Planning on marrying my fiance

>planning on marrying my fiance
>ask her if she likes the sound of her name next to my last name
>she looks at me like I'm stupid, laughs, and says she's not taking my last name because it's dehumanizing to a woman and implies she's my property
>we haven't talked since

what the fuck Jow Forums? is this it? we live in California and all her friends agree with her and are calling me a pig to my face now

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This is half of why I didn't propose to my ex.


really Mr. Cooper?

Not sure what the problem is brother. You just got sent a god given kevlar vest and dodged a bullet.

Time to move on. Stay away from the cities and start looking a little further out for some higher quality women.

guaranteed replies tho

>believes in marriage
Ask me how I know you're gay

user, you and i both know those words dont come within the same postal code of each other.

You're totally right only men are good people lets be sad and pathetic and alone forever.

At least you understand now.

You wanna suck each other's dick? I mean, if only men are capable of being good people and becoming NEETs is our only option to avoid the scourge of women I guess going gay is our only noble option. I know, what if a whole bunch of us Jow Forums guys just got together and had a big ol' dick suckin' party? Nothing weird or sad about that huh?

if this isnt bait, which i highly doubt, she isnt marriage material, sorry bud. Get a nice 20 year old instead, she'll fucking HATE herself and you for it, lol

Go back to Jow Forums incel

Hating women and loving men aren't the same thing
Kill yourself

cool it down with the hate speech chief
we're not on Jow Forums, put an effort into being a decent human being

>my girlfriend owned me so hard my dick fell off
Lol why are you telling people this


Dodged the bullet in time brother

Sounds like shes been corrupted by the third wave feminism. See if dhe talk to you again first. If you talk first you're a cuck. If she doesn't talk first onwards you go.

Well, you could take her last name.

Keeping last name while married is O.G. Feminism. Straight up suffragette shit

You literally raped her with your privilege.
Take her name or change it to cosby.

It’s less dehumanizing than sucking the coccks of 100 dudes trying to replace you before she hits the wall. Don’t be an idiot. If she won’t take your name then you’re done.

Get out of that relationship right the fuck now this is not a woman you want to deal with.

>It’s less dehumanizing than sucking the cocks of 100 dudes
You’re a stupid prude if you actually believe that

I don't think he was expecting you to ask.

everyone else itt is retarded. it's just a fucking name user, it doesn't mean she hates you she just doesn't want to change what she's called herself all her life.
I mean think about it, would you take her name if she wanted you to? Or even some hyphenated bullshit?
But if this is a dealbreaker for you then you're probably not meant to marry her anyway.

Look, someone on Jow Forums making sweeping accusations because generalizations are far easier than actual research and collection of details.

But no, surely you're right, not a single other person in the thread is even on to a trail of logic.
Is remembering how to breathe tough in the mornings or has dumb luck just been helping you coast?

whatever, sorry for your loss OP

Well it doesn't matter what her last name.

It's the kids that do.

Marriage is about kids after all.

OP I think this is a really important moment. Think about the ethics you value and if this is something that's important to you. I personally think taking my husband's name is important and it is important to my partner as well, but I have met many who are not offended by women keeping their name.

If you're going to marry someone, family ethics is a non-compromise.

GO BACK TO Jow Forums

>I'm just going to make a smug disengage because actually defending my unfounded argument is too tough!
It's like you're every teenager on Jow Forums at once.

>the woman is anything but subservient

Uh. Why you getting married?

A marriage contract is something a man can ONLY come to regret and NEVER be something he is glad he has.

This is such a cultural thing! Sorry for the crappy situation, OP, but the solution is quite easy. Respect her perspective on this issue. Or, if you didn't before, state you would take her last name as well. If she is worried about it symbolizing you owning her, why not make it mutual? It symbolizes you belong to each other.

If that doesn't work, I would just respect her wishes to keep her original last name. I don't know why its such a big deal, nor why her friends are verbally assaulting you to your face. That's uncivilized, blatantly immature, and uncanny of your fiance's friends to do. Unless they don't approve of you; in which case, women do that kind of shit.

I don't know if you'll read my advice, but I do hope it reaches you. Goodluck OP.

Leftie user plays damage control.

Good women don't pretend to be on equal footing or social equivalent to men. Your girlfriend does because she sees you as a weak man to play the role of provider.

I mean, even assuming a milksop like yourself gets attention from women.

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What, she doesn't speak to you or you don't speak to her?

I personally think not taking your husband's name is a respectable and reasonable position, but why would she stop talking to you just cause you mentioned it? Or did you stop talking to her just because you want to impose your last name onto her?

Ghost her.

Anyone who won't even entertain taking your last name has no respect for their role in the marriage. If you ever marry she will literally just do whatever she wants without regards to you.

Just move on.

>This thread
>Anything but bait

My Fiance has a degree. I don't. That alone is reason enough for me to take her last name. The real reason is my family is shit so I am joining hers.

This thread is hella bait tho. Why even play this game lads?

Nope. You have to stand strong on this. A woman who won’t take your last name isn’t worth marrying. She clearly doesn’t get it and if you stick with her you’re setting yourself up.

The desire to keep a last name in this day and age is reasonable, the reaction you described, assuming it's actually how it happened and you're not exaggerating to generate sympathy, absolutely isn't.
Maybe give marrying her a second thoughts, because it sure sounds like she has fallen for the turbo feminist meme.
Again, and I can't stress this enough, it's not because she wants to keep her last name, but because she reacts to it as if it's some subconscious way for the patriarchy to put womyn down, if it didn't already, it's going to poison your relationship something fierce.
Even my aunt kept her maiden name (but she also took her husbands name, so she's FirstName MaidenName-HusbandName), and I haven't a shred of doubt the discussion between the two of them didn't look like THAT.

As a man, i mostly agree with her. I wouldn't probably go as far as to call imply status of property, but can see how it can be somewhat... downgrading?

I would probably prefer my hypothetical fiancee not to take my name. But i guess it would depend heavily on what kind of name would she have. I have weird surname and if i had chance to marry Smith, Black or Hill girl, i would totally changed mine surname.

Also, this.

Now you know what things to find out about a girl before you propose next time...

Dump here NOW!

That argument stopped being interesting three generations ago. She's right; you're wrong