Hihi So I've been with my girlfriend for 3 years now, but recently I've developed certain interest in femboy/trap...etc culture
I have already bought two dildos and had a lot of fun with them but I always end up throwing them because I get scared she might find them.
I've always been a bit feminine and im alright with it showing, however whenever im in bed with her im way more dom and this is not a side of me I'd want her to see, hence why I'm asking for advice on where I could hide these things.
It's not just toys, I'd love to have at least a set of feminine clothes too
Stop pretending to be something you are not, user. One can only hide the truth for some time, not forever. Now be a man and tell your girl you love to take it up the ass. Maybe she is into pegging...
I'm willing to accept the real me, but I'd rather experiment first in my own privacy and find out what I really like, dont really want to scare the other person away
Julian Gray
you must talk with her about it, only if you think that she will keep the secret if she disagree
Thomas Sanchez
aaawww you guyyyss are porn pics allowed here? lol If you fancy taking a look, my tumblr is "feedmeyourcock", search for pics tagged as me also stay on topic plss
Noah Russell
I really dont get why so many people online tell me that I should talk about it with her straight away If it's something im insecure about why is it that I cant enjoy it first in my own privacy? It's not like im cheating or lying to her.
Carter Diaz
>tfw girls would rather date guys that look like girls than you.
no one said that but she can't help you to feel more confident, obviously, tell her when you are sure about it
Christopher Rodriguez
>femboy/trap...etc culture break up and let her live her life with a real man instead of deceiving her. She deserves to know the real you.
Oliver Nelson
If gamer, get old PC tower, claim it's a pet project for an old school gaming machine. Bonus points to get CDs for Windows 98 and prior and such. Then you hide stuff in tower. Ez.
Honestly as long as you share space there'll never be a sacred spot.
Lincoln Cooper
We dont share space, actually she's living in another city atm and we only see each other every other weekend, however she loves to clean rooms and organice my stuff, and that's how I think she found my toys last time (or was super close to doing so) I'm a gamer but have a trash pc tower so It might work, I've heard of this before but got scared thinking it might help overheat my pc if I put stuff in there or that the toys will deteriorate
nah she's happy with me
William Perry
You use an OLD tower you brainlet. One that's sitting in your closet.
Elijah Phillips
Shes not happy with you, she is being deceived that shes dating a man who doesnt actually exist. She's currently satisfied by a mirage, a fakery, but that cant last. She will want to know you better and better, she will want a husband who doesnt hide shit like this from her
Dominic Torres
If you feel comfortable with her, (which you should after 3 years!) you should share your fetishes with her, as long as you're receptive to her fetishes as well.
You'd be surprised how gay girls are, she might be 100% down to at least try it.
Levi Myers
>tfw I can't find women that are into crossdressing guys Such a shame. Although I don't really look very femme. It's hard to build up the motivation to work on myself when I think finding a romantic partner is impossible.