How do I approach random girls on campus and ask them out?

How do I approach random girls on campus and ask them out?

Can I just go up to them, be up front, and ask for their number within a few sentences?

Do I need to try to hold a conversation first? Do I need to have some pretense to talk to them?

Is it enough pretense to say something to the effect of, "I've seen you around campus a lot and you seem like someone I'd like to get to know. Want to go out some time"?

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You're asking for a cavasing rap to pick up girls

it don't work that way

Be original for whatever the situation is

True, I am. However, most of the situations in which I find myself with girls are the typical ones: dining hall, walking around campus, class.

I guess what you're saying is that I need a pretense to talk to her, i.e. I need to make some comment about the situation that leads into a conversation?

Start with simple observation “I like your hat/shirt/shoes” or a comment on any goings on around uni that you would expect the average student to know about. If you have some idea how body language works you will be able to tell if she’s at all receptive to your opener, which is your green light to introduce yourself. The vast majority of people are not receptive to cold approaches so the real difficulty is in not taking rejections personally and being persistent without becoming frustrated. Even if you’re attractive as hell most people aren’t walking around ‘primed’ for a cold approach at all times of the day. This is the difficulty.

I had the most awkward opening "how are you" over the weekend. It felt like another brutal rejection at first. then i said i like your dress and 5 mins later we were hooking up.

Good points, thanks.

How do I approach random girls on campus and ask them out?

You shouldn't. I strongly advise against it. Just get at a social event and socialise with women.

But, if you choose to go for it:
>have a reason to talk to them: make a comment about a situation you're both in, ask information
>thank them and leave if they seem uninterested in talking to you
>don't compliment them, don't make the conversation too flirty off the bat
>chat for at least 5 or 10 minutes before saying anything about going out on a date

I came here to say this.
A lot of women are way stupid about dating, more than men - Thats why they're shit about dating advice and why men born to single mothers struggle at first, they say "Oh a girl will come along" but as a man you have to insert your penis into whatever situation she's in and identify systematically when you have a chance and when to fuck off.
It's literally a skill you have to learn, it's like carpentry, very painful at first and you're going to cut yourself, but very rewarding after you get good at it.

>tfw I'm the user who posted that and a girl
Checkmate, atheist.

>as a man you have to insert your penis into whatever situation she's in and identify systematically when you have a chance and when to fuck off.
But you're right. That's mostly it.

an unironic wew lass to you.
I'm glad I nailed it at least kind of.
I have a gf of two years, but I flirt with the younger college women for fun. Never cheat, I'm not a degenerate though.
I met the best woman and even though she's fat we're working on it, I know I drink WAAAY too much, so there's an equilibrium, we're both workign on it together and I want her to have my babies because she cooks and is tolerant of the whole Nazi shit I get into when I'm drunk because the joo's circumcised me.

My advice as someone who has fucked at least 100 girls ranging from 10/10 to 1/10 Beckys.

Dont go after girls YOU want. This is how guys fail.
They shoot over their league and get rejected over and over.

Go after girls that want you.
And if you think "no girl wants me" thats bullshit, you just dont know how to see the signs, but its a skill you should learn.
A girl makes eye contact too long, laughs at a joke that isnt funny, starts a convesation with you..
I've seen a 2/10 wimpy ADHD virgin dude with a girlfriend getting some while an 8/10 Elliot Rodgers type guy with 10/10 aspirations is still a frustrated virgin.
Even if they aren't "your type" or not attractive to you specifically, a girl is a girl with the lights out.

10/10 Becky and 5/10 Becky, lights out, have the same pussy.
Except 10/10 Becky will make you work harder, wine and dine her, and 5/10 Becky will be a freak with a tighter pussy because likely nobody is hittin it.

And if the best you can do is 2/10 Chubby Becky, guarantee she will suck your dick, and likely has a fat ass.

>easy girls are easy
Imagine that!

The trick is to hand them a printed note of some kind.

>And if the best you can do is 2/10 Chubby Becky, guarantee she will suck your dick, and likely has a fat ass.

Trufax though.

I'm a 5'7" average-looking otherwise manlet. How the fuck could I pull off some shit like this? I think I'd be reported to campus police lmao.

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here's my story OP:

> be me
> freshman at tech uni
> girls are few and far between
> see a girl running on campus
> pretty cute face with a genuinely great ass
> finally
> she runs away before i get to approach her
> lurk on instagram through people at my uni and suggested followers to try and find her face
> find her after an hour
> follow her, she follows back
> found out im friends w one of her friends
> find out her dorm
> show up at her door
> knock
> heart beating so hard i feel like a fucking idiot but at the same time really can't let these girls go for long bc they'll get snatched up by sports chad
> be me, 5'8 kinda fit good face so figure i wont be deemed creepy
> still waiting
> no answer
> dm her and say i knocked on her door but she wasnt there
> thought it was cute
> decided to hang out

we fucked consistently for the rest of the semester, then i went home and fell in love with another girl. still with her now over a year later.

Honestly man, this story is very autistik and funny as hell. thx 4 the kek m8

This /thread/

/thread with only one slash is like a closing HTML or BBS tag.

>things kidsthesedays won't recognize

storyteller here and yea looking back on it, major autism. in highschool i loved drinking and partying then at uni i hated it and just smoked and was desperate for a beautiful girl without having to pretend to like college party life. honestly was worth it, and now shes in my philosophy class. not important, just strange.

You just have to be casual but show interest..come off like it wouldn't matter to you if she didn't go for it. Just don't say anything overly sexual until you Kno for sure she's interested.

Holy shit. These answers are all over the place. Some say just go for it, others say it's creepy, others say compliment her, others say don't unless you want to end up in a maximum security prison.

And I'm looking to date a girl so the whole Becky thing is off the table.

Basically what I'm getting out of this is that there's no tried and true or set, "socially acceptable" method for any of this. I guess I'll just go for it.

Just be blunt and don't waste anybody's time.

Talk to them for a few minutes first. If they seem interested then ask them to hang out, if not then you have plausible deniability since you only approached for conversation.

You need to write a book.
Serious, this is gold.

It seems like whenever I talk to a girl they would rather be doing anything else. I'm a senior now and it's been almost 2 years since I've quit trying. Even if I make eye contact with a girl they just dart away or look disgusted before doing so. I feel disgusting and I haven't even done anything. I'm hard-working, clean, motivated, I have interests. The worst part has to be my face, height, or income. The first isn't terrible and the last is not something that anybody really knows about.

Pro-tip user, you're not decent looking

That's definitely likely. I don't know, I kind of want to die at this point. Other people say I'm not ugly but my experiences would suggest otherwise. I'm incredibly tired and don't want to suffer anymore.

Normal people do activities and get to know each other, or meet friends or friends, network etc. They don't walk up to people like a dodgy salesman on a highstreet like "hey I don't know anything about your but I like your face, invest time in me".

Why do you guys take the hardest approach to relationships. It reminds me of guy who struggle in their careers. They think they are great because they sent 500 CVs and did 50 interviews over 2 years and got a well paid job eventually, meanwhile everyone else just made a LinkedIn page and had a chat with a recruiter or three to get a job the next month.

Canvassing the campus for numbers is rude and only stuff that asshole frat guys do.
Go be social at social events or try communicating with your classmates.

I'm ugly and there are no social events that aren't for careerists. Should I just kms?

OP here. Don't commit suicide, nothing is worth killing yourself over, esp. not this shit.

Honestly, it's probably not your face. I've been told I have a nice face and girls don't really go for me (why I made this thread). After hearing all these people give advice it really seems to me to be a numbers game, approach enough girls and you'll find one who's attracted to you. Also, I'm told most of it is just having confidence.

Again, don't kill yourself. I don't have time for social clubs with girls because I'm too busy doing shit for my classes, which is why I just want to do the random approach thing.

I don't think this approach shit is weird. Look up angrypicnic on YouTube. This is how it is fabled that guys used to pick up girls in previous generations before our society became socially retarded anyways.