How do I become known as an expert in my field?

How do I become known as an expert in my field?

I see all these experts running around publishing books, doing talks, and doing consulting stuff, none of them even have PhDs.

How do I become one of those people? (I'm in a niche field of CS).

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Hard work and good work

1. Get Famous (Youtube or Social Media)
2. Provide Product (Research, New Insights, etc.)
3. ????
4. Profit

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why do you want to be known as an expert? you don't exactly have the ideal career for attaining fame yknow

I want to be one. I see all these guys on the news talking about topics related to their work, and I want to be one of them.

You can always talk about your work in a blog to your 2.5 followers like the rest of us

I'm asking how to get more than that...

Your goal is not clear. Become an expert with study, training and experience. Be recognized as an expert by achievement and teaching and writing. Be admired as an expert with observed success and self-promotion and some luck. Anyone can write a book. The trick is really defining your niche.

My goal is to be recognized as an expert in my field.

I have accomplishments, some open source projects etc. But I want to give talks and be recognized.

was right. you have to be someone recognizable