
Link? Must be a site that's blacklisted by google and bing because I cant find it.

Link to the article? Cannot find it by title on (((google)))


Attached: 1551107399542.webm (626x1234, 1.69M)

More like 200k-300k,

Attached: 1534242297610.jpg (970x710, 243K)

Couldn't find it on DDG either.

I choose to disbelieve all of it. It has no impact on my life so I have no interest in the truth.

Richard Atwell was a mayor of a town in British Columbia. There's no mention of a journalist called that anywhere on clearnet.

Is she retarded?

The Zionists always accuse their victims of the Zionists' own atrocities.

I tried searching the article, Richard Atwell, and keywords
fucken nothing man
OP, you got some 'splaining to do