>Recent evidence that has been uncovered in Germany makes a plausible case that not nearly as many Jewish people died in the Holocaust as we have been led to believe >The findings indicate that only hundreds of thousands, not millions, died during the war >The human rights violations committed by German leadership has also come under question based on newly discovered records that suggest that Jews were not systematically persecuted
I choose to disbelieve all of it. It has no impact on my life so I have no interest in the truth.
Landon Robinson
Richard Atwell was a mayor of a town in British Columbia. There's no mention of a journalist called that anywhere on clearnet. FAKE AND GAY
Gavin Jackson
Is she retarded?
Luis Morgan
The Zionists always accuse their victims of the Zionists' own atrocities.
Dylan Torres
ikr I tried searching the article, Richard Atwell, and keywords fucken nothing man OP, you got some 'splaining to do
Hudson Sanders
If this becomes fact, Jow Forums is going to rub this in everyone's face for 1000(one thousand) years. Mark my words.
One thousand years of war, diplomacy, tyrannies and federations, empires and cataclysms, and Jow Forums will still be here, laughing at it all, and nobody will have the balls to do anything about it, lest Jow Forums be proven right again.
Jason Peterson
Veteran's Today has a real article like that, huehuehuehue
The one topic iv ever seen where the first response is asking for links and not instant belief/confirmation of already held beliefs well done Jow Forums I’m proud of you
Jaxson Wilson
>UK appropriates other people's lands >hands it to zionist jews because holy books >1.5 million move from europe to israel >2.6 million missing from europe >war and disease kill 750k >germans do away with 150k >BUT WHERE DID THEY GO
Carson Smith
According to debunkers that's because almanacs use estimates based on up to ~5 yr old data and didn't have census data to confirm the holocaust until ~1950 iirc
Michael Rogers
Ay tone
Landon Garcia
Poles really are subhuman, now get back to your masters toilet-bowl.
Christopher Martinez
>says the 56% mutt and Israel's best golem the ironing
Sebastian Cook
Fake and gay
Alexander Wright
The dirtiest mutt from any corner or the Earth has more value than the purest Pole. Lmao, Poland is one of the countries that cucks hardest for Israel even as they are saying you own then cash for the Holocaust kek.
Juan Bailey
keep barking you jewish puppet after all, it's all you are good at for your masters
Nicholas Brooks
Carter Turner
A lot of them flee to the US.
Nolan Wright
Juan James
Gavin Turner
In actual America we love Poland this is a fake Jew trying to get you mad. Polska is our friend and greatest ally in the Middle East of Europe. Kurwa kikes
Brody Morgan
Was this immediately purged from the net? Did anyone archive?
Ryder Williams
Yet still. > 33 millions of Russians died in Holocaust
Nathan Ortiz
I don't understand how anyone finds these faces appealing. It just makes them look like the retarded whores they are.
Jackson Morales
No link, Op is fag
Elijah Bell
OP is great with chrome developer tools. Must be a leet hacker to be able to change the title because no link provided
>1 post by user Oh nevermind.
Parker Cook
Elijah Long
>news.jpg >1 post by this ID >Untraceable SAGE
Kayden Brown
Post link FAGGOT
Jaxson Walker
They've been lowering the death count since the 1960s user...
b-but they are victims we have to defend them and nig black people and and islam they are the victims guys comon u can do better u know. Also send aid to africa they are starving again
Luis Russell
t.polish vermin
Jace Watson
Which holocaust are we talking about here leafgoy?
Thats retarded, because if they were genocided the almanacs reflect that by giving an estimate number.
"Hey 6 zillion joos were just genocided so you know, we should decrease the previous known population by at least 6 zillion"
Carter Williams
How many Jews do Chinese history books say were holocausted?
Josiah Fisher
"Welcome home, Diaspora kikes. It seems several million are missing from the sacrifice that God demanded of six million Jewish souls for Israel. Time to pay the debt!"
>1 post by this ID >no source OP is a GIGANTIC faggot.
Levi Cook
Wyatt Sullivan
Luis Williams
This is almost certainly a honeypot so the 3 letter agencies can profile dissidents. Some kike will come up with a counter argument and MSM and 90% of the Non MSM will be Like ''LMAFO Alt right BTFO''.
Austin Jackson
City was filled with refugees. The official number of victims [by our (((historians)))] that died in this firestorm is max 25.000!! It's fkkn disgusting how shameless they are lying. Millions is actually too much tho. Legitimate calculations put it at ~400-500.000. Still awfully, awfully high. Fuck you fucking faggot!
Wait, where was this published? If it wasn't in a "reputable news source", the normies will feel better about dismissing it out of hand. Even if it WAS from one of their approved sources, they are likely to mental gymnastics their way out of it.
Adrian Morris
The Chinese are too busy dodging traffic and being eaten alive by China to be writing about Jews.
Carson Gray
OP here... just to BTFO all of the '1 post' fools.
Chase Perry
Slavetrade done exclusively by jews is also bogus. Ofc, the merchants that they are, they had a great deal to do with it. Still, they 'just' delivered something your countrymen demanded which is actually equally fucked up. And stupid cause, you know, now you got them niggas
Daniel Lewis
oh he in trooouuuble
Charles Garcia
Then post a source you fucking newfag.
John Brooks
Then how about you BTFO of the rest of us as well and post the damn link.
Justin Ross
This thread is fake and gay so I'm going to ask here: does any one have a suggestion for a subtle and Jow Forums-approved anti-Isreal/etc bumper sticker?