I am cursed with being beautiful. Like no joke, when several people look at me...

I am cursed with being beautiful. Like no joke, when several people look at me, they like literally brighten up immediately. But it is really REALLY hard for me to get into a serious relationship. Everybody sees me as someone promiscious, when I am absolutely not. I have had only one relationship in my entire life. I am currently 23 so idk my last relationship was when I was 16 and ever since no guy wanted a serious thing with me. Everybody thought I am going to cheat anyway, and the funny thing is: Like 99% of all people think like that and I end up being the side chick, no serious intentions at all.
It frustrates me to a point where I see all the other girls get serious requests from time to time, and all I get is a seat as a fuckbuddy. It tires me more and more, since my family and friends are wondering why no one wants to start serious things with me, despite being beautiful.

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guaranteed replies. let the incel rage commence.

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You could have a shit personality

All the replies better be "this is bait"

Excuse me, but what? I dont know anything about incel rage, I literally want to know what am I doing wrong? My looks is something I was born with, I am not dressing slutty, I am not too flirty. I am being nice to everyone and still no one seems to start serious things with me.

Great bait sweetie.

Can you further explain why everyone seemingly thinks you're promiscuous? I find it hard to believe that there's nott partly some behavior/self-presentation from you that contributes to this. Regardless, try finding someone that trusts you not to cheat and getting to know them before dating.

My personality is the thing I work most upon. I am really trying to make everyone happy around me, I love to talk about different things and to share stories etc.. I wondered if I am dressing too slutty, but as I started dressing really really slowed down - it still ended in being the fuckbuddy. I just dont get it.

Yet your pic is slutty.

Incel is a newspeak word. You're a sheep. Go baa somewhere else.

I dont even know why. But I am trying to figure this out more and more. Maybe its the way I talk? idk

Don't forget chad is busy

Date 5/10 or 6/10 guys who are cool and level headed people. People as beautiful as you say you are are either extremely shallow terrible people, or lonely because everyone assumes they are extremely shallow terrible people.

The problem is you.

Just to get attention, nothing else. Please stop sexualising pictures, when I already TOLD you the last time I have had something sexually going on was when I was 16 years old.

Its not about the so called "chads", its about literally anyone.

Women don't want just anyone. They got patterns or any only settle for less because that's all they can get or out of pity or both partners are subpar..

OK what's your size, politics, bra size, religion, way you dress, type of guy, past history etc. Your attiude, race, weight, etc. They're all factors in your life. Past sexual and dating history too.

Trying to be a decent person is bs and people who are really decent people don't need to try. And suffer the most.

As others have said, the problem is you.

It never even comes to dating. Like they dont even consider me as someone to date, I was shocked to once hear something like "You are just too beautiful, I am looking for more down girls and no thots". I spent the whole night and day crying, and cry and just questioning everything I have done so far in life

I know the problem is me. I know it, really! Seemingly other girls can get into a relationship with serious outcome

It has to be your personality that makes people treat you that way.
Something about you is putting you in the zone of women men would never call "marriage material".
That and/or the you choose men poorly. Get to know a guy well before dating them. If you're not acting slutty maybe its that you come off as dumb to them?
Men don't cheat on women they respect, so become a woman of character they can care about beyond your looks.

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Thats so much interesting stuff to know about, thanks!

you could always try places or sites geared toward serious relationships

best of luck

dress consertative then whore. stop riding the cock carousel you dim witted thot.

why are thots always the most dumbest? do they focus on their sexual appeal so much their brains lose brain cells?

i can see why elon wants to move to mars

Post more pics.

So you only had one relationship, years ago, yet you have situations where you become a side chick? Don't you have to be in a relationship to be a side chick?

Not her, but no: "Side chick" means a girl a guy sleeps with on the side who isn't his main girlfriend.

You said last relationship, you also said that you got a seat as a fuck buddy, does that not count as a sexual relation?

we need more pics to make a plausible reply

Yeah, but it sounds like op is looking for a relationship, not just someone to sleep with, considering that, why would she sleep with someone (who maybe she didn't realise that she was going to be a side chick with) that she wasn't in a relationship with?

Because pre-relationship sex is the norm these days. There are loads of guys (even on here) who will drop a girl that isn't getting physical after three dates. Well this one presumably has trouble drawing the line.

Well, that must be the incel rage someone was mentioning before. I dont know in what kind of delusional world youre currently living in, but I know that all of this here is true. If you still refuse to believe me, idk then leave me in peace

They were always making sexual hints and left me when I didnt want to rush into things, sadly.

Well then maybe she is known to take part in pre-relation sex, causing a reputation where people believe her to be an easy side chick to have. Maybe she should ensure looking for a partner that is fine with taking it slow

>There are loads of guys (even on here) who will drop a girl that isn't getting physical after three dates

And why this? This is really exactly the issue I am facing right now.

I have never ever slept with a guy since I was 16. I have like zero reputation, believe me.

Maybe you should start trying to be more in controll untill you learn what youve done wrong....

Maybe you just don't have enough in common, no big enough overlapping interests?

in control of what? I dont even know what to control about myself, other than my behavior. I have zero actions that could give me a bad reputation.

Oh well, that could be!

That said, mention something that you spend a lot of time on. If it's video games, maybe mention the game,. If it's movies, maybe mention a favourite movie. Properly break the ice.

^ because not mentioning anything can make you come off as bland

Because they start thinking they're being used for free meals, as a chauffeur, as an emotional tampon, as a distraction, to make some other guy jealous, as protection, for gifts, as a cameraman, or any of a dozen things.

Guys don't notice chemistry easily when you're not getting physical, so they start wondering if you even care about them. And what they have noticed they start to question.

Most men don't like being chased by women and rather have you be upfront. Also don't make a guy jealous he will drop you like a bag of shit.

Also there's men who want virgins. The following pic is considered slutty to many men.

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good point

The reason is psychological and easy to find
add me on discord

I’ll marry you we can Netflix and chill all day in my trailer and you don’t have to work just get foodstamps. I’m really funny, I’m only a 6.5-7 tho. You down?

Mainly because she is showing off, or that she has had obviously a lip job done?

OP, dont fall for creeps, you can get killed btw

Fuck off, she looks like the most innocent creature that I have ever seen

Get on eHarmony and maybe Bumble, and mention no sex until committed long term. It's not that sensible people don't respect beautiful women, you are just getting a lot more attention from people who aren't very high quality. Speaking as a medium quality male there is a threshold beyond which I will approach a woman outside my scope anyway, just because I can't help myself or because you never know. In fact I married a girl who was way out of my league and thankfully just didn't realize it.

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Your just mad you don’t have your own trailer, I also have a sweet gaming rig and a dope ass hexagon fish tank with cichlids of assorted color and real plants! We can grow weed too if you like that I just came into a bunch of growing supplies