>be me >have oneitis for me best friend >she goes back to her anger issues silverback bf >know we'll probably stop cuddling and drawing on eachother while being intoxicated every other day. >sadguyhours.mp4
I knew this would happen, he makes her feel understood in ways I can't and I'm not angry about it. I love seeing her happy I just wish that she was happy with me. She has such a beautiful smile, why did I do this to myself anons?
Now she's sucking another man's cock and if she is thinking about you, she's laughing at how pathetic you are. Take out all your rage on a punching bag and weight lifting and never talk to this girl again.
Colton Lewis
Fuck off incel we arent all jaded pathetic doormats like you are. We have been best friends since 14 (now 20) it isnt like that. I was just there for a friend and I happened to have feelings for her, im smart enough to avoid staceys.
Dylan Lewis
> Fuck off incel we arent all jaded pathetic doormats like you are. Sheer projection
Eli Torres
Try asking her Out and make her Quit the relationship, If you cant so that forget her
Jack Green
Ironic you say that.
Bentley Morris
>Calls someone else an incel >Uses the term "Staceys" >Gets cucked and used by "friend"
lol great job OP
Liam Gomez
Why is this thread familiar to me? both the picture you used and the whole drawing on each other bit sounds awfully similar to a thread from yesterday. And if I recall correctly, my answer was something along the lines of "get over it, you're nothing more than an emotional tampon for her".
Joseph Bailey
Can you be any more beta?
Luke Scott
Lolololo, spineless whimp. I hope you develop a cuckhold fetish, it’s your only hope.
Hunter Lopez
Ignore all the negative comments here user and do this: Dont focus on her anymore, forget her for a while, hit the gym and develope yourself, get some income, buy a nice car, be self dependent and learn some new things. It will only hurt you if you keep chasing her. She will reject you badly and you will end up more miserable. It hurts user, I know your pain, I know what you go through, but the best thing right now is to delete her immediately. Number, social media, etc. But dont make it obvious and delete with anything uncommented.
"Stop being a faggot" is the basic advice a man can give to another, once you stop being a faggot, you can focus on more important things
Noah Robinson
You know if you never ask them out or tell them how you feel, they're sure as fuck never going to put themselves in that vulnerable spot by taking the initiative as a female, right?
Owen Hughes
Bro I saw your other thread and I fucking told you this would happen, I hope you stocked up on booze like I suggested
Logan Perry
She enjoys it having you as a beta orbiter. She loves to tease you with cuddling, getting a boner, making you things for her and then nothing happening at all. She is vicious, if you want a girl do degrade your masculinity accept youraelf and take a domme that spits in your face, slaps you and pees on you.
Hudson Cruz
Be honest w yrswlf bro, you wanna be fucked by the silverback
Camden Baker
Lmao tonight lads tonight. Nah im not too distraught over it, kinda saw it coming.
Nolan Long
Instead of being a pussy and not going after what you want you should do the opposite, how hard is it to ask her on a date?
Sebastian Hill
End the friendship, break contact. Delete her number, block her everywhere. You have no other option.