You're giving them toomuch credit.
This is an anime website
Nicholas Gomez
Colton Perez
Based and redpilled. All the faggots earlier trying to sperg about how Alita was a Jewish propaganda exposed themselves as newfags and /nu/pol. They couldn't even bother to read the manga but they were sperging on about "stronk womynz" despite Alita being an incredibly naive young girl with no memory on any of her powers.
Joshua Hernandez
stopped reading there, you have to go back
Lincoln Mitchell
Wyatt Jenkins
Get ready for triggered T_D invaders.
Bentley Powell
Oh look, another circlejerking thread about “Muh nu/pol/
Jaxon Long
quality post moron
Chase Richardson
gb2plebbit, fag.
Michael Hughes
Henry Carter
>oh look, another post circlejerking about "muh brown america"
do you just have no self awareness? you're literally like a spic