Jow Forums
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Advice #205
So Jow Forums, my 7 yo son is scared shitless of me and I don’t know why. I never hit him...
Femanon needs a realationship
Mfw my mom found some lingerie in my car after finding a buttplug in my room and I guess finally had the courage to ask...
Guy from school keeps fucking with me and girlfriend
What do i do if my life is impossible because I’m in a small town and on probation for being black and god is out to...
I've been alone for too long
Advice on Pic Related
Meet girl
Do manlets even realize how lucky they are? I'm 6'6 and get attention from women everywhere I go. It's fucking annoying...
I'm 28 and I wasted my 20's in front of a compute screen,a decade of my life...
How bad did I do?
How did you find out they cheated?
I'm pregnant
Jow Forums poll - are you a sensitive user?
How to react when people laugh at you?
21+ thread (zoomers, doomers, and boomers welcomed)
Have any of you ever found your purpose in this world? or it is a myth?
Husband doesn't go down on me
Hello how do i lose my virginity
So someone I know got arrested for some heinous shit but hasn’t a trial yet...
If you are 'lighthearted'/ silly/ goofy etc with a girl it will only end up with you two being friends but if im not...
I found out that my boyfriend dated a model for a while. I saw a picture of them and they look so fucking good
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Write an user letter to someone who might read it Jow Forums
I asked her if she wanted to be friends and she said "I thought we were."
*ear piercing shriek*
Wife thinks I wasn’t a virgin
Offering Advice
How do I break up with someone
My older brother is going to prison guys
Hi guys...
Chill Thread #2
Should I tell people I fucked escorts?
WAIT, so you're actually supposed to want only one woman...
No more waiting around, I start bettering myself so I can get a gf and I'm starting today. What should my strategy be?
How to cure a Degenerate
Feeling an almost overwhelming need to end it all, but I also don't want to give up and go out like a bitch...
Hey, Jow Forums. I'm gonna save y'all some time and just ask my question rather than give a green text
How do I convince myself to give my bf oral?
Is it true that after you meet a girl and things go well you should ignore her for a few days after?
Do you believe that love is real?
Is life over once you hit 25, with no future at all, just wagecucking your life away...
How do I ask a girl out?
My 25 year old girlfriend and mother of our child wants to do porn...
Women lets be honest, don't we mainly dress up for guys?
Are there women who are nice to guys
My boyfriend has a weird fetish...
A dogma
Psychopathic cunt at work is harassing me
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Should I give my mom a second chance?
Should I end my new relationship because of tattoos
How do I get a chubby gf that isn't just fucking fat?
What the fuck should I do
/GIOYC/- get it off your chest
Femanon here. what do you guys think of women? what do you want us to be like? just wondering
I asked my friend if he’s moving in with his girlfriend next month and he said no...
When you see your future and you don't like it
Hey Jow Forums
Jow Forums vs /fa/
How do you get a girlfriend when you're the living embodiment of everything girls don't like?
She loves me too right?
Talking to girls depresses me
Is it just me or do all women have the same bio on dating sites? It always goes something like this:
How do I keep myself from being obsessive about a girl I'm seeing...
Is it possible to get a gf for the first time at 26+?
28+ Thread
34 year old virgin, I give up
Do you believe in a true love that will last for a lifetime...
Why does my ex girlfriend have to do this to me...
Can your gf flirt with other dudes
I'm a 25 year old female...
Guy spent night at GF's dorm
Are women even sentient?
My girlfriend is talking to someone she claims to be her "best guy friend" almost daily...
Female masturbating tips
Got an STD and don't know how to break it to boyfriend
What do i do if god is out to get me...
Good Evening Anonymous!
My GF dyed her hair a gaudy pink without talking to me about it and I absolutely hated it...
I repeatedly told my self I WILL STUDY TODAY I WILL, everyday and i still fail, wtf do i do?
Can I replace my urge for women with one of these dolls...
Is 20 too late for the innocent cute first relationship?
I fell head over heels for this girl and I think it’s over. Really want to kill myself right now...
I cheated on my girlfriend and broke down and told her...
Is it feasible for a 27 year old to find a 18 year old gf...
I'm addicted to rejecting guys
What would make you change your mind on a girl you are not interested in a long term relationship with?
Why should an undesirable like myself live?
So YOURE telling ME that they are putting FLOURIDE in my water to help protect my TEETH?
I'm pretty sure therapy is destroying my life
What does a female have to wear to get more attention/stares from you or other people, that isn't whore clothes?
Getting picked on and provoked for no reason
How can I sell my 21y virginity?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything:
If you hit 30 and you're not shacked up or have kids, is there any point in living...
How to learn anal?
Anyone else legit cant comprehend the concept of a relationship?
"I'm ftf trans, basically."
How do I attain enlightenment? Also, how do I stop fapping?
Realizing its not even worth trying anymore
What height is too short for a woman? What height difference between a guy and a girl starts to become too much?
Best way to find a dude with a big dick?
Issue with pic related
I am obsessed with anorexic girls, but I can't find any to date with
Why won't he have sex with me anymore?
Any tips to be less ugly?
How do i tell my dad ?
Financial security/entrepreneurship
I’m trying belly inflation
Just dropped 2 tabs of lsd
How do I talk to women if I'm socially awkward and nobody likes to talking to me?
Gf is pregnant
2 Straight Men Kissing
/GIOYC/ - Get It Off Your Chest
How do I date as an ugly as shit femanon? I get done all I can really. I do all the skin care, I've gotten fit...
So guys hello there. Im from russian board 2ch...
I fucked up everything
Asking out a coworker
Learning to appreciate black women?
Hey Im super tech illiterate and I bought a seasonic focus plus 750 fx power supply and I have NO IDEA where the cables...
How and where do I get a husband who looks like this and is 185-190 cm tall?
Is it retarded and immature to only go after virgin girls?
I want to propose to my girlfriend, but I want to spend as little money as possible and still impress her
Do I have a chance at finding love? Shit everything online says black isn’t beautiful...
Should I break up with my gf?
People on the internet have said I look like a serial killer. Are they joking or should I cut my hair / shave...
ITT: Ask Men Anything
How do you pick up girls at the gym, Jow Forums?
Tinder advice general
Is it a valid excuse for never having a girlfriend at 18 the fact that I haven't met anyone I really like and with who...
My Boyfriend is a pervert
Be on pc
Fetish makes me uncomftorable
How is that self improvement going?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Ruined my life by getting a child with a crazy person
Do you want crappy things to happen to people who hurt you?
If a girl I'm seeing fucks me on the 2nd date, should I be concerned about her potential promiscuous...
Get It Off Your Chest
Attracted to women, but not their personalities?
Why do men keep saying women aren't funny?
Bros, I'm awkward and I don't talk to women often but I've finally found the one for me
Why haven't you accepted celibacy and loneliness yet?
Fiancé asked why I don’t get mad
So how do I get over my addiction to BBC porn? I am white and I really don't want to find black cocks attractive...
Does it ever bother u that the physical analogue to all the really hot girls depicted in these anime scenarios are...
Which college degree has the women that make the best girlfriends (wives)?
How do you keep a youthful face, remove stretch marks etc.?
This guy and I are both into each other...
Hitting a woman
What THE FUCK am I supposed to send as a message to girls on Tinder? I can't think of anything
When i wanted a girlfriend, i was never given the time of day
Medibros i need an answer
Dating a girl that looks like a kid
My gf asked what I want her to cook for me
At what age are you fucked if you hadn't had a girlfriend by then?
No body loves you
Why do women like candles and flowers?
Fuck bros, why do women have to stoop so low...
This girl (pic related), the most beautiful woman I have met. Similar interest to those of mine...
Help me manage this Jow Forums-chick
So I finally got to the bottom of my introversion...
Incel gang here (represent) and I got a question for the bitches here:
If I had been analy raped while passed out, would I be able to know without a doubt when I woke up?
How do I deal with the fact that I was born lower class and will never ever be upper class?
What the fuck just happened?
Is cuddling with a guy, gay sex, or sucking a dick as a straight guy worth it...
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
/GIOYC/ - Get It Off Your Chest
Like my new boyfriend but don't love him is this ok
How do I get people on Jow Forums to take me seriously...
My wife is fat, infertile, and lacking a strong sense of sexuality. She has a beautiful face, enjoyable personality...
Do women like sensitive men? Why or why not?
My long distance girlfriend has been texting me less and less - and then recently I sent her something slightly...
Ive been changing lately. Im a 24 year old autistic virgin with no friends...
My fucking girlfriend had another guy as her valentine
My chest has been having slight pains in the heart area for the past few days...
I’m 18, no job, no diploma. I have literally nothing. My mom looks at me like a loser...
Inconsiderate people
Question for people who have been bullied
Heritage and Identity
Finding normie friends
Dating age gap
How do you ask out a girl? Like what words do you specifically use...
Girl I'm seeing has some serious fucking mental issues
Any advice about " how can ugly girls get a boyfriend "
I want to drop the school shooter look
Girl rejects you
Is it ever a good idea to be friends with you ex gf...
Gf used to be a side girl
Feels bar is OPEN
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Do guys with decent jobs care if I have a good job?
I want a gf who's a virgin
2016 valentines day
Why are bitches so complicated and never say what they really mean?
Jow Forums is the worst board. Change my mind
How can I find a cute, smol gf who loves me unconditionally and lets me beat the shit out of her...
Should i give up on her?
Work is fucking gay. Any advice?
I just broke up with my girlfriend of four years. I'm 28, she's 26
I'm not sure whether to have sex with this guy or not
How come there are so many normalfags with social lives on this board...
How do I get a gf that doesnt have any friends?
Girlfriend told me she was molested
I saw my ex girlfriend today at my University. She went out of her way to say hi to me...
Self-Pity Thread
Parents making me get a job
Valentines Day
How do I measure her ring finger without her finding out?
Had rhinoplasty almost 2 weeks ago
How and where do I get a friendless clingy aspie gf?
Are women even attracted to men?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
GIOYC - Get it off your chest
Valentino Day Alone-o
Can't read people!
What drugs legal or not would help the socially inept succeed in life?
How do I accept that I will never have a SO?
Kissless virgin adult
Lmao how do I get rid of my fucking eyebags?
NEET - Can I fix it?
574 applications
If you want a gf talk to women
A certain voice actor is currently under hot-water for being really touchy-feeling and forward with people...
I look ugly in pictures
I like a girl
Something disturbed me today. I was spending time with my boyfriend and his parents at their house...
Stupid "Friend" is Pissing Me Off
How do I stop hating black people?, I hate them because they are rude and breed too much...
Winking at girls
Advice for falling for older woman
I'm ugly and 5 pounds overweight and yesterday on our fourth date a guy asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes
Have you ever broken up with your girlfriend for someone else?
Why do people get so upset about "cheating"...
The wife has completely lost interest in sex
Hook up society
Need some advice, bros. I have a fetish for bandaged ankles...
Angry because I feel like I wasted 4 years of my life and upwards of 80k for NOTHING
Why am I beginning to empathise with school shooters?
Firstly, I'm not a doctor so I can't give you medical advice. Secondly...
5'1" male
How do I get my boyfriend to read books?
I'll keep it short. There's a girl from uni that I've had a crush on for some time...
My bf said I'm a "6 or 7 out of 10". That means he's basically settling for me right? fyi I didn't ask for a rating...
Did I over-pay her to sleep with her
27 yo
What's the harshest truth you've ever learned?
Someone tell me how to live life!!
Best way for a shy 19 years old college fuck to get a girlfriend...
Get it off your chest
Advice for living on a low income
Brother casually brings up suicidal thoughts
Are you not worried that you’re not living an exciting adventurous life which you could have?
How can I get over job search depression? I've been unemployed for over a year. I have a bachelor's degree...
First GF
Marijuana addiction
I am considering to cheat on my wife
Today is my gf's birthday. I admit I planned everything last minute...
What's some good healthy food? That shit is fucking disgusting but my heart hurts so they said I need to eat better
The abortion problem
How do i get a bf?
Is there a way to cure social anxiety?
Need advice on how to stop being a "prophet?"
I am pretty good with dating, AMA
Alright Jow Forums here we fucking go
What would you do if you suddenly realised one day that you weren't passionate about anything in your life anymore?
Can you tell me pls why the fuck do girls never start conversations I met a girl in a station I talked with her she was...
Wife lead me on and then blew me off
Is tinder designed to make ugly people feel worthless?
Should I keep with computer science as a major? I'm really having second doubts about it...
I posted this here before but I want to know what femanons think because there were some... developments
Had a one night stand, asked the girl if she was on BC the day after and that she should take the morning after pill...
If I shot myself with my dad’s shotgun, would he get into any legal trouble?
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
Advice for virgins/incels/autist
Is Jow Forums any good
My dad is dating a 16 year old. She's the same age as my sister
Tfw no bf
I saw a cute girl with her dad at giant eagle today and I thought about giving her a wink and a smile...
How do i get a gf?
How does a 28 year old friendless loser fix his life?
What is the most utilitarian penis size?
Fellas, if you landed the girl of your dreams, she's pretty much everything you wanted...
Why are girls mean to me
If you're the fault of your own problems and only you can fix them...
How to get over politics with my gf
I ordered a prostitute
My gf wants me to dominate in relationship
My bf said I take too long to cum
I'm 18 now. Pretty much missed out on high school. No friends, never had a girlfriend...
In our current year...
I'm working as a psychologist. The child who used to bully me at school is a patient of the clinic where I work...
Mire thread
What’s the best flavor of lube for eating ass? Asking for a friend
How to deal with toxic people you're 'friends' with?
How does Jow Forums approach girls?
Chill Thread
GIOYC - Get it off your chest
How to become like the American Psycho mentally?
How do i lose my virginity as a nice guy? Im a gentleman. I like reading WW2 history and playing vidya. My age is 26
Can a mod explain how this is off topic...
My ex set awful expectations for sex for me
AMA Sex Addict
Licensed Sex Therapist here, let me help you
Did I overreact /adv? Help me out
I need advice, brothers
I want to die, but I don’t want to make it look like a suicide. Maybe become a mercenary?
What's the chubbiest you would find a girl still kinda attractive?
What do you prefer, Tinder culture or golddigger culture?
Set up a meetup with a guy met on a dating app. Any advice?
Tinder advice thread
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
I accidentally discovered Jow Forumsegg_irl and related way too much to the memes...
Avoiding the blackpill
Have you added local girls on Instagram? Did they follow back...
Dealing with autism
Give me good advice on how to attract women. Thank you
Good Evening Anonymous! It's Sunday night again! Got a problem with sex and relationships...
Working 40 hours a week is totally insane right ? You are giving 8 hours of your time each day to someone else...
Is toxic masculinity a real thing or a myth created to keep beta males beta?
Be Puerto Rican
Girl talks to me in discord server or on twitter
32 year old male and I'm a complete failure
Is love a lie? Feels like this is all I have to look forward to someday
Is it necessary to feel “full” when you’re having sex? Do you need it in order to not cheat on your bf?
Help me understand female sexuality
Should I get a nose job?
>question for femanons
Have become Clingy with a woman ive fallen for
How do I overcome fear of rejection?
Well what the fuck now
I downloaded tinder and hinge, now what?
How do I find a girl who will dress slutty for me if I'm already in my early 30s?
Should I go see my mother on her deathbed? My childhood is full of stories like as follows
Civil law issue
How bad is prone masturbation?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
How can I create an attractive facial scar safely?
Is someone who never had a girlfriend or friends in and before high school and spent most of their time alone at home...
Guy goes years without feeling the warmth of a woman
Perpetuation of German guilt / mental illness
I've come to the realization, or rather have accepted...
Is it ok that I burn/cut myself because it just feels good. Honestly, I'm mentally sane...
Is this true?
Starting Relationships
Have religious boyfriend who grew up in soviet Russia with strict Christian parents, very perverted man
Does anyone else hate this app as much as me?
Is suicide a valid answer to the strangeness of life?
Silent Treatment gone too far?
How do i go to a bar alone without it seeming awkward...
I genuinely love coding and computer science...
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Just found out my crush is in a committed relationship...
I got duped into dating a BPD girl. Last night when I revealed I know what’s wrong with her she went crazy...
I met a bipolar girl and I kinda like her. Is being bipolar a huge red flag? If so tell me...
Are there any anons out there who were depressed but are not anymore
If there's any anons here that has successfully turned their life around in this fucking forsaken life please share...
Anybody need help getting a relationship? Don't know how to talk to girls/guys?
How to stop procrastinating and being lazy?
I have nothing to look forward to today
A pretty humiliating question here. So it was after exams party and that's like THE party of the year...
How rare are asexual girls and how do I meet one who could have a relationship with me?
Don't know if anyone here remembers but a while back around November or December of 2018 i asked Jow Forums...
How long should I wait to bring up weird kinky shit in a relationship...
How do i get rid of or cope with my fetishes?
How do I go about conquering the entire world starting from my city?
German guilt / Mental illness
How emotionally open should you be with your girlfriend?
What's the latest acceptable age for a single woman to still live with her parents?
Wanna get a gf? It's easy:
In relationship with amazing girl for 3 years
Why are woman inheritantly cruel?
I know Jow Forums is full of incels, but does anyone here have any tips of how/where to start asking girls out...
How would you defend yourself if a complete stranger says to you "I would fuck your gf" in rl?
Roast or Advice for self improvement thread, your choice
Should i say anything to my oneitis
Journal dump - Living with bi-polar disorder
I'm married.. I love my wife to death, and I trust her. We are happy together. She's always been great...
28+ Thread
I need help Anons I've had this Mexican gf for about a year we get along great and I can't ever take my eyes off her...
Is there any way you can endorse anarchism and polyamory...
My girlfriend of two years doesn't want to have sex with me anymore. We've had sex once in the last two months...
The world is going in a direction that I don't agree with and it hurts my soul. How do I stop being depressed over this?
New bread for the larpy harpies to nibble
What should I do become more feminine?
Why don't my fellow burgers ever save any fucking money...
Sex I guess
Lol whats up her ass?
Why do women act so entitled when you deny them attention...
Okay so a while back, I got contacted by a company wanting to hire me. They said they would send me 3000 bucks...
What are some unusual questions i can ask a girl who is looking to be entertained? (and will lead to sex)
Age 22
How do I stop bullshitting myself that I can fuck pussies and accept that I'm a fucking loser Jow Forums?
Vagina tightness
Whenever I smoke weed I end up almost coughing my lungs out, however most of my friends don't have this problem...
How do you learn to love yourself?
ITT: ask the opposite gender anything
Top ten reasons why guys can't find a meaningful relationship?
Have a nice figure
Whats the best way to approach life as an incredibly ugly male?
Is it possible to bang lots of women without being a dishonest dick who either uses them or makes them fall in love and...
How do I stop larping and listening to Linkin Park nightcore remixes all day? I'm addicted
Plastic Surgery
My sapiosexuality is making me lonely
How do I find a girl that’s never been raped, never done a hook up, or will cheat...
There's absolutely nothing in my life. I don't have any interests, just spend my free time posting on Jow Forums
Do we look the way we do in the mirror to other people?
My gf is unable to cope any longer with her life and wants to kill herself. It's beyond stopping at this point
Girl accused me of groping her at a concert
I hurt my girlfriend's feelings really badly, I think
So my parents have the guns locked up in a safe i can't get the keys too...
Hot girl says I look better
What can I meet early-20s girls at 31 and how can I avoid coming off as that one creepy older guy...
Some cam girls and porn stars sell their snapchats or similar apps for a monthly fee...
How the hell do I go vegan? It seems impossible...
How do I get an FOB asian gf
Found condoms in son's room
How do restraining orders work from the end of the person who took it out? my partners mother has taken one out on them...
How do I become a better man for my gf? This is my first relationship and I think I'm overwhelming her...
Can't seem to find a relationship
How do you lower your standards without feeling like a failure?
How to deal with being ugly
She hasn’t responded lol
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
Am I the bad guy?
BF wants me to gain weight but is this mentally healthy?
I accidentally ignored you and now you’re doing the same but most likely on purpose. Why...
Is it wrong to casually date multiple people and not tell them that you're not being exclusive? It's not just FWB...
Is it possible to find a girlfriend if you have autism and like tanks and working out? pic related is my favourite tank...
I'm considering just accepting I don't have any options with this girl and forgetting about her...
How can I persuade my girlfriend to suck my dick in a subtle way?
What are some red-pilled YouTube channels/communities? I’m interested in learning more truths and Jow Forums is cancer
How do I stop seeing people as mindless animals and women as worthless dog whores?
Should I be an organ donor? I am currently an organ donor but am thinking of changing it...
Rape fetish
How do I leave my small town if I’m on probation for being black?
What can I do about my big ass nose
I think I just fucked my whole life, it's been 4 days since my gf hasn't had her period. Can't even sleep
Another week skipping all my classes
How do I ask a girl if she's interested without nuking our friendship...
Are non-virgin girls worth dating/marrying?
Is it racist to avoid tutors with foriegn names?
New gf. Thoughts?
Boyfriend lieing to me about porn
Can someone please explain/break this down for me?
How can I find a boyfriend?
I'm a very boring person
How does one get away from society and become 100% independent...
I believe that I have obtained enlightenment...
Issue with wife's clothing
Will we even need women in the future? Reproduction can be replaced with cloning
How do I stay "just friends" with my ex? We still care about each other but I can't lose my romantic feelings for her
How do I cope with the fact that I wholeheartedly believe in the NPC meme?
This fat faggot keeps stealing my shit out of the shared fridge at my uni dorms. What can I do...
Is socializing supposed to be enjoyable...
How do you get over insecurities about the size of your penis?
What do you guys think about 3 12 hour shifts?
Is it considered to be beta, if you lick pussy and suck nipples...
Life after break up
How do you figure out what you need in a relationship?
I'm 19M and a psychopath, nobody knows
I don't like it when women pry into me with distasteful questions and probe for info...
Why couldnt Brandon get help?
Is it worth going out alone just walking through the city?
How did you revive/spice up your marriage sex life, user?
Is it inhumane to have a cat declawed...
How do I not go bald? It's stressing me out
ITT Suicidal People
What can women do/wear/own that men can't? So far, the only things I could think of are
How do I stop runing away from women?
I’m 18 now. How do I lose my virginity?
Tinder advice thread
Maybe I am going crazy and maybe im over thinking this
Nice guys who bring nothing else to the table and expect to trade in their kindness tokens for sex always finish last
Are Men meant for monogamy
Should I split with my boyfriend
ITT: Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
Any advice for a 25 year old virgin who women find repulsive?
I can't even do nofap after 1 day, how do I get myself disciplined?
28 year old male here. Level with me, Jow Forums
How do you deal with your gf (or bf) wanting to spend alone-time with "friends" they have of the same gender...
I think I'm going to kill myself
My gf basically said in a conversation that she finds "players" attractive... do I abandon ship?
What is being masculine all about?
Get it off your Chest!
IQ of 132, but mixed-raced
Is this a good body to aim for
Internet Fame
Women's advice would be appreciated
Did you meet your S/O as friends first or did you ask them out quickly after you met them?
ITT: General life advice for men
Guys lying about their height online?
H e a l t h
I'm 35. Life didn't work. Options?
Ever since Sneaky started doing the trap cosplay, my girlfriend has been borderline obsessed with me crossdressing
How do I get a clingy gf who doesnt have any friends?
What‘s an efficient and painless way to suicide? I did some research and that shit is hard...
How do I cope with the fact that any girl I'd meet wouldn't be a virgin with at least ten partners?
My girlfriend sometimes implies that I may not be able protect her...
How the hell are you supposed to be dominant in bed?
Where can you meet an Asian girl if you are not college-age anymore...
Valentine's Gifts for Him
Shaving legs
Female advice pls
Wife with bulimia
There's absolutely nothing in my life. I don't have any interests, just spend my free time posting on Jow Forums
Suicide on 19th bday
Why does this still keep bothering me?
What's your opinion on women with septum piercings? i have one that's fully healed and ive swapped it with a full ring...
How do I get over the fact my gf and her ex did sexual things together? No actual sex...
My bf literally can't tell when he cums and seems to have no control over his orgasm. Is this normal...
Mixed signals. What is he really saying?
Dreapt of heaven
Why does my gf feel like a 24/7 heartbreak?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Where do you meet conservative girls in college...
How do you stay warm when it's stupid cold?
Be me faggot op last semester
Weed Containers
How can girls tell you’re a virgin?
How do I find a non slutty girl? The only ones I see are from Asia and that’s far away and leaves me to just one race...
How to deal with friendzoning
How is sex anything more than hedonism?
I love my boyfriend but whenever I see a girl thats prettier than me I fucking hate him and ignore him for days and...
What can women do that masturbation and friends can't?
Has anyone here straight up left their gf because you couldn't accept their past sexual history?
Help me
Am I fucked?
Just found out my friend of 6 months was kind of a white in college...
Please tell me if this is normal
IQ of 132, but mixed-raced
How do you feel when your gf says other guys are hot or how would you feel?
Help me
Can you achieve the same level of insight/“4D thinking” that psychedelics offer without actually taking them?
Hatred for girls
Broke up with bf
Gf's sexual history bothering me
Normies; Help Me Understand
How do it accept the fact that I'm genetically inferior and don't deserve to be loved?
So the following thing might sound strange, but it's a real problem for me
How the hell do I actually make friends irl?
Should i choose a New religion? or None
Sticking up for myself in my relationship
27+ Thread
Highschool gf got in touch and told me i have a son
I have a maximum wage for religious reasons
Don't want kids but haven't gotten my tubes tied
Whats her name Jow Forums
Studying art will make me poor and unemployed. Both trying to study something else...
Tl;dr My daughter isn't mine, what do I do?
How to cope when partner breaks up because you are too ugly?
How can I find my place in society if I check allost every boxes of pic related ?
Be me
My gf keeps cheating on me... it's the 4th time now and I always end up giving into her apologies
How do I get a girl who's mad at me because of politics talking to me again?
Tinder General Advice
Getting over it
How do you enjoy life as an adult?
Can your gf love you too much?
I've been with my wife for 3 years
This is going to be a weird one. And if you're a transphobe, please just scroll by. Anyway, here I go
Lowkey fucked it up
Good Evening Anonymous! It's Sunday night again! And you know what that means! Got a problem with sex and relationships...
General Advice Thread
Should I stop going to therapy?
More attractive people are more likely to be hired and promoted
Asian culture?
Father-Daughter Love
Women interested in me and approach me all the time
Been begging my boyfriend for 3 years to start cleaning his apartment more and help me out more in bed...
So heres my situation
Any bots know some movies that would get a girl in the mood???
How do I tell my family I'm gay?
How normal is it to be 22 old virgin?
My girlfiriend always cries
How long do you need to date someone before it’s not weird to propose?
Should I learn Japanese?
Sugar baby is in love with me
I'm tired. I'm fucking tired of this piece of shit body. I exercise (as much as I can without blacking out from pain)...
Want a girlfriend
Casual sex when drunk = slippery slope
The internet, in particular Jow Forums and reddit have taught me a few things:
Be me 19
Seriously how do you get girls if you're black and not of the athlete variety?
At what age does a girl's pussy feel the best?
Job States "Divirsity as goal"
What do men get out of relationships...
Is it better to be unhappy or alone?
Is this legit?? Kinda freaked out
What comes after 'happiness' ?
Not sure how relevant this question is Jow Forums, but
How can I stop getting jealous of other girls?
Where to buy non tortured animal meat?
What exactly is the appeal of casual sex? I really don't understand why it's so prevalent in society nowadays?
What can make a Fight Club tier edgelord feel better about society?
I have a female friend that has a boyfriend. We get along great and she knows I recently broke up with my girlfriend...
Why do autist girls not date autist men?
Dear Jow Forums, how would you want a female to approach you or show that she's interested?
Can you guys post photos of women who are 4/10, 5/10, and 6/10? I need to figure out what is a base for average women
So for reasons unknown...
Pls help think of something witty besides just a dck pic
Tl;dr GF found out I've been "hiding" my wealth, is pissed at me and refuses to talk to me
Gf throws tantrum any time I ask her to do anything
I need help
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Girl i consider my 'fuckbuddy' all of a sudden starts talking about our future marriage
Dear Jow Forums i live in a 3rd world country(Brazil) and have completed high school a while ago...
How to kill someone then kill myself fast?
How to be normal again
Is it worth dropping 167$ on a resume writting service?
How do you recognize toxic/negative people? And at what point do you cut them off instead of trying to help them?
Lads, my gf masturbated to hentai. doujins an shit. I'm not upset, but it feels weird...
So I got back with my gf of about a year...
Leftists, feminists, NEETs, magic players, trannies...
Have a committed, loyal, sincere, and supportive woman who will do whatever he wants
I’m freaking out rn
What exactly do women want to do with their lives if they don't want kids? Is it anything constructive?
"Ugh that's like being a pedophile user"
Men flirting with my GF
I Want to Cheat
Please help me Jow Forums
Is there such a thing as friendly teasing, or is it all really just bullying?
Have to pay most of my salary into my insurance plan and rent
What is this on the back of my neck
Oldest sister had a guy fall so deeply in (unrequited) love with her that he moved out of the country just to escape...
Is it worth going to therapy to try and get over depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts...
Careers Thread
How to find bullets?
Started dating an Asian chick, I can't get the culture...
Girls flirt with me when they're drunk but not when they're sober
Am I the asshole
I’m Mexican. How do I talk to white people? It always feels like they’re belittling me
I wash my face often, clean my bedsheets every week, eat nothing unhealthy, no sweets or soda
Getting an older gf?
Bisexual gf
How the fuck do I get notifications when somebody replies to me on this website?
27 year old here, went on a date with a 19 year old...
I watched some guy killing roaches since I thought it would be fun because fuck cockroaches...
Ex chain smoker here. So far I've been 24 hours tobacco free. I feel already better in my body but my mind is just not...
Job search advice
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Should I work manual labour? Will I regret it in the future?
My dick is no longer working. Tried to had sex with a girl today, but I couldn't feel any arousement...
Aight girls, which do you prefer?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Hit things off well with girl on dating site
She made a fucking LIST of the pros and cons of continuing to date me vs the guy she was cheating on me with
Would you date a twentysomething single mother? any Jow Forumsice?
I fell in love with another
Can't cum during sex. I used to masturbate a lot to porn as a teen...
Can someone redpill me on college/university, is it a necessary thing to live a decent life?
Any other anons out there who have basically quit or given up on art? I used to think I was destined to be an artist...
Gf cut her hair so short that she looks like a boy
I turn 27 in may. I have spent the past 8 years doing absolutely nothing. Job hopping, going to raves...
Now that ive been working out, my back is kinda bigger and defined...
What happened to your relationship with your SO after you got married?
What's your impossible dream right now anons? Make a wish
File for child support
How do i stop eating
Penis size debate
How do I find pictures of girls without makeup?
Why people hate incels if they are right?
I have a crush on someone at work. I see him almost everyday. Whenever I don’t get to see him I’m sad and depressed...
Girl starts texting me out of nowhere
Why do girls rarely (if ever) initiate the conversation on dating sites like OkCupid or Tinder, after they matched...
Does anyone actually think it's harder to be a woman than a man?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Gf left
What are some reasons a guy might kiss me and tell me he loves me and then start avoiding me? does he regret it...
Have a crush on a girl
I have a big problem
Wife is not bonding with the kid. She doesn't play with him, doesn't talk to him, ignores him...
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Tinder Adv
How do you break up with a girl that will kill herself if you do?
Be me
Do you have any advice on how to deal with the paranormal being whom is in a course with me this semester?
My life is over. I've caught multiple strains of herpes from cheap hookers, and now I'm having constant outbreaks...
Is it wrong if I’m too serious most of the time? Like I can’t deal with shallow jokes
What should I do with a million dollars?
How do I convince my incel friend to stop being so delusional and just accept the fact that life is fair and we are all...
How the fuck do you deal with OCD? Especially obsessions with a sexual theme...
How important is sex supposed to be? My fiance bitches about my low libido semi-often...
Is there any advice on how to live without a front door? Pic related
I know a virgin girlfriend is extremely unlikely at my age (19, college), but it still means a lot to me...
I wish I could tell my husband when he comes home that I masturbated 3x today and I want to have sex...
Dating at 25
Hair advice
Is drinking alone bad
Compulsively give away money when anxious
Femanons: Which outfit for first date?
Where am I more likely to meet virgin women?
Fighting a shorter dude
Nervous af rn, need advice for a date
How old do I look to you? Be honest
Can you go blind from touching a blind person?
Okay this is my story
So I asked this girl out on a date and she turned me down, how can I punish her? It has to be proportionate...
Is Jordan Peterson the best case of Dunning-Kruger effect?
I have problems with forming relationships with and live a very isolated life...
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Tfw I want "have you seen the way he looks at her" kind of love but don't know how to find
Mocked for "being dumb" when they are dumb
Is kissing a female friend on the cheek while in a relationship cheating?
Should I blackmail my former best friend?
Tinder Advise
Am I redpilled on relationships?
Should I fuck my friend? She's gotten pretty hot recently and shes making a lot of sexual jokes with me lately
I'm a 24 years old and I've never been in a relationship. I'm sexually active and go on dates...
Be me
Sexual desire
GIOYC - Get It Off Your Chest
Hey y'all. My eyebrows are uneven, and it appears that the underlying muscle in the area is also uneven. What do?
I'm a guy with low testosterone on hormone therapy. The therapy is leaving me super emotionally unstable...
Unless a woman is a porn actress...
Is it better to study your passion in school or whatever will net you something stable
Why do some people choose to sacrifice thier life for the sake of others, while some only live for themselves...
My GF wants to get married but I can not marry her because it's against my religion to marry someone who is not a...
Your opinions on smooth legs (on guys)?
How do you cope with having missed out on teenage love?
My long term gf just got diagnosed with autism. no one saw it coming not even her parents
How do I pee standing without spraying everything?
Losing virginity late
How to avoid women
How am I to interpret when female collegues eat bananas besides me?
I need help with trip code
Out with friend (girl)
How do people get their skin to look perfect in pictures? I take a pic and it's disgusting and splotchy
When should suicide be considered the best option?
Software engineer diploma (5 years)
Do most single guys who are dating date multiple girls at once until they settle down on one...
Everyone is talking here about how they want to have a relationship and have as many kids as possible
Previous thread: >>20513765
6 foot tall
A question for women : how often do you masturbate ?
Last night I finally brought up a problem with my GF that I feel has been lingering over the relationship
Psychology and Psychiatry
Should I shield my son from the globalist leftist brainwashing? If so, how do I go about doing that...
I have low self confidence
Where do I find friends and a girlfriend? I have been isolated for a lot of years now
21 yo femanon here im a 3rd yr in university and I recently acquired a bf
Should i get skinny legs or is that not in anymore
To all the depressed lonely men
Well honestly Jow Forums is it wrong to break up with someone who can't support you and barely has any time to spend...
Gender Identity:
What kind of mental illness is about being obsessed with wanting to experience exclusively results and erase any sort...
Receding Hairline
I'm new here
I got dirt in my foreskin now i have some lumps on the head of my penis
How long away from booze does it take before the cravings go away, like I can take it or leave it...
I fucking hate being short. I'm 4'11 and it sucks...
My gf has been with around 10 different people and I've literally only been with her...
Femanon here, ive only had sex with my current bf am i missing out
Why is this happening to my strings? It's my first guitar and the strings that came on her...
Please someone help me. I don't know who else to go to. Please
Chad answering all your questions
How to start and keep an interesting convo? Examples are accepted
What's your ideal 3D woman?
Extreme resentment of attractive people
How to be a man
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Need advice from Catholics here. I recently met a woman who's super religious Catholic and opened up to me...
Lifelong constipation is hell on earth
I'm scared to drive
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship