The only people worth knowing are those who are willing to sacrifice something meaningful for the greater good...

The only people worth knowing are those who are willing to sacrifice something meaningful for the greater good. He was one of those and I love him for it. The truth is most people are commonplace, boring, selfish, self-centered but not him. He is exceptional and anything but commonplace.

I can't have him and I love him so much that I try to substitute other men for him. I have no problems finding men, I'm a male magnet but I can't find anyone like him. I never will.

I can't be with him and I end up hurting all the other guys because I just want him. The logical thing to do is be alone and die alone....miserably. Why can't I accept my cat lady fate?

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What the hell kind of script is this?


This is my life.


Ok then be more specific on what advice you need and quiet being dramatic

I can't be quiet and I can't quit him or anything.

I need to kill myself.

>Why can't I accept my cat lady fate?

because its a stupid notion?

>I can't be with him and I end up hurting all the other guys because I just want him. The logical thing to do is be alone and die alone.

You havent objectively evaluated your behavior and judgement here. Fair enough you're sad about the unavailability of the target of your affections.

Objectively, you've described an immature affliction. You've placed an ideal onto this guy, but the truth is that ideal is a construct in your head. Even if you got this guy, the moment he deviated from your ideal, you in your immaturity would just say something like "he's changed" before engaging in destructive behavior.

Who let you out of the psych ward?

It's not immature. You don't know me.

I've probably had at least 100 men in love with me and yes, I know, you hate me now and think I'm arrogant and 'immature'. It's just the truth.

He isn't an ideal, he's a person. A real person that actually does what he says he is going to do. He doesn't play video games all day and pretend he is doing something significant, he is a doer.

I should just hang myself. I wish I never posted this. I'm drunk.

And yet I know the difference between quiet and quit ....

I might be crazy but at least I'm smarter than you.

Autocorrect you dumb slut. Why are you even on here if all you're going to do is babble a bunch of fucking nonsense?

Then correct it before you hit submit you lazy useless dumbfuck. You are the typical idiot of your generation.

My love is not.

>I wish I never posted this. I'm drunk.

better than buying shit off ebay.

>it's not immature. You don't know me.

I only know what you post, and an objective reading of it is pretty clear.

>I've probably had at least 100 men in love with me and yes, I know, you hate me now and think I'm arrogant and 'immature'. It's just the truth.

The only shit I give about you is I don't want you to be actively miserable if I can point out a way away from it, same as when I post in anyone's thread.

And how many men you've claim to have ensnared is irrelevant to the other stuff you posted.

>He isn't an ideal, he's a person

you say that, but you opened in the OP with

>I can't have him and I love him so much that I try to substitute other men for him.

This is symptomatic of an idealization playing itself out.

it could also be you're just wanting what you can't have, but i was giving you the benefit of the doubt that wasn't the case until you dropped that you've had 100 men around.

I'm sure you're a real catch sweetie, psychotic with a shitty personality and bad attitude. What's not to love?

I just want the best, don't you?

I think I do deserve the best. Why don't you?

You're an idiot that trolls on Jow Forums all the time.

You don't know me but I already know what you're about. You're a useless loser so your opinion doesn't matter in the least.

Hey Kate

I miss you

Hit me up and lets go to Vegas

That hits close to home.

Aww did that hurt your feelings? It's ok I'm sure one of those "100" dude's will be willing to put up with a worthless slut as long as you keep your legs open.

No you didn't hurt my feelings but projection is strong in you. I just told you that you're an idiot and your opinion mean nothing.

I never slept with those 100 guys but you keep trying to shame women and keep them down. We all know that's gotten you no where except being a loser troll on Jow Forums.

>Muh projection
Women like you deserve to be shamed.

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You have never been with a woman in your life.

That is a given. The bitterness of rejection by girls is very strong worn on your words.

Wow you sure do know an awful lot about me, are you stalking me too along with this other guy? I go through dumb bitches like you every other day. Get over yourself.

No you really don't. lmao

You aren't fooling anyone.

You will never be anything like the man I love. You are a loser and will always be a loser. You will die and be forgotten completely after one generation or less because you are typical, useless, selfish and stupid.

You aren't stalkable material.

op you aren't supposed to feed the trolls
he is obviously triggered by your post so let him wallow in it

why can't you have this guy?

Because of....fate.....

it's just not meant to be.

I hate this life but I can wait to reincarnate to be with him. I want to kill myself to make it faster. I just want to go into a deep sleep, to be awakened by him.

I am a horrible person for wanting him.

Well gosh sweetie you sure got me all figured out don't you?
>You aren't stalkable material
I wasn't aware this was a good thing but hey you're a psycho bitch so I guess it makes sense coming from you.

I can say I have had cery similar feelings.
If he does not like you then it is not fate.
If he does like you but there is some problem you have to br brave and overcome the problem.
Does he know how you feel?

okay're basic and predictable.

I'd love to be stalked by him. In fact, I'm sure I am stalked by's sexy thinking that he knows what I'm doing 24/7 and see everything I do. He would know I masturbate after "stalking" him too. We stalk each other you simpleton. Jerk off to that because you will never be that lucky.

rape him xd

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Don't reply to shitty shitty threads and if you do sage goes in the options field (if you upload an image it overrides the sage)

yeah, that would be fun.

maybe tie him up and and then tease him

>I just want the best, don't you?
>I think I do deserve the best. Why don't you?

A real relationship with anyone is going to have flaws.

There's nothing wrong with wanting the best, but you keep using troublesome language which usually indicates obsessive personality issues, which means your definition of 'best' might be broken.

Anything sage-like has nothing to do with stupid fucking trendy shit. No one cares about Jow Forums subculture, no one ever will.

ONLY wisdom is sage-like.

Please make some sort of sense, you stupid bitch.

He is full of flaws, he's pretty much autistic and stupidly arrogant and smug at times....

but I love him, he is me counterpart. I know it even if he doesn't. He isn't perfect but he is perfect to me. I will never want another. Ever.

God damn there is so much wrong with you, keep your weird ass fantasies to yourself you fucking nut.

Why would I waste my time trying to make sense to stupid idiots?

Your IQ is 80....his is likely 180. Get lost, you are useless.

>I know it even if he doesn't.
>I will never want another.

sounds like alcohol talking. Or crazy.

do yourself a favour. Have last call now, leave this page open, and go sleep it off. Wake up, and read every one of your posts stone sober and ask yourself what you think of it.

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As above, your IQ is is 80.

Everyone point and laugh at this dumb attention whore

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I ' m drunk but I've loved him for a decade. That isn't changing.

Nah, you're just the bully of Jow Forums, trying to get other people to laugh at me because you are inadequate...penis size and appearance wise.

My dick size and good looks have nothing to do with people laughing at your retarded rambling.

Your dick size is 4" and yes, women would laugh if you could actually get one.

Get your mind off of my dick size for a minute you dumb slut, go to bed, you're not making sense to anyone.

this. holy fuck you're just attention whoring right now. explain the situation or get fucked.

The guy is obviously a virgin and an incel. Just forget him, he knows as much about girls as the queen of England knows about living in poverty.

>tfw can relate to OP

What am I doing with my life?

Are those the buzzwords people use when they don't like what someone has to say? Or are you one of her retarded friends?

im talking about getting him super drunk bill chosby style

I'd like to be her friend but I don't know her. I'm just being captain obvious here. Those aren't buzzwords, they define a generation of boys who never grew up and can't properly socialize because of their lack of interpersonal skills.

Well captain obvious, if you read the thread you'd probably see that this stupid bitch has been spouting nonsense and being an attention whore. What were you talking about interpersonal skills? You're just as retarded as op.

The only thing that's obvious is you seem like a bitter troll that was/is unloved.

Is that all you got captain? You should learn to keep your mouth shut so you don't sound/look stupid.

I'm not concerned at all about how I look to others, unlike you. I'm concerned about how I act.

Some advice to a lost person like yourself:

watch your words for they become actions, watch your actions, for they become habits, watch your habits for they become your character, ... And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Uh dude hate to tell u this but that's OP larping as someone on her side

What the fuck is this?

My word, guys. You fall for her petty insults so easily. She has some amount of wit but that's about where it ends. Why are you guys taking anything she says seriously? She's intoxicated and love drunk. This man that she's enamored with might be a good man or he might just be a regular person who happens to push all her buttons. We'll never know.

Maybe she'll call me a loser, inept, or some other emasculating phrase but it doesn't matter to me nor should it matter to anyone in this thread: her approval of you is immaterial. Her judgement is already heavily impaired. Let her have her sappy dreams where she overexaggerates.

Good luck, op. You're really going to need it in your current state of mind.

>"hi guys femanon here"
>OP has a problem but only speaks in Shakespeare moontalk and doesn't actually want to discuss something
>actively avoids advice
>just spends hours of his precious life belittling everyone in the thread while RPing

Why do you all still reply to shit like this?
We get the same kinda thread every day.

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Stop convincing yourself that you only deserve the best, femcel

59 replies, 14 posters.

OP was literally larping with themselves the entire thread.

I went to bed, slept it off and I still feel the same way as I did last night and for the last decade.

He is an exceptional man. Most people that know him know that.

I find it odd that people will complain about larping or attention whoring then keep on writing on the same thread.

I am genuine in my love for him. It's not going away even though I wish it would. It has been so long now that I'm sure it will never pass.

>He is an exceptional man.
Okay, go on. The thread was painful to read after the first few posts, so not sure if you mentioned it before, but what makes him so exceptional? Specifics.

>I am genuine in my love for him.
Good for you, but also pretty irrelevant if he isn't into you.

>It has been so long now that I'm sure it will never pass.
What did you actually do for it to go away? What do you do at all?

>I'm a male magnet

Im in a similar boat, but I'm not a femanon.

It hurts even more because the feelings are mutual.


>He was one of those and I love him for it.
>I can't have him and I love him so much
So much that you know there are other men out there like him but you'll throw a tantrum because it's not that one. Grow up and seek therapy.
>I can't be with him and I end up hurting all the other guys because I just want him.
So you'll be a manipulative bitch because you don't want to accept what you already know?
Again, Grow up and seek therapy.

Holy shit. Is this really the same person? I recall your trip from yeeeeears ago.

I'm not sure why it was 'painful' for you. You must have a pretty low threshold of pain.

I already mentioned why he is exceptional.

My love for him will not die (not pass).

Why would you cringe? It's the truth...if you don't like it, you have the issues. You're likely a 15 year old.

Yeah life sometimes doesn't turn out the way we want. :'(

You're the only one throwing a temper tantrum here cunt.

It's Jow Forums
Your fault for expecting quality
OP probably knows this guy over the internet and has had "100s" of guys go after her on the internet.
It's a fucking drug these days mane

>You must have a pretty low threshold of pain.
Alright-tier bantz, mate.

>I already mentioned why he is exceptional.
Not really. I picked up some "isn't a complete loser" stuff in the thread and pretty vague, basic and subjective shit in OP. Surely it wouldn't be too hard to clarify?

>willing to sacrifice something meaningful for the greater good
Could use specifying, since it leaves a lot room open for "almost every non shitty person" over "doctor without borders" to "sold his kidney so he could afford the plane ticket to India to help some Delit kids while collecting money to start a world revolution in which he plans to sacrifice his life"

>My love for him will not die (not pass).
Maybe, maybe not. It doesn't matter. You can keep loving him and still lead a non catlady life. Depends on how you handle it. But the question was, what you actually attempted to get over him.

I've had many bfs IN PERSON you fucking idiot and guys have always liked me. Get off Jow Forums you loser. It's making you really stupid.

I'm not going to dox him. He's an amazing person that has devoted his life to helping people...god knows why. Most people aren't worth saving.

You don't get over love, there is no way to do that. If you had ever loved before, you'd know that. You don't fall out of love either....not with true love.

>You're the only one throwing a temper tantrum here cunt.
Got any lime and tequila with that salt?

Lol, you're the salty one. I'm just a woman in love. You only know hate.

You're not in love, it's lust if it's unrequited.
And I don't hate you, I'm defining you between your own lines.

>has devoted his life to helping people
There are tons of niggas like that at the obvious places. So it's not like it would be that hard to find someone else with these traits if that attracts you to people.
>Most people aren't worth saving.
Though you'll have trouble to actually attract them with a childish attitude like that.

>You don't get over love, there is no way to do that.
Sure, why not. (If we skip all our knowledge about how emotions work) But you do get over this oneitis phase. Most people do. Believing in true love memes isn't going to help of course. Then again, do you even legitimately want any help or just made the thread to let of some steam and trigger incels with the "male magnet" line?

You're responses are all salty, bitter and hateful which demonstrates that is what you are made of. I only attack when attacked. You attack because you hate yourself.

Only an idiot wouldn't know the difference between love and lust. He isn't even attractive. I love his soul. Also, you are stupid for assuming it's unrequited. He also loves me.

wew this thread..

what's the problem then? if you both love each other, what's stopping you from being together?

True love is a meme? I feel sorry for people that spend time here on Jow Forums.

If you knew him, you'd understand what he's like. There is no one else there like him.

>I can't have him
>Also, you are stupid for assuming it's unrequited. He also loves me.
I'm not even going to address the soul thing because I'm 90% sure you're just crazy obsessing with predestined relationships since you won't accept that you can have a predestined friend and lesser as well. They don't have to only be in a romantic relationship with you, that's not how it works.

>I'm not even going to address the soul thing because I'm 90% sure you're just crazy obsessing with predestined relationships since you won't accept that you can have a predestined friend and lesser as well. They don't have to only be in a romantic relationship with you, that's not how it works.

wtf are you even talking about? What's a 'lesser' ? predestined friend? Seriously?

How is time spent on 4chains relevant to belief in a meme from the late middle ages again?

If you didn't spend time on Jow Forums you wouldn't think of true love as a meme. How can you not get that?

Sis, falling in love with unavailable men is a recipe for disaster. I've been there. You need to focus on getting over him. It may take years but it's unhealthy to obsess over someone like this. Distract yourself. Like user said you've idealized him. A fantasy of the man you love will always be more enticing than the real men who you can get. But you will always be unhappy if you choose an unattainable fantasy over reality. Choose happiness. Get real.

The premise makes no sense, given the true love meme is repeated by brainlets on 4chans too.

You still don't get it.

So what's your favourite Disney movie? Or did you get your world view from anime?

Believe me, if I could, I would.

You aren't me so you don't know how perfectly we fit. I hear about his childhood and it's like he was literally designed for me. It's eerie. I know his faults and I've even hated him for them at times but I still love him.

I've tried to forget him, I've tried everything. It has been near a decade and my love is only growing for him. I can't stop loving him. It's like saying to someone, stop wanting your dreams. It's like saying, ignore what you are and everything that makes you happy.

I can't live without him. When I try I fall into a deep depression. No guy compares.

I don't like disney and I don't spend my time on anime.

Right. Gotta manage your time wisely, so you'll have more for shitposting. Try to make some room for a self-actualising activity though and you might stop from wasting your brainpower fantasizing about a dude you can't have.

At least I have smarts to make stupid. You just started at square zero.

I rarely come here. I posted for the first time 2 months and and then left and posted this. My intelligence isn't being affected by this degenerate site. I bet you spend a lot of time much that you've lost touch with reality.

I only defend myself, I never attack anyone that isn't rude so fuck off.

You are self-centered and boring, you wouldn't know a thing about love so get lost and move on.

Comical lack of self-awareness, friend-o.

This is a reminder to you all this this bitch is an attention whore that lashes out at anyone that calls her on her bullshit. Remember to sage.

You've never even thought about the term self-awareness deeply. I was more conscious at 5 years old than you will ever be. aren't my friend.

Grow the fuck up incel retard.

Case and point.