This is an anime website

Dear incompetent jannies: chink moot said we are allowed to have threads pertaining to the board itself aka meta threads, which this is. Please check the rules.

I've noticed hypocrisy from literal redditing invading 100 IQ simpletons. Take the following example:

>be spic
>invade united states uninvited because you want what they have
>constantly complain about the values of the people living there and paradoxically think things should be more like whatever shithole you came from

compared to...

>be redditing magatard
>invade Jow Forums and lower the average IQ (read: quality) of our boards, specifically pol
>constantly complain about anime and weebs because they don't appeal to the peak of the bell curve
Maybe one day you dumbfucks will realize that the only reason pol is as it is is because it was founded by weebs and people who do not just blindly do and believe what society thinks they should aka people to the right of the bell of curve, unlike anyone who unironically complains about anime on a self-proclaimed anime website. i'm not even a weeb, but i saved this image to trigger imbeciles who can't handle things that aren't explicitly allowed by their retarded traditional values. you're no better than the left; you've merely substituted media and celebrities with family and tradition as authority figures. this board was founded by free thinking libertarians and natsocs and its been usurped by bumblefuck conservatards. know your place.

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Take your anime and get off my political anime board.

>muh nupol
There's nothing more retarded than 2015 newfags who complain about nupol, when this place has always been /b/ 2.0. In fact, I would argue this place was more like reddit before the swarm of immigrants from swarmfront and 2016.

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Me and Jow Forums playing games together

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I can't help but think this is either a blatant lie or you were just among the extra stupid and you can't tell the difference if you were really here the before. The quality of posts dropped SEVERELY and it's extremely obvious.

Based & redpilled.

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>be 2015 Jow Forums
>unironically civic nationalist, almost like jordan peterson (but pre-peterson)
>constant e-celeb threads
Jow Forums has always been shit, or great, depending on why you post here. The only thing that made this place worse is srs bsns and people who call others shills.

Also, complaining about political affiliation flags on a politics board. Everyone can see the Jewish shills through their flags. Having a non-boot-licker ‘Murica flag is a good thing.

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You're giving them toomuch credit.

Based and redpilled. All the faggots earlier trying to sperg about how Alita was a Jewish propaganda exposed themselves as newfags and /nu/pol. They couldn't even bother to read the manga but they were sperging on about "stronk womynz" despite Alita being an incredibly naive young girl with no memory on any of her powers.

stopped reading there, you have to go back

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Get ready for triggered T_D invaders.

Oh look, another circlejerking thread about “Muh nu/pol/

quality post moron

gb2plebbit, fag.

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>oh look, another post circlejerking about "muh brown america"
do you just have no self awareness? you're literally like a spic

Not really, but keep spamming this thread. Maybe you'll convince the tranny jannies that this is a meta thread if you cry loud enough.

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The chins will remain a board of animu and society's outcasts.

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Me on the right

>chink moot said we are allowed to have threads pertaining to the board itself aka meta threads, which this is.
They're not allowed any more.
Haven't been for months.
>Please check the rules.
You first.

Maybe not, but you're the one who's stuck with an utterly mediocre brain so ultimately I'm winning.

fair enough

>you're stuck with you're utterly mediocre brain
And you're stuck with your dysfunctional weeb brain.


Janny, janny! Sleeping on your shift?
Why not pick up this steaming pile of shit?
Chop chop, janny, don't let this thread be.
And remember, you do it for free

>No monetary compensation 没有货币补偿 Anime is illegal 动漫是非法的 Janitors are homosexual 看门人是同性恋者 2018 Discord tranny massacre 2018年不和谐的变性大屠杀 Virgins get the rope 处女得到绳子 Funny terrorist attacks of September eleventh 9月11日有趣的恐怖袭击事件

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?? proofreading?? typos?? HELP IM CONFUSED ??

More like phoneposting, which is pretty ironic.

If you want to erase the culture of this site so much, then why don't you just go to cripplechan? It should be suitably soulless for you. The first boards were anime related, and the old user base likes anime or is at least able to tolerate it. If you get so upset at a picture of a cute anime girl on Jow Forums that you just have to furiously post about it then you don't belong here to begin with. Trying to supplant a website's original user base so that you can enforce your own standard for quality is repulsive, and you are repulsive for doing it.

Get out of Jow Forums

but im at my desktop user. proof: ƒä■MƒßME

back to your tranny shows dumb weeb

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based and animupilled

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>caring about this, one way or the other.
at the end of the day, you are all united by autism.

I honestly have no idea which Wojak is that supposed to be. Is it a reference to that one guy's suggestion of a Sonic redesign?

>caring about the quality of posts on your board is autism

>caring about whether or not we all honor and respect the weeb heritage of an anonymous image board.
sounds like autism to me.

Mika is a fucking whore, I rather her sister.

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>post is full of retarded and gay shit
Every. Single. Time.

even her little sister is promiscuous
roastie sisters

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Nino a best

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Why do you want Jow Forums to be exactly like twitter and reddit. Destroying the culture and in-jokes of a website so it can be just like your discord chatroom is bad thing to do. Why don't you care about website that you presumably spend a fair share of your time on? Do you just not have any pleasant memories on this website and so want to change it into something more fitting for yourself? Why do you want Jow Forums to become exactly like one of the more edgy spots on twitch or twitter or reddit?

You seem exactly the sort of person that would defend newfaggotry. Why do you think a website having a distinct culture is so CUH-RINGE?

no im saying its weebs who made this board so it would be retarded to do anything to oust them presuming you actually like it, just like the spics trying to oust whitey after invading their nation

i think that you sound exactly like SJWs crying about how their campuses are their "communities" and need to be safe spaces. this isn't your fucking community, you dork. it's a vector for information and sharing ideas, that's it. stop trying to control the egregore.

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I like trump and anime tiddies.

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again, the fact that you give a single shit whether anons approve of and respect your anime is pathetic. nobody cares. get a real identity.

i dont care. i want the normalfags to get out and for the quality of the posts to go up, which I already said

no, it's more like the founding members are objectively more intelligent and what make this place worth going to at all

I don't want newfags to be completely out of touch with a culture I enjoy and participate in its erasure.

Image is poignant. So many leftists/trannies use anime avatars to be cute, but Jow Forums and internet nazis also use anime girls. The irony is that anime is far more right wing than left wing, since Japanese traditionalism is enforced collectively and the 5-10%~ of the population who belong to various minority groups are expected to shut the fuck up and defer to the YAMATO majority.

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I always thought it was a Mongolian horse-drawn windsurfing forum.

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the deadliest motherfuckers on this board put the anime up on it for it to be kept around and it's just not going anywhere for that reason

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I don't like the late 10's anime style, it looks too robotish and sterile.
Not to say that I hate everything new, but it doesn't strike you as hard with the style as older stuff

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Chink moot is about to require you to pay to post. This is a money making operation to him in the long run, go ask futaba why they kicked him out.

There is only one type of person who tries to subvert the culture of the place: a double agent.

the how manieth time is it he is just about to do it in a few days, minutes, seconds?
nothing is going to happen
Jow Forums will stay around just like it is

Haha this

Nice anime, I raise you an accurate representation of your pure anime waifu for the current times.

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This place is soft. It used to salivate when given an opportunity to fuck shit up.
Chink moot can sense this, being the beta vulture that he is.

what does that mean? are you talking about cunts?

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A leaf projecting his cuck fantasies. How completely unsurprising.

okay this was epic

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>this is an anime website

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>a singular, random butthurt janny proves anything
This is an example of the drop in post quality seen on this board. This poor fool thinks this actually counts as evidence of anything. These kinds of posts are complete wastes of time and shit up the board.

take your tranny pill, faggot

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Read Attack on Titan faggots.

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second example

third example, anhero weeb faggot

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