Do MAGAtards actually think this is a good comeback lol

is that some kind of owl/molloch medallion or pendant or something she's wearing?

>putting your horse in with someone so stupid other progressive accuse hereof being a GOP shill

God you guys are guys are so stupid you make neoliberals look good.

>the left does shit that they shame the right doe doing
>the right capitulates to it
>the left doesnt anyway and doesnt lose support
>after decades of this retards on ledditchan still act like pointing this out is still something sort of political achievement

If you accept your opponents morality as objectly correct on the basis that they accused you of doing something bad you're gonna have a lot of lost elections.

Why, she doesn't look any worse than the rest of them. All hideous hags.

Honest question.
Is AOC the smartest politician of all time?
She's so fucking smart

pick one.

AOC has sputed out some of the dumbest political bullshit I have ever heard. Between the Amazon "3 billion dollars" which never existed, to the 96 TRILLION dollar " green new deal" she pushed, which had some of the most retarded shit I have ever heard in a bill ever. Cow farts...


For fuck's sakes kill your motherfucking self you retarded animal nigger

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Spics and nogs going at each other? Reminds me of public highschool


But seriously. We have to kill these goddamn kikes.

AOC is unironically right. it's only cuckservatives and the nu-right who is insistent on parading token minorities with neocon talking points and liberal social views. we could give less of a flying fuck about being called racist after 5 years so why bother not being racist?

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fucking this. when will cuckservatives understand this? the left doesnt want to play by the rules, they want to win and don't care about being hypocrites. the republicans are toast if they want to switch back to being the status quo party with no backbone

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I thought rolling stone was about music