>the dodil
my sides
>the dodil
my sides
Not who you're replying to but my family keeps our thermoses where we keep our cups. Even if we assume it's in a different cabinet it's still in there with all the other thermos. That's disgusting and unhygenic. Plus you're keeping it in a kitchen, most likely, pretty much the only room in the house that you should be expecting guests to rummage through your stuff. It's not like he kept it in his nightstand.
Don't see the problem with owning a sex toy, but keeping it in a kitchen with your dishes is definitely a no-go.
But it’s fake so it’s a nonissue...
Maybe we have different cultures but I have yet to see guests rummage through my kitchen, at all. Family members, sure, but never through my thermos and never into the back of the cupboard where I presume someone would hide something.
Also, why would it be unhygeniec? As long as it's cleaned properly, it shouldn't be an issue. It's not like it's raw chicken we're talking about here.
So it stays warm
I was scrolling this thread like wtf thermos?
I get it now.