ITT Ask someone with borderline personality disorder who still managed to brute force his way into a career anything...

ITT Ask someone with borderline personality disorder who still managed to brute force his way into a career anything. I'd like to give back if anyone else has this.

> Final boss of mental illness
> 10% of us commit suicide
> Depression and suicidal tendencies of major depression
> Mood swings of bipolar, but faster
> Impulsiveness and substance abuse of ADD
> Paranoia and voices of Schizophrenia
> Abandonment issues of insecure attachment (real or imagined)
> Splits the world into black and white and cannot tell between reality and fantasy

Attached: Borderline-Personality-Disorder-Rehabilitation-Center.jpg (656x495, 98K)

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oh yeah and 80% of us try to kill ourselves

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How did you manage to stay focused and actually attend work? Do you have problems with power battles in the work place?

I start shit with everyone at work because everyone is either for me or against me. I've known for a while that I can't change this, so I actually specialize in turnarounds and crisis management. Borderlines feel comfortable in chaos, so my job is to go into teams that are mired in chaos and turn them around. So I actually get paid to be borderline basically.

Did you get diagnosed by a professional?

I'm currently diagnosed with schizophrenia, but these symptoms correlate more with my daily life.

Also, do you take medication?

I was misdiagnosed as bipolar for 10 years and then finally got the right diagnosis when I switched psychiatrists

Yes, effexor for depression (amazing) and lamictal to stabilize moods (works, I guess?) and recently added CBD which chills me out / makes my emotions much softer

I hate you so fucking much. My best friend of 20 years married one of you. She's stable now. I can like her when she's stable. We're a lot a like when she's like this.

But you, being BPD, know that you will ruin anything.

If it's any consolation we hate us too. Have your friend read this book, and get their spouse help. Dialectical Behavior Therapy was specifically designed to help us, we can get better. I'm sorry to hear a borderline is making your life hell, we tend to do that before we get help.

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How about concentration?

I've tried Abilify and Risperidone and I just can't do anything on those.

I was addicted to cocaine at one point so stimulants are sadly out of the picture, I just have to use coffee and CBD to regulate my moods (cocaine and whiskey work really well until they dont)

Thanks for the Jow Forumsice

I'll probably change docs, my guy has the most condescending voice I feel like all he cares about is his stupidly fat paycheck

yes my advice is get another doctor, but switch from doctor to doctor, not from doctor to internet advice.

I'm just here to say I lived with one of y'all for 8 years and would rather lose a limb than do it again


I have BPD too and I want to stop being psychotic and ruining my relationship with my boyfriend, how do I stop? I try so hard but when I get emotional or upset its like all my reasoning and logic flies out the window and I forget everything I’ve learned. I always instantly regret the things I do or say but I can’t take them back no matter how much I apologize. All my “I’m sorry”s and “I love you”s are starting to sound fake because I’m not changing my behaviour.

I'm sorry OP, but your struggles are universal to anyone who suffers from a severe mental disorder. Those with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are, and unfortunately have been, worse off than you are and were.

I'm glad that you were able to pull yourself out of a rut, but you aren't as special as you think.

When you feel angry or upset, just be be quiet.
I'm an alcoholic and over the years I've learned to do just that. I messed up so much when I was younger and booze made me talk out.
I learned however to be quiet when I felt emotional.

Be the same. When you feel that surge of emotion, don't attack the person you pretend to love. Shit post on Jow Forums. Like I do

read "I hate you dont leave me" and "The Buddha and the Borderline" which is a memoir written by a woman with BPD. and like I said I settle all my relationship conflict over text where I have as much time as I need to clear my head and not say anything I can take back.

Oh and another neat trick: every time I feel like blowing something up, a relationship, a job, whatever, I set a timer for 24 hours on my phone. And if I still feel the same way when that alarm goes off I am allowed to do whatever I wanted to do when I set that alarm (break up, quit my job, kill myself). I have found that very seldomly more than 2-3 hours go by and I still feel the same way. Try it, it works wonders.

bipolars and schizophrenics are covered under ADA from being fired, we're not. Also we're the one diagnosis many therapists refuse to treat.

>When you feel angry or upset, just be be quiet
When I do that my boyfriend still gets upset and accuses me of giving him the silent treatment. :(

OP here: this is great advice for bottling up your emotions and becoming an incel until you drive a van into a crowd full of "chads" and "staceys"

>bipolars and schizophrenics are covered under ADA from being fired, we're not

I'm not talking about legality. Your condition, and the symptoms that come with it, can be just as debilitating and disabling as other disorders. I believe that it's safe to say that someone who cannot trust their senses or even their thought processes is in the same hell that you are. I'm not downplaying BPD, but let's call a spade a spade and say that any mental disorder can make you homeless, lose everything, and at worst, take your life is equal.

As I said, I'm sincerely glad that you're doing better, but your "no one has it worse than me" attitude is disgusting.

I'm not saying be totally silent. I'm saying that when you feel like responding to "How are you feeling" with "HoW aRe YoU fEeLiNg?" you tell that emotion to fuck off.
Be honest.
If someone asks you how you are feeling, be honest.

I think I messed up my last post. What I meant was not be to reactionary and snap at people who are trying to help.
If someone who cares about you honestly asks how you are doing (or a question like that) don't say "Fine" or "Ok".

Life gets long really really fast. I told one of my friends to wait a few months to let me figure my shit out. It's been 2 years.

Don't let time pass you by. I have a grudge against myself now for that. Don't you let yourself be like me. I know you're a lot younger than me now. So 2 or 3 years means more to you than me. It meant a lot to me. So to you, don't let your mistakes take years to acknowledge.
If you have a friend. Be straight about it. Say you miss him
I miss my friend

How exactly do you know if you're borderline without diagnosis?