Is there a cure for depression?

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Depression is sadness, but like big sadness.

People feel sad after anger. Anger manifests in different ways, like annoyance and disappointment.

To stop feeling depressed, you need to stop feeling sad.
To stop feeling sad, you have to stop feeling angry.
To stop feeling angry, you need to explore what is causing your anger. I think for most people, it's disappointment in you lifestyle. You're not living the life you want to life. Other's in in response to an event, like breakup or death.

Take a look at the emotion wheel, pic related. Check out all the emotions under "anger" and think about your daily, normal routine life. How many of these anger feelings can you ascribe to you life?

If you're depressed like, constantly, and without any real merit or cause. Then it's possible you have a "chemical imbalance" in your brain and you need to see a pro. But personally I believe this stigma is overplayed and really just accounts for a tiny perfect of depressed people. Try to make good effort to change your lifestyle first before talking to a pro.

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The anime you posted helped a lot with mine back in college

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what makes you happy?

Temporary? Yes.
Permanent? No.
Depression is emotional cancer. You're slowly deteriorating until your patience reaches its end.

Watch anime, but not to much. Try Moe anime so you can feel friendship and love again. Then socialize as much as possible.

Watch "Welcome to the NHK"

Just dropped in to post these 2 packs of audio to help with depression. The first is a set of guided affirmations
the second one is the Mindful Way Through Depression. Hope this helps. Good luck guys.

meaningful connection

Very much this, socialization helps a fuck ton. You don't have to think so much anymore, you can just do. It didn't work great for me because I felt guilty after having spent time doing nothing with my "friends", but you should really just try to meet people so you can plug your brain off for some time

>watch it for the first time
>"Why don't they just leave poor Shinji alone, just let him close himself off everyone gives him shit anyway"
>watch it again a few years later
>realize what was meant by the ending


You should start smoking it will help

This is the only way out.
It's nice that mental health has gotten more of a spotlight recently, but therapy has also been put on a pedestal.
It will reveal any confusion you have about why you're feeling the way you are, but not offer any solution.
I found I already knew what the problem was, but I'm still searching for a solution.

Therapy and medication.

I've been watching movies lately to give me a couple hours' escape. Film is a very immersive medium and it's great for that. Plus, it's not such a waste of time if you make the effort to find good/artful movies.

This user is right. Solitude makes depression x100 worse, especially if you're introspective. You'll end up in a hall of mirrors questioning your own thoughts, then questioning those questions, it never ends. More importantly, many people end up depressed because they wall themselves off 'for emotional protection' only to become trapped and lonely.

Watch yourself around 'feel better' drugs like alcohol and weed, it's very easy to get into the habit of numbing yourself with substances instead of fighting.

It's also important to remember that hard work makes you feel good. It shouldn't be "I feel good, so I can stand to work", it should be "I'll work so I can feel good." Evolution has left us with a need for a struggle, lazy apes who felt good doing nothing didn't pass on their genes.

If you're creative make sure you nourish that side of yourself.

Go for runs and meditate.

I guess the short answer is no, unless your depression is circumstancial. But after all, life would be meaningless if we didn't suffer, what value would anything have if we didn't have to suffer for it?

Much love to you user, hope better days are coming soon

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