What kind of a career can you do if literally the only thing you care about/what motivates you is other people’s attention and approval?
What kind of a career can you do if literally the only thing you care about/what motivates you is other people’s...
Any kind of entertainer.
entertainer, personal coach
I’ve tried developing hobbies or interests, but I give up on them as soon as I can’t see how it would bring me attention or approval from other people. I quit drawing and singing when it didn’t get me attention anymore. I quit writing when I lost the only person who had ever wanted to read my stuff. I’ve tried to learn party tricks but they don’t feel cost-effective comparing the required effort and most likely reactions.
I know successful people are driven by some inner passion or something, and they would still keep doing the thing they do even if they never gained any recognition at all, but I don’t have that.
I can’t imagine any scenario where I could be happy without becoming famous.
I couldn’t make it as a writer, I don’t have the charisma to become a musician or an actor (and those aren’t any realistic life plans anyway) and I’m too weird for stand-up comedy. What else is there?
I’m ugly as fuck and don’t live anywhere aesthetic.
> I don’t have the charisma
> I’m ugly as fuck
Become a twitch streamer and get paid to play videogames. I've seen other boring and ugly people make bank off it.
>too weird for stand-up comedy
You know carrot top is a person that exists right?
Can you do that if you don’t care about videogames? The only ones I’ve managed to develop interest in are the one-on-one competitive ones.
Not to be a snowflake but I’m an LGBT alphabet soup (inb4 ”you do that for attention”, it’s way easier to fish for other peoples’ approval as a straight girl than anything else). Most people wouldn’t find me and my life relatable enough to be funny.
Try being an SJW youtuber then.
Being hated in the nation and tolerated in a vicious, toxic echo chamber isn’t a good trade.
Honestly, if you can make funny jokes it doesn't matter. Besides, there's a niche market for lgbt alphabet soup comedians. The left is terribly unfunny these days, and you have social permissionto make edgy jokes. Shit like:
>I'm funny because I was born a man.
I’m honestly just not relatable to people outside of Tumblr. I couldn’t think of something funny to save my life, and I’m not clever enough to figure out how to steal other peoples’ jokes and get away with it.
This has to be a larp. Has to be. But on the off chance that you're not, unironically kill yourself. People like you are human garbage.
Comedy doesn't actually have to be relatable. There's a lot of Dave Chappell bits about experiences that are completely alien to me, and they're still hilarious. You can play an the weirdness of you to be funny.
Honestly, I don’t disagree with you there, but I’m curious about why you feel so passionate about it.
Why would people even bother to give you attention if you have no charisma and no skills to show off? Get something you're good at and then we can talk.
>b-but I'm not good at anything
It’s in the formula of comedy, to be funny, something has to be 1 relatable/recognisable, 2 weird/inappropriate, 3 unexpected, at least two out of three. If you can take a situation we’ve all been in (getting too drunk, inconveniences at customer service, an annoying spouse), and describe it in a way that is inappropriate (say, brutally honest) or stretch it into absurd levels (about 90% of Monty Python is this), that’s funny.
Most people can’t relate to my shit. I may be a suicidal self-destructive alcholic, but not in a way that’s funny.
Rodney Dangerfield talking about how neglectful his mother was was funny. Me talking about the time my mom made me wear a dress and neither of us understanding why that made me livid isn’t relatable, it’s not funny.
Yeah, but I presume you have some understanding of normal people's experiences, and there's humor in the contrast.
A lot of comedy is about the comedian's own embarrassment. Don't talk about your childhood, talk about like, going on dates and then the awkwardness of you date bailing when they find out you're . It would be an amusing reversal of people talking about bailing when they find out their date is .
I assure you, if you look closely enough, you will discover that your life is a joke, just like everyone else's.
Academia is the OG attention whores of our time.
But you can literally do anything.
Mine isn’t funny.
Also, you CAN’T go on dates with people and go ”oh btw I’m trans”. Peope get killed that way, for real.
I’m trying to study chemistry now, but it’s hard because I hate it.