What is your favorite position to sleep in?

What is your favorite position to sleep in?

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his arms

this one

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Stop ruining my post; make your own if your going to be suicidal...

damnit user why you hit me with these feels

also i keep it in soldier, most healthy way to sleep is on your back, but i keep my hands laying by my v lines. i catch myself doing fetal though

On my left side, sometimes supine. I like to be close to/facing the door. I wake quickly to danger and I'm pretty sketched about my neighborhood. Don't lose sleep over it though.

Foetus, for me. It's warm.

>Foetus actually describes me
>Slept just like that most of my life because I was too tall for beds

torturing myself too, dw

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What's it called if I lie on my stomach with my arms at my sides?

fallen soldier

>t. child soldier

At least you got some cocaine out of it.

user pls

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Freefaller or Foetus. I roll over a lot, mostly because my bed is awful.

ayyy but hey without you we couldn't have smuggled it back into the country with us

it's the closest i get rn. shooping a picture to reflect a reality that isn't happening is the most comfort i can obtain. make horridly distasteful war jokes with us. is gud distract.

I accidentally brought some "cocaine" back from Peru once. Not even joking.

my cousin didn't discover a roach tucked away in her purse when we were on vacation once. she hadn't flown with it on 3 flights prior to finding it in either. good tiems.

I ran over a Greek child in Cyprus at 6:56am on the 23rd of November, 2004.

I cannot fall asleep in any position besides my back. I do a mix of Starfish and Soldier. I got some kind of restless arm issue and always have to bend a pillow or sheet into my elbow if I can't get my arm comfortably behind the pillow. How in the hell does anyways sleep on their front? Sometimes, I find the position comfortable but I can't do a thing with my face. How do you get any oxygen with your faced buried in a pillow? Seriously, how do you breath like that?

p sure we're gonna need story on both of these

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This one alright

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oh god my heart

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