Do MAGAtards actually think this is a good comeback lol

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Don’t be such a token, user.

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Kys faggot

Candace Owens is a low IQ chimp.

That magazine cover would be great if the Old Hack Pelosi wasn't in it.

This, unironically this.

>dems not parading around diversity and tokenism
ultimate kek. they base their entire party platform around just that. leftists are insane

Not really. Not that she isn't right, but that compared to a bunch of the other shit AOC says it's not really a big deal.

Calling a black person names like token because they are on the other end of the political spectrum is more than offensive by the liberal playbook, yet they do it anyway.

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Except tokenism is litterally the democratic mantra.

is that some kind of owl/molloch medallion or pendant or something she's wearing?

>putting your horse in with someone so stupid other progressive accuse hereof being a GOP shill

God you guys are guys are so stupid you make neoliberals look good.

>the left does shit that they shame the right doe doing
>the right capitulates to it
>the left doesnt anyway and doesnt lose support
>after decades of this retards on ledditchan still act like pointing this out is still something sort of political achievement

If you accept your opponents morality as objectly correct on the basis that they accused you of doing something bad you're gonna have a lot of lost elections.

Why, she doesn't look any worse than the rest of them. All hideous hags.

Honest question.
Is AOC the smartest politician of all time?
She's so fucking smart

pick one.

AOC has sputed out some of the dumbest political bullshit I have ever heard. Between the Amazon "3 billion dollars" which never existed, to the 96 TRILLION dollar " green new deal" she pushed, which had some of the most retarded shit I have ever heard in a bill ever. Cow farts...


For fuck's sakes kill your motherfucking self you retarded animal nigger

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Spics and nogs going at each other? Reminds me of public highschool


But seriously. We have to kill these goddamn kikes.

AOC is unironically right. it's only cuckservatives and the nu-right who is insistent on parading token minorities with neocon talking points and liberal social views. we could give less of a flying fuck about being called racist after 5 years so why bother not being racist?

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fucking this. when will cuckservatives understand this? the left doesnt want to play by the rules, they want to win and don't care about being hypocrites. the republicans are toast if they want to switch back to being the status quo party with no backbone

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I thought rolling stone was about music


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She does Public relations well and it’s obvious that it pisses conservatives off that the constant attack’s on her just seem to make her more popular among the left.
They concentrate on her over many other dems because she’s a millennial liberal with massive popularity. They are afraid of hearing “AOC announces run for presidency” in the future and want to stamp it out early but it doesn’t seem to be working as well as they wanted to.

>dems are the real racist
god i hope the gop crashes and burn in 2020

minority conservatives can usually stand on their own merit though. the ones Dems parade around are usually unintelligible and obviously there because of their skin color.

>when will cuckservatives understand this?
r/K selection theory says they won't.

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I'm gonna say the T-word

>you're racist
>I can't be racist, I'm black. You're racist
>I can't be racist, I'm a spic. You're racist
>no you
>no you

Got your attention didn't it.

>AOC using the equivalent of "I have a black friend so I can't be racist!"
What a dunce.

>implying minority "conservatives" aren't grifters making money off white cuckservatives who don't want to be called meany words on social media

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I unironically agree with AOC here. Parading around le based black conservatives is so cringy

>Candace Ownns is so based

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Yes but only because she's jewish. They have much higher iq

the spic looks like a fucking donkey

Candace is finished, comared AOC cancelled her. Ripperino

Yes! Yes we do, ya liberal fucking shill!

>its ok for eminem to use nigger because he raps like the black people

Yes, and the prettiest!

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sorry, hayes and omar are cute. and AOC takes fantastic pictures from certain angles. though in person she'd be awful: weird head shape, irritating voice, horrific personality, and almost certainly smells bad, especially her breath. pelosi's gross but she'd be by far the hottest babe in the nursing home.

entrepreneurial, self-interest ie not necessarily token. big difference than the black lady that carries all of AOCs binders around for photo ops

hello AOC or that chink she pals around with

>entrepreneurial, self-interest
what a weird way of saying grifter

Candice Owens seems very disingenuous to me. I dont trust her. Shes very loud and annoying just like AOC.

>it's only cuckservatives and the nu-right who is insistent on parading token minorities
good one

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AOC is right to make fun of the boomer GOP's worship of MUH BASED BLACK CONSERVATIVES

some maybe, but can you truly not fathom some may capitalize on sincere beliefs.

.... wtf is she even talking about? AOC didn't call anybody coons. Or house negroes. And she explicitly stated that she does not treat her black staff as "tokens"

Sure but Candace Owens' response still doesn't make any sense

>niggers have sincere beliefs and their is nothing wrong with them being placed in the right by the (((elites))) to hold back white interests

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It's the wedding medallion I sent her after she assraped the kikes in public... It's supposed to be sonichu.

good catch
it sure as hell does look like it.

also checked

owens can always run for office instead of being a sideline shill for israel and neocons.

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>Do MAGAtards actually think this is a good comeback lol
What makes you think any non-Whites belong in White nations?

MIGAtards always want to play victim. They learned this from their owners.

Why do conservatives constantly suck nigger dick when 99% of them vote Democrat?

It's her boyfriend. He's a literal shill campaign organizer as a job and career.
He's the one behind all the AOC spam, assisted by the discord trannies.

>MIGAtards always want to play victim. They learned this from their owners.
The Jews?

She must lay off the crank because it's obvious to anyone who ever had to deal with these "people".


Ocasio Cortez is Puerto Rican aka Spanish Speaking Mulatto

>Why do conservatives constantly suck nigger dick when 99% of them vote Democrat?
Because Conservatives must ignore the racial question lest they be called "racists" by the Democrats.

The Conservatives are fine with being relegated to the minority party once the demographic shift is happens, just as long as they can do so "respectably."

In reality, Conservative are just as anti-White as Liberals.

The Democratic party is literally the minority party that parades around poc and women, not that I much care either way, both parties are wildly guilty of the token behavior and we all roleplay like we care about niggers/spics when really all it is about is just ascension to power, neither party at this point is working in Americans interest whether you're a minority or white, I'll say the Republican party is certainly the better alternative but both represent a Jewish interest at heart.

If they can't flood our country and ruin it with minorities via welfare state, then they'll force us into fighting their wars and funding expansion, it's fucking garbage and at the end of the day our taxation isn't benefitting white Americans in any way, if it's not going to the hungry hungry negros then its buying schlomo a new settlement. When does it stop?

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One of these things is not like the other

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>When does it stop?
When you stop relying on the system to fix the system.

>We don't have token niggers!

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>w...we're not racists! see, here's some based black women!
>still get called racist
>still don't represent White people
>still don't protect the rights of White people
But hey, at least Republicans can tell themselves they're not racists right?

>we don’t do this
>we literally do this every day and every election period
How dilusional is AOC?

So was MTV for a while, that’s not where the money is

The Muslim one. The others deserve a trial before their executions.

What a weird way of saying nigger