What makes someone a girlfriendless virgin at the age of 30?

How can someone be Gfless virgin living at home at the age 30 never had GF?

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I'm surrounded by man children.

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In America the overweight population is 72%, approaching three quarters of all Americans.

The obese population has exceeded 40%. That is how.

Because I wanted to become someone before being with someone
Takes some time to really become someone

You can't go on dates if you can't fit through the restaurant doors!

By being isolated as a kid.
You ever have a group of friends? And had that one friend that was isolated from the rest of the group for various reasons?

Well thats how. They learn to hate themselves and put up life markers stating this is where they should be at but arent.

Hell, even people who are proactive in moving out of that slump get shoved back down because they are the designated loser.

Then you got personal issues that hold you back. Like you get too confrontational with politics, or you act too negative since thats all you know.

Then there is the fact girls themselves have standards of their own that many of us to meet.

Its not just one thing, but if you could blame one thing it would be technology.

losing it for losing it is pointless, it's not just pure lack of possibility. yes I can get a whore, I don't care, that wouldn't change anything relevant.

Says the controling bitch witch who wants to usurp her lord.

I'm one of those isolated kids, but I still managed to get a girlfriend.

There are many reasons desu.

1. childhood issues
2. Career Goal focused mindset
3. not interested in sex during his twenties
4. depression
5. Fear of children

In China and India, men outnumber women by 70 million.

What was the reason for your isolation

Checked that shit

Dracula is a mad dying old man. Vampire society would benefit from a female ruler.

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Depressed and autistic.
I still isolate myself, but I somehow managed to get a girlfriend.

its the fact that most women are so disgusting now that the select few that arent are extremely aware of their sexual value and unironically have life on easy mode
pornography and prostitution as a surrogate is so powerful that it completely demotivates men from even speaking to women, 3dpd is real

My boyfriend was the same, still is to some degree.
He always got laid and sometimes had girlfriend, and we've been together for 2 years.

Obesity rate in young people is relatively low, so is overweight rate.
Women are less fat than men.

I got teased a lot about liking girls by my dad when I was young. I didn’t learn how to show my feelings to girls until I was in college, and didn’t learn how to pursue women effectively until around age 30. Being fat and introverted effectively killed any chance of a random luck lay by going to college parties and stuff like that.

Women weigh less than men, but a 250 lb. woman looks like a 350 lb. man. They have a higher body fat percentage on average than men.

No, women's average obesity rate is lower than men's.

Uh. I’m not talking about that retard.

I'd say a combination of horrible uglyness and social retardation

How? Please tell me. Im depressed and autistic too, I would do anything to even have one date with a girl. I've tried everything and improved myself and my appearance in every way possible but my autism is still too strong that it repulses every woman I speak to.

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Poor social skills
Childhood isolation/abuse
Lack of interest
Too many signifers due to neoliberal market logic in the sexual market
Needing to dp the specific moves at the specific time in a specific order or i'm a "creep"

Probably some others but that's the first thing that comes to mind.

35.7% of adults 20-39 as opposed to >40%
>Women are less fat than men.
41.1% of women age 20 and older are obese compared to 37.9% of men

lets rattle off some more sick stats dawg

>median income of a woman between the ages of 20 and 34 is $25k to $35k
>63% of women between the age of 18 and 24 carry credit card debt
>Women hold nearly two thirds of all student debt in the US
>44% of Amerilards have a car payment with a median cost of $523

we can go into the statistics on STD's as well, but basically there are lots and lots of reasons to be an adult male virgin in 2018

Maybe because I'm white and lived in Japan back then is the reason why they put up with me.
But I never tried dating in my own country, I did try tinder here and got matched (also matched with every asian girl around here for some reason), but never talked to them.
And some girls at work tried to hit on me, so I guess I also at least look average.

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People under 27 have an obesity under between 15% and 20%, as opposed to 40% in adults.
Women are less fat then men: 60% of women are obese or overweight, 71% of men are.

I can't link because Jow Forums hates me, but I'll name the articles.

>In U.S., Obesity Up in Nearly All Age Groups Since 2008, on Gallup
>Overweight and Obesity Rates for Adults by Gender, on Kff

>people under 27 aren’t adults

Actually that’s kinda true.

People between 18 and 27 are adults, yes. They're included in the statistic of adults 18+.
It's untrue to say that 40% of them are obese tho, less than 20% of them are.

>3. not interested in sex during his twenties
Rofl. That's just a 'cool' excuse an incel or MGTOW will give you for why they are still a virgin. Every dude in his 20's who isn't gay or asexual wants to have sex with girls. It's your sexual prime where your testosterone is at it's peak and you are the most attracted to girls as you will ever be.

>horrible uglyness and social retardation
Generally speaking, it usually comes down to this. But i would say you don't even need to be truly ugly.

If you are, say, a 5/10 in terms of looks but you have shitty social skills (autistic or severe social anxiety), you won't get a GF. It's as simply as that.

>inb4: i know an ugly autistic dude with an attractive girlfriend
If that's really true, he simply got lucky.

>How can someone be Gfless virgin living at home at the age 30 never had GF?
Fear of women.

>What causes fear of women?
Growing up in the 80s/90s/00s; seeing dads - uncles - brothers - employers get nuked in divorce court just because the woman knew it was a fight and the man wanted to pretend it wasn't.

Divorce court shut down the jobs in my peasant village.

Almost 28 and virgin. I’ve been looked at and kissed by girls though.

Why? Super insecure about my skin color and penis size.

Also was put on anti anxiety medicine because I kept getting panic attacks from my job and other shit. so my libido plummeted.

Not sure if I’ll lose my virginity before 30. I’d get a booker but it’s illegal here.

When I was 18 I lost weight from 100kg to 65 and then started university. I had 8/10 face, good looking, also I'm smart (130 IQ) and I was funny, being capable of make good jokes a good variety of conversation themes. But all the girls saw me as a friend. The catch? I'm 165 cm tall.

Now I'm almost 32 khv. I lost hope some years ago and now I weight 120kg. But I'm trying to change my life. I started to make exercise again and trying to keep away from vydia.

Wish me hope guys, I think i not gonna make it.

No drive.

It's simple, don't overthink it. The man has lots of desire but no drive. In life you need both.

>don't meet the minimum annual salary that most women want
I make about 10K/year working two jobs, no woman want to go on a date with me after learning this fact.

She just have a bad case of PDS.

I'm 28. I never tried.

The dumb jokes and cringy dialogue I've heard the guys at work use when flirting, yeah that ain't me. Couldn't imagine functioning like that.

29 y/o virgin

the reasons for me are:

>not particularly attractive
>no friends
>never leave the house
>social anxiety
>never try
>when women do show interest in me I get scared and push them away

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Post skin I'm sure it's not bad.

I was the most popular, cutest, funniest and most talkative kid in school, had the best grades too, and would attempt any sport and extracurricular ability possible. Had it all going perfect for me. I have no idea how I managed to fuck it up this bad. I got fucked over and backstabbed by a close friend twice (both ended up becoming criminals), and was a very sensitive kid, so maybe it's that.

I just started to hate myself, eventually. There were a couple of girls who approached me and attempted seducing me, one outright asked me to fuck her, but my insecurity was so extreme that I simply couldn't convince myself that someone would want me, even if she was saying it and taking off her shirt in front of me. I just left. I get worse every year, I just convince myself that everyone hates me and I reject everyone who tries socially engaging with me. It's autodestructive behaviour, basically, I'm kinda aware of it, but I feel I'm blocked, like I can't behave any other way. At the moment of a possible social intraction, I will just go into "avoid humans" autopilot mode and I can't help myself. I will straight up ignore people saying my name and calling me. The idea that I could be happy seems unreal, like it's just not right with the universe that I could be anything but miserable.

28 khv

speaking for myself I never had an urge to lose my virginity and it was only when I got internet (mid 20's) and started watching porn that I began viewing girls as something more sexual. Still I never got interested in it enough I guess and as I recently found out that could be because I am apparently a demisexual. They really make up names for everything. Not sure if it is related but I also don't recall ever dreaming about sex.

How have you come this far along in life and never realized

How incredibly easy it is to do nothing
To just not try to meet people, to just sit around, play games, watch anime, whatever you do. You could go your entire life doing that. How could you not understand that people get caught up in what they were doing before other desires came along and they're clueless on how to begin working on them?
How the fuck did you find Jow Forums, if you don't know how tempting just sitting around is?