Am I paranoid, or...?

Am I paranoid, or...?

>Go to family Halloween gathering at parent's house
>Some small cousins are there along with my grandparents
>They're talking about dinner stuff
>"We have a meatball sub in the fridge user should eat!"
>"Yeah! user should eat it!"
>Literally everyone is looking at me telling me to eat it
>I'm small as fuck and barely eat food
>But not to unhealthy levels
>Really really not hungry even in the slightest
>Throughout the entire night everyone is nearly begging me to eat the meatball sub
>"Please user, for me?" my 90 something year old grandma says
>Even the little kids are telling me to eat it
>Decide this is getting really weird and head for the door
>Get in my car to go home early
>My parents come running out of the house with the sub in a giant plastic box
>"user STOP!"
>They literally throw it into my car while I'm pulling out of the driveway
>Suddenly getting texts from people
>"Did you eat the sub yet?"
>"How was the sub?"

So why the fuck do they want me to eat this sub so badly? Is it poisoned? Is there something special about it? Is this all some kind of fucking joke? Is there a way or a place I can take it to get it tested? I dunno what the fuck is going on

I took the sub out of the box and placed it on the counter, looks exactly like this picture, it looks normal, smells normal, no idea if it's homemade or from Subway or what, I'm not trolling, this isn't a joke, I just want to be given an idea on what the fuck might be going on. CMF

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Is this copy pasta? This is great, its so surreal desu, what a neat situation.

If you're a neet which you might be and a loser but nice they might all be concerned for you and want you to eat the sub so you don't starve.

Bro I'm too high for this shit DO NOT EAT THAT SUB

Tell them you threw it out and see how they react before doing anything else

They obviously jizzed in it as a Halloween practical joke.

Nope not a neet, work full time, just a skinny dude

I honestly don't plan to, something isn't right about it, going to just throw it away I think, it's creepy how much they're pushing for it.

Dude they put medication in it.
My ex was nuts and her mother would spike her homemade food with antidepressants growing up
Fuck that shit but a similar sub eat it in front of them and see how they act.
Bro fuck that go to an out of town sub place they fucking probably paid off the locals.
Dude I fucking hate your family

They won't stop texting me about it, what the fuck...

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This actully makes a lot of sense.
Anyways it's just a sandiwich, you can always dump it

That is beyond weird OP, I wouldn't eat it.
Do you have any reason to think they might have done something to it?


I hope this turns into a Halloween creepypasta. Let's see how far OP takes his poison sandwich cult story.

OP here, that is scary as fuck to think about, I don't think I act depressed, I'm actually really close to my family and this is the weirdest they have ever acted before, I don't trust the situation one fucking bit

I can't think of anything, my life is really simple, simple job, simple apartment, I'm honestly really content with how things are, I talk to my family every day and looking back on texts I've never sent anything that would be worrying or make them think differently about me


Honestly this. How was it OP? Was it good? You'll never know unless you eat it. Which you should do. Now.

Did you eat that sub though?

Ok listen here OP. They didn't mean it literally. You had to put it in your ass.

...have you tried asking why the fuck do they want you to eat that sub so badly?

OP here, after giving it a few smells and closer inspection, I decided to throw it away completely, sent a text back saying it's gone, I'll keep you updated if they send anything back, the trust in my family has gone pretty much out the window at this point.

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Well can't really fault you but still that was pretty rude OP desu, could have just asked about it and THEN trash it.

You should really just try to eat the sandwich. I bet it's really good.

> tfw we'll never known
Should have fed it to a stray dog

>he didn't eat the sandwich
Wtf OP I'm sure it's good. Just let me know if you regret it and try eating it anyway. Please.

why didn't you just ask them why they wanted you to eat the sub?

I highly doubt it's poisoned or drugged, unless your entire family is really fucked up. It would be really, really strange for them all to be in on that. Like it's not unheard of that one or even two family members might try to murder another, but all of your extended family getting together to try to kill you? Seems a tad bit far fetched.

My best guess is that it's super spicy or something like that and they want to see how you react.

Yeah dude like I’m on your side and maybe you were technically rude , but your senpai was shady as hell and rude about you eating a sub. I mean if they were honestly worried about you then i would think they would have sat you down and tried to get you to a doctor first, instead of sneak antideppresants in it. If it was medecine and not something else.

I would not eat anything your fanily makes, again. Bring your own bottled water if you must be around them. Seriously wtf i would be inclined to dump all of them. Keep us updated on what happens

Come the fuck on OP I feel personally betrayed. The world must know the mistery behind that fucking sub.

*family not senpai

Inb4 it was a fake sub with a 500 dollars bill in it

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You should have put it in the freezer and then put it in your Mom’s fridge at Christmas...

I texted my sister back asking if she could tell me why everyone wanted me to eat it, I'll let you know what she says.

My family has done this to me because I'm really skinny too - they wanted me to gain weight. Might be the same with you. That or murder.

Well, I'm officially an asshole, the text was cut off but the ending said:

>"and you didn't even eat it, we were hoping you would at the party and start screaming and make the kids laugh, but instead you were just a douche about it"

Great...goodnight I guess

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You fool, they'll take this into consideration next time they try to kill you

No op they were a douche. All assholes. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.

They tried to poison your food as a joke. What if you had an allergic reaction and got sent to the hospital ? or the pepper burned a hole in your stomach? Or you choke because you didn expect the spice ?

They think its funny to cause you discomfort and pain? They were all in it because you’re the scapegoat outsider and your family is horrible and cares about everyone else more. Fuck them. I also hate your family.

Well that was kinda lame I guess but yeah fuck them. If they wanted to amuse the kids so badly they could have eaten that shit themselves.

fuck off.

oh shit I am a genius I totally predicted that

Also i need to add on that if it was a prank then why did they want you to eat it when you left and weren’t there anymore? So you’d just eat ghost pepper by yourself, have no idea whats happening, and think they poisoned you? Jesus christ op. Would you do this ‘prank’ to anyone? This is a shitty prank and it really grinds my gears that your family would put shit in your food as a joke

They're not gonna try to kill me

Yeah it was a douche move, I don't think I would of died from a little spice, but yeah this was retarded

Yep, sorry it's not some kind of crazy Halloween story about monsters or some shit, just stupid family trying to entertain kids.

She also asked AFTER the party was done. Snarky little cunt actually wanted you to eat it for her own amusement, "it was for the kids" my ass.

IgnoreBut Ghost pepper is kind of a dick move. It's a lot closer to "kick-in-the-groin" than "pie-in-the-face". You were being a little paranoid, but it does seem to stem from a genuine fault line between you and your family. That's quite a prank to pull on someone when it doesn't sound like your family does that often. So, they're probably not trying to kill you, but it seems like some of them might not like you very much. To turn it back on your sister a little bit, why couldn't they have told you without the kids knowing, and you could simply pretend to be surprised. Your reaction to the pepper would still be pretty genuine.

So now go put some ghost pepper juice in their coffee or juice in their fridge...

You did nothing wrong. Ask her to put herself in your shoes and how she would feel with all that pressure in a stupid sandwich to the point they throw it in your car. Embiciles.

Yeah i doubt you would have been hurt by the pepper but it happens sometimes. I would never trust any food from your fanily again. Maybe next time some dumbass kid will slip mdma in it for a laugh like “lol uncle’s gonna trip balls after eating this!!remember when he ate the ghost pepper?”
I have this picture of you eating ghost pepper, tears streaming down your face wondering wtf is happening and your whole family is pointing and laughing. But maybe i’m just a tightwad with no humour

Is your family inbred? This is some genuinely retarded shit. Their attitude gave it away too. Ask them why they dodnt eat it if it’s so fucking funny.

Ghost fucking Pepper? That shit isn't just spicy, that's 1 million fucking SHU, probably around 100K if they bought a cheap sauce version. That shit isn't just spicy, it fucking hurts.
Fuck them.

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And ask why you were the one they chose to eat it it sounds like you're the weakest link in the family and they just like to pick on you

Rub one on the toilet paper in their bathroom.

OP here, I'm done with it, I'm a mixture of emotions right now

Pissed because that was a sick fucking prank to pull on someone, and the fact they wanted me to eat it AT HOME ALONE is just even more fucked up

Annoyed because I went to that shit instead of a friend's Halloween party and now it's too late to go

Sad because they obviously planned on fucking with me in particular for whatever reason

I mean I love my family and talk to them every day, so why they would decide to prank me and hurt me is beyond me completely, I'm pissed, sad, hurt, and just flat out tired from today, I'm sorry to everyone who thought this would end in some kind of crazy Halloween pasta or some shit, but instead it just ended in heartache

Goodnight everyone, Happy Halloween.

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What? Ghost peppers are delicious. A few ghost pepper flakes aren't even fucking hot unless you're some white kid who can't handle anything spicier than salt. Unless they just stuck whole ghost peppers inside the meatballs it is nothing.

I like spicy food so I wouldn’t really call it heartache.

Don't worry, they were pricks on this one but the best thing you can do now is to just flush this shit in the toilet. Just forget about it.

They think you are underweight.

Objectively not a douche or an asshole. Unironically fuck them, they wanted to prank you for cheap laughs. If they ever bring it up and start guilt tripping you tell them to fuck off, you don't deserve that kinda treatment.

I'd honestly dumpster it away from home.

You realize that can send people to the ER left unchecked

Don't worry man, you weren't at fault, it's just your family being a fucking bunch of retards.
You don't get to chose your family either, so pick your friends well.

Don't worry about not being able to go to a friend's, today you learned something valuable about who your family really are for you.

Somethings up

Yeah, it was a shitty prank at OP's expense because their family are shitty guilt trippers

That's like slapping someone in the face or punching them in the gut as a prank. What fucking cunts. I don't know your tolerance for spicy food, OP, but I would be hella pissed.

Eat. The. Sub.


>this is what someone really wrote
>people really are this soft and whiny in 2018 in the west
>this is not a joke
>I repeat this is not ajoke
>this is what people cry about in the west in 2018

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Well they casually swear at each other and tell each other to go fuck themselves so yeah, high chance OP and his clan are a few chromosomes short of successful mitosis

Shouuldve said you ate it then played sick and gone to the hospital. Things you could do to make you appear really sick:
>make a small cut in your mouth and spit out blood constantly
>eat some other gross shit to help you vomit
>vomit in front of them
>clutch your abdomen and roll around screaming in agony at the top of your lungs, dont stop until ambulance is called
ALl of this will trach them a valuble lesson not to fuck with your food, maybe.

only correct answer

Good for you faggot

Is this shit staged or something? I cannot comprehend how this would make you depressed or piss that many people off

Well dude lots of families aren’t ‘prank’ families or best friends ride or die types. Sounds like this prank came out of the blue and OP doesn’t have a great solid happy relationship with his family, so instead of it being funny ,he’s just shocked and feels like they were picking on him. Also doing shit to people’s food is dangerous and stupid.

OP you're probably paranoid from being underweight and malnourished. Still if you insist the sub is tampered with say you gave it to a neighbor or close friend and see how they react.