weak, even still. I can admit that. That doesn't mean that I don't care, that I didn't care, or that I won't continue to care or worry.
I understand, I just wish I would've known so that I could've sent you off properly. All I had asked was that you tell me the day you find that I have become a burden to you.
I'm sorry.
I self harm through severe sleep deprivation. I've played it off as stress related insomnia for months now.
I want everyone that speaks spanish to know that I hate your shitty retarded language. I have to take this dumb shit for a language requirement and its fucking my grade up. fuck your language, it sounds like a spicy wet fart. I'm going to vote for trump solely because I hate spanish and never want to have to speak it again once i get through these bullshit fucking classes
do it for the spanish-speaking pussy you stupid faggot. find some meaning in it and stop fighting it.
Ummm you get to choose which language you take so quit being racist bc you thought it would be the easiest. It’s not their fault you suck
This is the most retarded thing I've ever seen. You have to be 18+ to post here, kiddo.
no fuck them, fuck quesadillas and fuck everything else in spanish. im good at literally everything except this shitty stupid fucking language and now my gpa is going to be ass because i have to learn to speak taco. fuck they need to build a wall around the people who decided we have to learn this shit and make mexico pay for it
She says she loves me. We spend the day together, have a couple shots, smoke a pack of cigs, share beers at the bar. She touched my arm, shoulders countless time, hugged me for a minute straight after I told her about my childhood.
Why then does she not want to date me? What's wrong with me?
I haven't really talked to her since. I want to ask her, but I'm afraid her answer might destroy me.
jesus fuck you are the most cringey person on earth. Please don't ever vote, I don't think you have the intellectual capacity to ever be an informed and rational voter.
i need 2 years of a language. no other language is taught here without transferring. also spanish isnt a race you fucktard
boo hoo, im here to vent
probably not but im voting for trump because i hate this fucking class and its the closest thing to emotional catharsis that im going to get
retard Trump isn't running for shit for another 2 years. If you're still salty over stupid underage banned high school trash in 2 years then please just kill yourself instead.
I want to grab your forearms and snuggle up into your rear and make you submit.
Stop being a racist twat
im not in high school you double faggot
What school?
stop speaking a language with shitty godawful grammar and TWO FUCKING PAST TENSES that sounds like diarrhea asmr
You may as well drop the class and kill yourself. Trump's going to win whether you vote for him or not, and the Spanish language will still be here, regardless. The world needs fewer people like you so again, kill yourself.
>Trump's going to win whether you vote for him or not,
ahahah imagine being this fucking retarded and delusional to think that America would actually give that fucking idiot a second term. Laughable.
im going to have two kids now instead of one just because you said that
but im not going to raise them, so that they turn out fucked up and are a general burden on society
Who's the alternative? I mean that genuinely. I actually am not a Trump supporter and have no intention of voting for him in 2020, but I'm extremely unconvinced that the dems will run a better candidate in 2020 and that they will be able to beat Trump and the GOP establishment. Still, if you've got an actual idea of how dems can win, I'd love to hear it.
My taxes already go toward raising the children of other fuck-ups. I can't see how your children would be any different.
>wah my taxes
youve been paying for my spanish class too. thanks nigger
I went to school on the tax payer dime, also. I don't mind paying it forward. Not sure what you're getting at. We know you plan on being dependent on the government in the long run. You don't have to tell us. The only thing I can't understand is why you'd vote for Trump if you're such a welfare queen. Even if you vote Trump, the GOP base will never see you as one of them.
>calling me a nigger
>while proudly claiming you're gonna have the tax payer raising your kids that you abandon
I'm voting for trump because I hate spanish. I just told you this like three posts ago are you retarded
>I don't mind paying it forward
Cool post your paypal then
>Not denying that your a nigger
Go study your Spanish, Lakeesha. You know you can't afford to fail that entry level class at community college again. Uncle Sam might pull your rug out from beneath you! You can find a babydaddy when you hit the club this weekend.
no post your paypal bitchboy. its for the greater good. better than me having to learn burrito-nese
I ran today, just for a quick minute to grab something at work, and for a few seconds I felt like I was practically floating. The way that each step propelled me forward faster, I ran the fastest I had ever ran and it felt amazing. I want to do that again
I think that depending on the midterm US elections, we'll see a change in rhetoric from companies. They always follow the cultural trends and general zeitgeist because that's where the money is, agreeing with the majority of people so they do business with you. Simple enough.
Currently, companies are extremely liberal and scared of being called bigots, racist and whathaveyou but the world has been changing to the right quite strongly recently. If the so-called red wave happens the midterms end up firmly in republican hands.. I can see companies slowly shift back to the comparatively uncaring/silent models they had in earlier times.
Less LGBT/Minority representation in all forms of media, less "fuck whitey" jokes, less tumblr-tier humour and quips in films, shows and games. Less speedy reactions when it comes to allegations of racism or unfair treatment, perhaps brushing off some issues alltogether. Less bending over backwards to please the loudest fringe groups in general.
The near future is an interesting time. Now brazil's going right-wing, Merkel is stepping down and if things continue as they are and midterms are red, Trump 2020 is very likely.
I don't side with either, I'm mainly centrist, but it's interesting to document and study.
Don’t run at work, you don’t get paid enough to work that hard or dangerously
You’re dreaming. The majority voted democrat, for Hillary even and will again, the markets aren’t jerrymandered and people who live in sparse areas are generally less important, not more.
the only way the dems will lose is if they put in hillary again
that'd be a fucking stupid move to put her front and center when all she did in the interim was bitch about how she was a political failure
I mean she lost. To TRUMP! How the fuck did she even do that? The dems had 2016 in their hands and Hillary Clinton came along and fucking DASHED it all to bits!
>hugged me for a minute straight after I told her about my childhood.
That’s fucked up, don’t tell people about that anymore