How do people make peace with living an insignificant life? Why bother getting up at all when you know nothing you’ll do in your life will ever actually amount to anything great?
How do people make peace with living an insignificant life...
Because I chose to do something about my life and make it not insignificant.
Because why the fuck should I care about that? if I want my name to go down in history I'll just shitpost as hard as possible online or shoot up a synagogue. Just as effective and twice as fast.
Why do you need a reason to live to live? I never understood why people cannot function without a higher purpose. Every breathe you take doesn't have a purpose besides keeping your ass alive. People don't have to make a profound change to live.
What did you do?
I don’t know. I hate both the thought of being insignificanr and being remembered for being awful.
Why does it have to be significant? Why do you have to amount to something great? Life is whatever you fucking want it to be.
Think of it this way: not a god damn thing anyone does on this rock matters at all. In a many millions years this planet will be engulfed by the sun and the entirety of human history (which i doubt will be around) will be erased from existence rendering it completely moot. Not even a blip on the cosmic radar.
So enjoy your brief existence while you have it.
Hitler killed millions and is a meme now
Nothing is sacred. Why bother? Better to watch humanity shatter themselves in their efforts to not destroy everything they touch... China.
What did I do? Got an education and skills and a nicely paid job.
The only things that motivate me is other peoples’ attention and approval.
Then why bother at all? Why not just shoot myself tonight?
I’m trying to get there but trying to study makes me want to kill myself instead.
Because you might as well exist while you're here. There's no round two.
I don’t want to live with being worthless.
>The only things that motivate me is other peoples’ attention and approval
Get a fucking VR headset, christ. Unfuck your priorities and learn to embrace nihilistic hedonism.
My boyfriend has a VR set. I’m not seeing the connection here.
If you actually have some real fun for once youd understand that there are other things in life than the approval of a bunch of shitheads who can frankly just go fuck themselves.
So hiding away from the world, playing with techology and pretending you didn’t fail at life is the key to happiness?
Most people get drunk at the end of the day after working a dead end job. Me I like to smoke weed. It's a better time than ever to be a pot smoker because it's almost completely legal.
I’m from a country where weed possession is still very illegal, and weed doesn’t work on me. Not in a positive way anyway.
My father died of his alcoholism.
We're all worthless. Now get to living, user.
Depends on how you define failing at life. If 3bed2bath 2.5 kids a yard and a dog is your measure of success then call me fucking Oscar. Success is what you make it. There's no endgame to this shit. If you wanna wallow in self hate because you didnt get to live life on Elon Musk mode that's your prerogative.
Fuck suburbia. I hate knowing I’ll never go down in history or earn a nobel prize.
Name 15 Nobel prize winners without looking them up
Just because I can’t doesn’t mean there aren’t hundreds who could.