Meet interesting guy over the internet

Well it doesn't specifically have to be vidya, just something you guys can do together. I myself always have fun playing Terraria with other people, and it's only like $5 on Steam at the moment

Will try that pal. Thanks

Does it start with a B?

I can understand why he doesn't want to share his problems, I feel the same way he does. From what I've always experienced when I shared my problems with others is that it hampers others whenever I've told them, not to mention whenever I told my problems to my ex I knew that it only would hurt the relationship. Some people can't handle having the issues of another person become vocal, and its a sad reality. Men in life are conditioned to suck it up and be this image of pure testosterone and no worries, and it is why you don't see men venting like that in society. That's just how it is usually, since mens problems are usually irrelevant in life towards others. The only thing you can do is be real with him and try to ask what's wrong, and dismiss his thoughts on how he would feel if he did vent, but if he doesn't budge then either just be there and let it be or if you can't take it then cut contact if you wish. You know what's best for you, and you can't help others that won't share their issues. It's depressing when it's thought about, trust me, but it is what it is and he knows what's up. Godspeed OP

Mom didn't raise a quitter. I'll just man the fuck up and stay by my nigga's side.

Do you still talk with him though? Is he around?

>OP-senpai are you talking about me??? Is this thread about me???

Yes, he is.

oh, i had a fren who likes made in abyss but i gues u can't be him

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...just how many people are in this situation?