So I moved in with a female roommate and she's falling hard for me. Making jokes about having kids and shit...

So I moved in with a female roommate and she's falling hard for me. Making jokes about having kids and shit. I have other females I fuck around with. I need to not make a mistake with my words on this one.

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... fuck her? She is already living with you, why not be fucking?

Just bring your bitches over and bang them when she’s home, he’ll get them all over n get em drunk. Da fuq is wrong with you? If you were my friend asking this I’d come right over and handle her on your couch you little chode.

Bring other girls back and fuck all you want. Next time this girl starts moving on you straight up tell her she's making you uncomfortable in a friendly but firm manner.

I fucked her the second night I moved in.
Then again.
Then again.
Now it's almost expected. She's really hot and blonde and it's pretty cool, but I'm digging a pit of "I can't bring other cute girls to my place to fuck around with without this one losing her mind from jealousy."

I think I need to end things. But I also don't want to.... the sex is fucking awesome, but now strings are starting to become attached and I live here.

Suck a cock.

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Yes, I know I need to. Thank you.

>fucking a female roommate that isn't your GF
that's where you fucked up pal. My dad told me a long time ago to never fuck any woman you are roommates with, he had that policy with a BA flight attendant and some Norwegian he was roommates with and when one of them tried to make the moves with him he told them to fuck off. And this was in the 1990s mind you.

So it was like 30 years ago?

Yikes. Dont shit where you eat dog.
Hopefully she doesnt go insane on you.
Like hopefully you are fucking her in her bed and them going to your bed afterwards.
Ive heard of the nicest chicks in the world putting shit in dudes tailpipe and if they know they dont lock their door at certain times they will just come in to fuck shit up.
Ive also heard of them just crying and running home and you never see them again. So its not always a horror story.

Exactly. She's really cool. That's the problem. I can't shit where I eat.

We are fucking in her bed and then I go to mine whenever I wake up before her. I guess I'm going to distance myself.

She's wearing just a top, begging me to watch a basketball game with her right now. This is fucking torture.

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Just give her the we arent in a relationship talk. Then gauge how she reacts. Its a little easier to swallow.

Just tell her look I have other girls I see and this is getting a little too serious and we live together. Wait like two weeks and talk about the girl your seeing then casually ask if she’s ever fantasized about a threesome duh

Did it. She didn't seem to really care.

She plays video games, writes, and reads books and has a BA.

I'm so mindfucked right now.

Guess I'm just going to tell her I want to fuck around but I'm not looking for love or anything

This is so weird. She knows I'm fucking around all over the place and doesn't care. blEHHHHH

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Dude do whatever you want
If she don't like it she can scram


Yo man you found a unicorn.
Treasure that shit.

Your dad sounds like a faggot

How do i get a life as cool as yours lucky user?

Best advice i have ever seen on this board!

Maybe I shall.

Fuck. Thank you.

Speak up for the small guy. Don't take shit from anyone. Laugh at your enemies when you're outnumbered. Intimidation and tactic, I guess.

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Don't eat where you shit


She wants the D waht do I do? quik it's a race

Give her what she wants now and ease into the rest later. It's not going to kill you to consider her feelings for a week or two. While you are going at it, ask her if she likes the fact that you fuck other girls. If she hasn't been mean and weird about this yet, she probably does. Tell her she will always be your number one girl and you want to fuck them with her.

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