Is it possible to turn yourself into a sociopath?
I thought about buying some small pets, like rabbits or guinea pigs, to kill them with a knife and lose empathy by desensitizying myself to torture. Would that work?
Is it possible to turn yourself into a sociopath?
I thought about buying some small pets, like rabbits or guinea pigs, to kill them with a knife and lose empathy by desensitizying myself to torture. Would that work?
Join the army.
This will work but not the way you think it will.
What do you mean
This just sounds like an all-around bad idea
Just go on gore nsfw adult /gif/
This is just amateur biology/psychology. Who cares. Go to medical school and you'll be encouraged to cut people up (kinda).
I used to want to be one but now that I feel no emotion I want to go back but sadly amphetaminen turned me into a sociopath normie or maybe I was odd already but I believe it's not what you want.
try to turn yourself gay by sucking dick first
>wanting to develop a disease by emulating some of its symptoms
Please go to college first so you can learn how stupid an idea this is.
No. What will happen instead is that you’ll sorta numb yourself with the killings if you can even bring yourself to do them. and then eventually, maybe years later, maybe days, you will break down a crying insane mess and have to go to psych ward because you fucked with your sense of empathy. You will give yourself ptsd. This is like asking “if i hit my foot repeatedly with a hammer, will my foot become impervipus to pain?”
you're retarded
This is probably the most brainlet post I've ever read. Good job OP, you're legitimately retarded. Killing small animals isn't going to make you a sociopath but more importantly: being a sociopath isn't a superpower.
I might be going out on a limb here but you must be one of those autismos who try to live in their self-plotted story arc of sorts. This will benefit you in no way nor will you appear stronger. Killing small innocent creatures to make them suffer is pathetic.
Why don't you try it on a grown man and let reality hit you when he mangles you around.
>Stop watching shows that glorify mental illness and buying into that cringey bullshit. Go do something actually useful.
Being anti social meme disorder is gay I really don't like anyone. All day I'm just annoyed really, it isn't as cool as you think. I suppose you should kill those animals just to appreciate what you have.
>I might be going out on a limb here but you must be one of those autismos who try to live in their self-plotted story arc of sorts. This will benefit you in no way nor will you appear stronger. Killing small innocent creatures to make them suffer is pathetic.
Well put.
>This will work but not the way you think it will.
You're expecting to gain something from intentionally taking a whole lot of what makes life richer than you truly fathom presently. You'll learn if you continue down your edgy road.
My own recommendation is to burn yourself out with amphetamines as other user mentioned doing as well as get intentionally involved with the wrong crowd far too close emotionally so you're distrusting and dissociated from other relationships letting autismo logic and paranoia run wild through different possible scenarios to try and work the best general angle at all times. Just know at the end of the day, sociopathy is made not born and while im no professional, I believe being in a constant inescapable environment where emotion must be suppressed while learning to put forward false emotion believable enough to pass can make someone pretty selfish and emotionally detached in the long run, or someone very kind and understanding.
I quit them
2 years later and my emotions are kind of back
It burns you out psychologically and emotionally. You will hate everyone. You will become "racist" for hating the living stereotypes that you'll work with. You will lose all hope and focus only on yourself.
Been there, done that. Sadly, it's the only place that mskes sense any more, so I want to go back to the organization that drove me to a mental ward.
Are amphetamines this fucked?
Imagine being this retarded
Imagine thinking that the main character from American Psycho was anything but a sad and pathetic man, that's what you're striving for OP.
Please die alone so you don't subject other people to having to experience what must be the miasma you call an existence
You already have autism, OP, why would you want to be a sociopath too?
Killing animals won't really make you a sociopath in the way that's advantageous to you. To be a socially successful sociopath you have to be able to manipulate people, backstab, not help others, and kick people when they're down. That's how you climb in the world. People who know how to rig the game in their favor are generally the ones who win, and their mindset is something you have to adopt:
Imagine if one day everyone around you suddenly had Down's Syndrome. If you weren't lazy, you'd be able to be the king of the world and command all these people as peons. However, you'd also be disgusted by how useless and degenerate your henchmen are. That's the kind of mindset we're talking about when we're talking the upper classes here.
Sociopaths are defined by the LACK of a lot of things. You can't and will never manage to erase part of yourself by being an edgelord like in the movies.
>ITT people don't know the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath
here's and infograph for you idiots who can't even google the words you think you know.
Except you You're cool.
Thanks for the advice you triggered bitches. Going to buy some guinea pigs on Friday.
You're trying too hard and it's cringey. Stop being a cuck and trying to be mentally retarded for attention. Get a life
You go in thinking they'll train you into an unfeeling badass. They don't.
The combat training and desensitization doesn't make you a sociopath.
Dealing with the most convoluted, byzantine bureaucracy you can possibly imagine, that you don't even get to escape at the end of the working day, for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for 2 to 4 years is what does it.
lol, no, it won't help. You might be able to skin a pig alive and as it spasms and goes through the death throws be able to punch it in the face and laugh as you knock its teeth out, but if you watch a video of someone getting murdered and are able to process it as "what if this was me" you're not a sociopath. Unless you process every human death that isn't yours as on the same level as passing a store in the mall.
Holy shit this. And it's in every military. The bureaucracy is so bad i wonder how militaries function in wartime nowadays. And it's even worse in the police forces.
No one is even triggered, they're just telling you how retarded this idea is and that it won't work.
Enjoy your memory with all your emotional range, its gonna take a lot more than hitting rock bottom to be rid of the memory of the person you are right now and the shame a moderately mature well-adjusted adult would feel having been that edgy little shit. I hope you legit give yourself PTSD in your autism-logic pursuit and kill yourself eventually.
Just neck yourself
>hey Jow Forums I bought some guinea pigs on Friday and since I want to be desensitized to torture I tried to kill them with a knife but now my room is a literal bloody mess and I don't know how to explain this to my mom. The good news though is that I didn't feel much while stabbing these pigs, aside from feeling like a huge retard. Was I a sociopath all along?
Amazing you have a chart, now read it and you'll find most comments still resonate.
>wanting attention this bad
Tragedy of the manchild. You must have a really cushioned life to contemplate the possibility transition.
>posts on Jow Forums for advice
>gets a dose of Jow Forums
>cries about reality
Have fun being retarded !
Except those terms are made up, there's no real definitions.
"People" like you should be publicly executed
Shut up faggot. You're not even white.
Whiter than you, Muhammed
Why? Are you bored? Don't enjoy doing anything? Nothing makes you FEEL?
>"what if this was me"
I don‘t think that though.
Lol. You see no contradiction in your attitude there?
I need to rid myself of all empathy to be able to make the right decisions in cut throat, highly competitive environments. It simply makes you a stronger person. Not interested in the mondane set of believes the average person holds which in my opinion is a factor to why they are relegated to an average life.
You wont make it. You don’t have it in you. There are thousands of other people who can make decisions in a cutthroat environment easily AND who have the empathy to deal with day to day work and not piss off a boss ir high roller because you don’t understand human interaction
OP, this sounds a lot more like being an autist instead of being a sociopath.
Make bacon!
>You don’t have it in you.
Nah I do
>There are thousands of other people
Lol, what makes you think there is no more room at the top because of „thousands of people“.
Nice hyperbole. Why would a bottom feeder like you have any grasp of that, you underestimating insect.
You are a simple minded idiot, what you want is way beyond being a sociopath, grow up. Some "bad people" make it yeah but most of them end up dead or in prison.
Killing small animals isn't that hard user...
All kids do that
Dahmer only got caught because of alcohol. Otherwise, like you killed animals & worked his way up to people. Plenty of documentaries out there on how. Good hunting user.
Your either a cannibal or your food. Cannibals need food too! Stop being selfish & share your bodies with us.
>Should I do something retarded?
"No that's retarded"
>Haha I'm doing it anyways you're so triggered
Do the world a favour and kys, attention whore
try cutting yourself in the throat first and post a pic of it here. that would be fun.
>Being too retarded to see the power of an environment with positive social interactions where everyone pushes everyone else further
A strawman that was dimensions away from my actual outlook of life. Many of the replies where uninpressive so far.
I mean, you either have it or you don't. Do you think fortune 500 CEOs strangle kittens before important board meetings? You're autistic, which luckily has its own set of pros and cons. Use your autism to better your life. You don't need to kill anything to do that.
I know I'm what you'll never be because becoming emotionally dead inside involves a lot of traumatic shit over extended periods of time at the right age in just the right way. Again, I hope your literally retard logic leads you into traumatizing yourself and necking yourself.
I think what you mean to say is "many of the answers used common sense and perspective without the pitholes of logic that comes alongside actual, real, very obvious from my posts and logic autism, which doesnt align to what my autistic brain wants to believe so lalala, cant hear you."
ITT: People unanimously speak reaffirming logic while OP whines and struggles to justify a mindless task so incredibly easy that children naturally go through with everyday.
>Lincoln Park and Drowning Pool can't save you now you literal manchild. Post pics of the skinned pigs after you're done you edgy retard.
Where's the update OP? Did you realize how retarded your idea is or did you convince yourself it worked and now you're an edgelord?
medical school is more effective