How do you move on in life when the person who's been the only reason besides your parents who's kept you alive leaves...

How do you move on in life when the person who's been the only reason besides your parents who's kept you alive leaves? I've banked my entire life on being with this person and they left me with no explanation as to why. I don't want to eat or sleep. I just want to stop existing. I just feel so lost.

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Let the storm pass

Protip: Eggos will help you survive crippling depression

What am I supposed to do though? What's supposed to happen? What do people do with their lives?

You'll get on, everyone does.

>except me because I should have killed myself instead of giving the bullet to my mom

Well, restructure your life, more or less. First get ideas about how to have a good life based on your current and potential future circumstances. Then pick the best idea. Make that into a plan. Work towards said plan. From there you're on your own, cause that's as far as I've gotten.

>Find a Hope


I didn't want anything in my life than to be happy with this individual. I have no hobbies or passions. I can hardly keep a minimum wage job. I was supposed to live with them while I went to college so now I have no way of getting a secondary education.

>I lost my first love

Find a way to laugh as fast as possible before you sink into despair

the end of hope is peace or despair
the end of despair is hope

She left you so she could have sex with somebody else and not hate herself for it.

The thing for you to do is find new places to go, have new things to do, and make new friends. Old friends and new romances will both make the pain worse and cause it to drag out. You don't need to avoid these things, but the slam dunk cure for heartbreak is new friends and the new experiences that come from making them. Go out, all the time. Watch your drinking, don't try to hook out, just find new digs and get to know just about everybody. If that means move away, do it.

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They weren't my first love, but they were the first person that made me actually feel okay with being alive. I've been depressed for as long as I can remember and it feels like I just had the raft I was clinging to ripped from me by the current.

You're starting to sound like a little emo faggot and your young age is showing about your ideas on love

take a load off

I'm not young. I'm 23 and I can't just "take a load off."

>I'm not young I am 23

God you are retarded too


We were together for 5 years. Others have said they experienced heartbreak after only a few months.

ponder this

20 years + of marriage

then no shot at another love

that's when the heart is done

that is game over.

you got multiples zelda hearts left

go live life

I can't live life. I don't have a life to live. That's the issue. I put all my eggs in one basket and now I'm going to end up homeless.

Stop being a melodramatic. You’re 23 and young as hell. I get you are sad and it hurts a lot. I have been there too. but you have like 20 years to heal and find a better match and start a family. Learn from this not to bank everything on a single flawed person, because honestly you didn’t know them that well if this happened, and find some peace in your life. She showed you that she’s not your perfect match. Because she left you. Your match is out there.

How does that change the fact that I have no life path or way of bettering myself? I can't afford to move out of my small town to go to school anymore. Once I'm inevitably fired from my current job due to my mental illness I'll be on the streets.

get a van and put a bed in it and go to a major city

this is where credit with cards and loans are useful

Do you have no one who can help you? Any skills or ability to apply to other jobs? Because right now is the time to ignore what happened and focus on not being homeless and sick. That is the most important.
What mental illness? It’s bad enough that you cant keep it together at work? You can’t pretend to be a robot and not freak out or do whatever you’re doing? Can you apply for disability? Food stamps? Food pantry/church?

And then what? I live in debt for the rest of my life? What kind of life is that? It was a miracle that my partner put up with me for that long even when we had some stability. Nobody will want me now.

user, I was in your place. 24, old relationship lasted for 9 years.

You cry for 45 minutes, then you decide you're done with it. And you start over again.
From small things like getting out of bed, making your bed, doing your laundry and cleaning every day to finding a job you like, to whatever else you might be into.
The right person will arrive, and all this pain will be a pale memory in a few years.

>t. married with kids

a couple grand isn't life debt

dude your plan is to give up and die while some harpie laughs over your corpse.

You are not Tom Cruise in Born on the Fourth of July. You'll find somebody to love your ass

go prove your worth a damn

It would cost about $40,000 for a basic college course nearby. Something I have no guarantee of being able to pay back.

Learn your lesson. Don't rely on other people. Be your own reason to be alive