Soon more El Mexicano than wh*te boi in USA

This is the same Jew that larps as black. Sage

eventually the real estate jews are going to get mad that none of you people can afford to buy property and they will lobby for mass deportation. and in 20 years, most retail and restaurant jobs will be performed by robots, so there will be nothing here for you except brutal manual labor.

Work? U dumb wh*te boi? I got 10 children to take care of. I can't go to work. Government need pay for my children or they racist. U best go back to ur job now. That tax money for my welfare check ain't gonna come out of nowhere.

why does BLM care about el mexicanas?

that's what you use your wives and daughters for. the vast majority of you have a day and a night job, your kids see you one day a week if they're lucky.

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Fuck off rabbi

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As a castizo, all indios/spics should die. The world would be better without them +niggers

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Fuck U man I do the jobs 2nd generation brats don’t wanna do.

Calm down Mathew Rodriguez, you are still a spic.