He's not gonna do shit.

>Trump is the enemy.
lol, nice try shill.

>they weren't always mega corporations
They are now and will continue to be and you're begging to gobble on their mega cocks.

>After I let my followers know my thoughts
is this nigga Jesus?

So this tweet about white genocide ISN'T about white genocide? You fuckers have frightening thought processes. I have no capacity for understanding it.

Attached: cicarello.jpg (634x298, 24K)

>Instagram once again claimed it was all a “mistake.”
it is a mistake in so far that it is people doing what they should not be doing. IG doesn't do these things as policy from the top, but minions are abusing their power to take action due to their own beliefs of right and wrong.

faggots like you are the reason mcdonalds serves salad and we have black/women remakes of everything fucking crybaby

>it is a mistake in so far that it is people doing what they should not be doing. IG doesn't do these things as policy from the top, but minions are abusing their power to take action due to their own beliefs of right and wrong.

Honestly where do they find you low talent guys? Where are the glory days? You used to be so big. The Titanic, King Tut, Muh 6 gorrilion, The Twin Towers. You are nowl reduced to simpering name calling. Where has it all gone.

Attached: DV297vEXcAEqJ6y.jpg (600x772, 72K)

where's the policy about it then?