I'm scared to drive

What do I do lads? After my first lesson on the streets I suddenly lost all my joy to drive and now I'm very scared, but everyone drives and I have to but idk how

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Just push through with it. I hated every single one of my driving lessons and had intense anxiety the whole day when I knew I had a lesson later but I passed the exam anyway and now like driving.

get someone you trust who isn't a terrible driver to help you drive for at least an hour a day, or every other day. eventually you will become less and less scared. the less you drive, the more abnormal and scary it becomes.

You're going to be scared of a lot of things in life.
A man can meet these things, in spite of his fear.

Isnt the answer obvious? Go out and drive. I was like that too because the fucktard who gave me my license would constantly scream at me and I was scared all the time. The first month was quite bad but I had to drive because my parents wouldnt drive me to school anymore. Once you force yourself driving becomes like walking. You just do it

Yeah I hated that shit at first too, would fucking panic over everything "is that car too close to me?" "am I going too slow?" "am I going too fast?" It was miserable, but now I actually like driving.

I'm like you, op. I'm terrified of driving but life circumstances forced me to get over it. If you start driving and think of all the bad things that could happen like bumping another car or running someone over, shit's gonna be impossible for you. Try to clear your head while behind the wheel. Put some comfy music and take your time. As long as you're going at a safe speed and have your foot on the brake at all times there's no way anything bad can happen.

I know guys, fuck. Do you have any tips to make this anxiety go away? My father says I should give no fucks but I'm scared I could make an accident

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I for example, i just didnt care i knew that fear would only fuck me up, is not that hard user lol

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As with most anxiety in life: ride it out. Yeah, its scary. Yeah, it sucks. Welcome to life.

The more you give into anxiety the more it feels insurmountable. Fight it and move on with your life. Commit to driving, accept that its going to suck, and do it anyway.

So what?

My first month of driving I sideswiped a school bus at 5 miles an hour. Car was insured, deductible was $500, I got a shitty minimum wage job and paid it off in a month and a half.

You'll fuck up at some point. Accept that. Maybe it won't be this year, but it will happen and it won't be that bad. Nobody will get killed. The overwhelming likelihood is that it'll be little or no real damage. You're not being asked to take a Bugatti on a track, you're driving a consumer car on public roads and it'll be fine even if something does happen.

guess you'll have to face your fear, oh no. God forbid you ever do anything that's even a little uncomfortable!

It'll be good for you, OP.

Okay guys thank you. I will practice parking tomorrow with my father. I didnt drive for a month btw, but it will be fine, I will stay calm.
Fuck I'm 21 and everyone has his license already and I'm stuck with this. Very embarrassing

You are going to encounter countless things in life that scare you. You have to keep going. Practice in an empty parking lot and gradually get into more crowded situations.

The more you try to control what you fear, the more the fear controls you. Good luck!

Lol same its wack as fuck. Then again, I don't think I can even get license at this point, never driven in my life and have no one to teach me. Lucky guy, user.

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not even friends?`Take more practice hour then you got no choice

Pedal on the right, faggot.

You can make an accident.
Harden your resolve. The world is a nightmare that swallows souls without leaving a trace.

It gets easier as you do it and you start to enjoy it.

Just word of advice, watch out for left turns. Even if the light has turned yellow Make Sure the incoming cars have stopped and aren't trying to run the red

This, just drive more. Once you get past the initial fear, you might even start enjoying it.
I used to have the same fear, but it got better when I ditched driving school and asked my dad to teach me. He always took me to these really fun curvy roads in a nearby island, driving those roads are some of the best fun I've ever had desu.

It's normal mate, you're me in the beginning of my classes haha. In the first 10 classes I was terrible, but in my 19th e 20th it went almost perfect. It's just a matter of practice

Practice parking is very important, gives you a more precise control of the steering wheel and pedals

Thanks after that lesson I thought I will never be able to drive

Driving is fucking easy did you never play Test Drive or Gran Turismo as a kid
You just make the car go where it needs to and there are only three fucking controls to learn, four if you count turning the wheel each way as one control.

What's that?

its just a huge hunk of metal bro
a medium sized car going 60mph has less kinetic energy than 3 ounces of peanuts
pretty harmless if you ask me

I'm also currently taking driving lessons, and have had anxiety over it so I know exactly how you feel.
My advice is to really focus and remember the things you have a problem with when driving, and then studying those things 10 times more than you think you do. If you are really confident and sure about something, your anxiety will be reduced.

Also, FOCUS FULLY ON YOUR DRIVING WHILE DRIVING. Don't let your mind wander and let those anxiety thoughts distract you and make stupid mistakes because of it.

Of course, even if you do these things, you will still be bad at driving and have anxiety anyways, just because you aren't experienced. So the only way to overcome those feelings is to just drive more.

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I cant really focus if my fucking teacher is distracting me with talking shit. Then he said i forgot this and this but because he fucking talks while i drive. Fucking cunt

I just learned to drive. It’s pretty easy, you just have to try and not be absent minded. It’s also pretty dangerous, even if you’re good at it, so if you kept driving to a minimum that probably wouldn’t even be a bad thing.

It gets easier. But you gotta do every day

Finna bouta fail the license test for the third time guess I'm just fucked.

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I failed it twice and got it on my third try