Can men still find a girl attractive with body acne? Like on the shoulders, back, breasts, stomach. I think I'd be okay looking without acne but I can't imagine anyone wanted to touch someone with ugly red spots everywhere instead of pretty nice skin like normal people. Nothing is helping and I can't see a dermatologist now because no insurance.
Can men still find a girl attractive with body acne? Like on the shoulders, back, breasts, stomach...
Yeah why not? It doesn't matter unless it matters to you.
I'll pop your bacne if you pop mine.
Just tell them to think of pizza toppings when they see it. Everyone likes pizza
you probably have worse appearance issues like obesity
Popping acne makes it worse.
I'm not obese. If I was obese I'd feel bad about that way more than the acne.
Then why does it feel so right?
I doubt that. whats your bmi?
Feels good though.
I've only popped them by accident and it always hurts like hell, I don't get how people can do it.
19.3 according to the calculator that comes up on google.
Ex gf used to have it, never really thought about it or even remembered unless I touched the area between her shoulder blades where it occurred most, and I rarely touched her there because I was more interested in touching the butt.
It probably wasn't that visible or bad.
So the OP pic is not you?
Why would I post a picture of myself, that's retarded. I just googled shoulder acne.
It wasn't often as inflamed as in the pic you posted but it was probably worse than mild. She also had a fair bit of acne scarring in that area. I don't know, at any given time she'd have like a dozen spots going on.
She also drank loads of soft drink which is one of the big causes of adult acne.
I care about 3 things
>face is shaped correctly
>boobs are of hand holding size
>legs dont have fat folds
If you have those 3 things you're good.
user assumed you were obese because of the photo, that's all I was getting at.
>never drink soda
>still have acne
As long as pus doesn't leak from any bump when I touch it, I'm fine with it. No one has a perfect body.
It's almost like I was just telling you about her problem and not trying to solve your problem specifically.
If I loved a woman who had acne it wouldn't be a problem, popping zits and picking at skin things is fun. btw some free insurances cover specialist visits depending on your state ( if you're in the US) The other day I visited the dermatologist for a cyst and the check-in woman claimed their business didn't accept my public insurance ( they do, I had called the week prior to verify it ) and it took 10 minutes for them to call and verify it themselves.
My advice for your acne would be to apply hot towels + rubbing alcohol to the site daily to dry the pores out, I suffer with acne on my back and this tends to help reduce the inflammation.
i have it on the face.... wonder how fucked i am
Besides my spine problem, body acne has been the bane of my existence. Took 28yrs to finally find a regime that has my face 99% clear. My back, I've only managed to clear about 70%-80% from what it was. I fucking hate this shit.
But I read in an article that apparently it's really bad for women. One health official used the word "epidemic" and no one knows why it's happening. So for you guys who are depressed about it, just be glad you're a guy.
As for what cleared me up, no point in telling you. There is no magic bullet for this shit otherwise everyone would know. What works for me may not work for you. See a dermatologist. Give them 6 months. If you're not seeing results by then, fire them and find another one. Rinse/repeat. That's what I had to do. You're going to have to find one anyway. The stuff I take requires a prescription.
I WILL tell you one secret. The key is finding the right balance on how often to use medicine/apply medicine. The thing that cleared my face was the FIRST medicine I was prescribed when I was 14. But I applied too much and didn't moisturizer so I gave up on it. 28yrs of embarrassment and I had the right treatment all along...fuck this gay life.
Landing a rover on Mars using jet packs like fucking Iron Man and showing us HD video of it? No problem. Fixing a simple skin condition? Are you crazy?!
Carb free, sugar free diet will help
Yes. If a man likes you and wants to fuck you, he won't mind.
> can't see a dermatologist now because no insurance.
How old are you and why the fuck not
I kinda like the way acne looks. I really like slight acne scarring.
This is very true. I'd also say that removing all dairy from your diet will make a big difference. OP, try it for two weeks and you'll see the results.
My ex had a lot of acne. Not as bad as OPs picture, but still very visible. Our relationship lasted for about 4 years and I loved her very much.
Acne isn't a big deal OP
I've gotta be honest. Personally, I find acne to be the most off-putting thing. I'm fine with overweight girls, girls less than fortunate in the face department, girls of various heights. But for me, acne is a big turn off, particularly body acne. I know you might not be able to help it but it just has an unclean appearance. Physically speaking I would find a fat girl with generally clear skin more attractive than even a really cute girl of normal weight if she had noticeable acne.
That's just me though. I might have some kind of phobia because spots like that make my skin crawl a bit. But I would really recommend doing whatever possible to get rid of your acne. Save up some cash specifically for this treatment, it will be worth it in the end.
I have body acne the best cure I found was wearing clean clothes each day and changing the bedding and towels each week.
The only time it flairs up now is when I don't keep to the routine.
My girlfriend has mad back acne but she's still beautiful and I love her. She's super self conscious about it though.
Find a guy with spot squeezing fetish. Like me.
you guys understand me. when that motha fucka is TIGHT and ready and you barely touch it and it rips its like 1/4th of an orgasm i swear to god
You should fix your diet. Try cutting out dairy for a while and see if that helps. This much acne definitely isn't normal.
No, you have to do something about it. Ignore the desperate virgind telling you otherwise, that‘s legit gross. Avoid diary. Consider going on keto.
Wash your entire body every day and exfoliate with a sponge. Shower with freezing cold water for at least a few minutes before exiting.
Not fapping every day can also reduce acne.
>Can men still find a girl attractive with body acne?
Do YOU find men attractive with body acne?
Asking the real questions.
If it hurts they're not ripe, I don't know how the FUCK do you manage to accidentally pop unripe ones tho.
What someone else said about it being 1/4th of an orgasm is very much true for a lot of people
so? I went to beach once with two girls (they invited me) and my back was a lot of acne and I was out of shape. I ditched them though because they had BFs and I wanted nothing to do with them afterwards (and they also bored me)
>drink tons of alcohol on vacation
>acne gets severely reduced
I love alcohol