What U gonna do wh*te pendejos? We cross U border. We have 5 ninos minimum per familia. Mexican gang kill ur entire family? Better not talk shit or U a racist, chingada. We vote in election. We elect only Democrat. We take over U city. We move into U hood. By 2050, USA 70% latinos. Talk all U want but U cant stop it.
Soon more El Mexicano than wh*te boi in USA
Latinos can be easily bleached out within at least 2 generations.
Why do they always use the same pics of Salvadoran gangsters when they talk about immigration?
Dream on esse. Our chicas love family and will spend most of their 20s pregnant with our beautiful latino babies. Ur women want to go clubbing to "find themselves" then buy a dog when they 30. It's a number game boi. Do the math, pendejo. You can't win.
It's true. For the most part, latina women are very submissive and want to start families. Earlier today I had an argument with a white girl who said it was sexist to assume all women want kids.
White people are doomed.
The white birth rate is 1.72 and the Hispanic birth rate 1.99. Stop elevating non whites and using anecdote
Ahh you got me.
Yeah don't worry bro. They're strong independent wh*te women who don't need no family or man. (((Netflix))) told them it's bad to be stay-at-home moms and be faithful to their husbands. Go explore and travel and party, gurl, you deserve it!
Oh what's that? You turned 35 and missed your prime chance to have children? Hehe, don't worry, wine is on sale in Wal-Mart right now along with cat food. Go treat yourself and binge watch your favorite TV series while cuddling with Mr. Snuggles :^)
Stupid LARPer
Where’s my taco bowl Juan.
This is the same Jew that larps as black. Sage
eventually the real estate jews are going to get mad that none of you people can afford to buy property and they will lobby for mass deportation. and in 20 years, most retail and restaurant jobs will be performed by robots, so there will be nothing here for you except brutal manual labor.
Work? U dumb wh*te boi? I got 10 children to take care of. I can't go to work. Government need pay for my children or they racist. U best go back to ur job now. That tax money for my welfare check ain't gonna come out of nowhere.
why does BLM care about el mexicanas?
that's what you use your wives and daughters for. the vast majority of you have a day and a night job, your kids see you one day a week if they're lucky.
Fuck off rabbi
As a castizo, all indios/spics should die. The world would be better without them +niggers
Fuck U man I do the jobs 2nd generation brats don’t wanna do.
Calm down Mathew Rodriguez, you are still a spic.
Oh and, Mexico would be a fruitful land if you had all just fucked off and died, but you just persist on being lazy shitskinned rats that drink and act like niggers all day, whilst whining about "muh gueritos" and you, I can guarantee that you're a Jewish Mexican, you dumb faggot kikebeaner, off yourself.
Haven't you got a Muh Dick post to send?
Just stop
That's fine. All you guys are gonna accomplish is turning the US into yet another brown, impoverished, third world shithole. Then you'll have to move on to the next country, like the fucking parasites that you are.
I have a questions or two for Mexicans.
Are we really getting the shit-tier people from your country coming into our country?
Also, why are Mexicans hyper proud of their indigenous heritage? I thought Mexicans were Catholic, yet I see some "indio" pride types sometimes.