Lifelong constipation is hell on earth

I'm 25 yo,currently in college, hopefully soon out. Me and my gf have met roughly two years ago and while previous relations never clicked off as possibly lasting for life, this is the first time I could see myself staying with someone for a very long time.
She's nice, funny, collaborative, creative, etc etc. A little marvel of girl.
However, I'm going to dump here somewhere in the near future. I've been constipated for all my life, meaning that except from very short periods of IBS-like "regularity" I always needed enemas, laxatives etc to go to the toilet.
I'm fairly active, drink a lot, eat my vegs and so on, so forth. I've followed every single advice from doctors, dieticians, internet, changed my diet several time, switched sports.. you name it. Nothing ever solved this.
No one knows about this, not in my family, friends, and especially not my girlfriend. However, I won't ever accept to live my life with someone where to do the most normal activity in the world I have to sprinkle my anus with water every fucking day. It's degrading for me but especially for her.
I'm going to dump her because of this, so she will find someone more normal, and hopefully muster up the courage of blowing my brains out someday when my younger siblings will be grown ups, because 25 miserable years have worn me out enough to can't bear the thought of arriving even at 50.

Attached: constipation.jpg (840x630, 59K)

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weird. so do you need advice on anything?

>Dumping Gf because you can't shit.

very dumb. keep eating right and drink a fuck ton of WATER. nothing else just water. Shower after every shit and get a colonoscopy (they knock you out) if you need to.

I had the same problem it turned out to be polyps. Got them removed and everything was fine.

Yes should I dump her, off myself or try to get lifelong diarrhea?
meh it's not that dumb, i mean previous years living with roomates has been hell, i would always have to sneak and hope to not find them home so to do an enema and finally shit after days.
It's plainly ridicolous, I'm like a fucking retarded version of a junkie

I have a friend who has this same problem. He shits once every four (4) days. He tried it all with medical specialists, just like you, but now he is on the process of getting a "sleeve" (when they cut a part of your stomach or something like that I don't know), they think it'll allow him to eat less, therefore having less digestive issues.

Drink a gallon of water a day...

jeez that's harsh
no one knows the cause?

I've had days in which I'd drink up to 6-7 litres just to see if something changed but alas it didn't and just made me woozy for hours

See you're getting fucked up with your lies. because 6 litres of water would kill an average dude. And a person who could not shit would absorb water faster.

This is the answer. See a doctor. Get a colonoscopy and you will get answers.

lmao I see you're in good faith but no I'm not lying. I'm not saying that every day I drink 6 liters. I'm saying that on particular occasion, eg in summer, I tried to drink 6 liters or so, that is, 4 regulars bottles of drinking water, throughout the day (while also having meal). I don't know what you've read or where but most definitely 6 liters won't kill anyone, nor will 7 or 8. Besides, I did mention I felt bad (e.g. nauseous)

>Yes should I dump her, off myself or try to get lifelong diarrhea?

That's not how that works, dumbass. As someone with much more digestive and colon issues than you, you need to go to gastroenterologist--not a general practitioner, not a dietician, a GASTROENTEROLOGIST--and get a colonoscopy and EGD done. You can have highly educated retards guess off of symptoms, scan your body, and take stool samples all day but you won't know anything useful until a specialist goes in with a scope and takes biopsies.

Or, be a retard and don't do the intelligent adult thing. Waste years of your life like I almost did. I hope your soon to be ex-girlfriend dates an Indian after you.

My gf is also always constipated. Says shes drinks water but I pay attention to how much she drinks and it's not a lot. So you're full of shit (literally)

That is 6 consecutive liters of water, not throughout the whole day. Which is pretty hard to do.

>6 liters of water ingested in a short time
Not proving him wrong
He drank 6 liters over a day
The cunt that died did it in an hour

No they tried lots of diets, exercices, and they did like brain scans and hormones checkups and everything, he even seen a psy and all... They just can't find what he has. Dude is doing sports, eating healthy, absolute Chad, but he shits once / twice a week and keeps putting on weight for no reason.

thats literally the shittiest reason to break up and even consider suicide i've ever heard. You make this way bigger then it is. Talk with your parents about it or your brother or whatever. They might make a joke or two about it, but you will see that you are not a monster in other peoples eyes because of that. Its a weird nuisance - not a real problem.
Also check more doctors, this should be fixable.

probiotics? try sachets, not just caps.
How much milk do you drink?
maybe figure out castor oil dosing

I hope so too
see idem, i just hope that neither him or me have to do an ileostomy
tried probiotics but just made me feel worse for days, i dont drink milk just eat cheese or yogurt, tried going full lactose free but nothing changed, castor oil has already lost effectiveness
meh can you imagine a """man""" not even being to shit on his own? just like a child, utterly ridicolous

>meh can you imagine a """man""" not even being to shit on his own? just like a child, utterly ridicolous
A "man" who cannot deal with his troubles is ridiculous. Who is so insecure about something, that is nobodys business actually. Other people have much worse problems, and they keep going strong

>i dont drink milk just eat cheese or yogurt, tried going full lactose free but nothing changed
because you are suppose to go the other way and drink milk and more lactose.

>probiotics but just made me feel worse
Likely due to blockage lower down your system

>gastroenterologist--not a general practitioner, not a dietician, a GASTROENTEROLOGIST--and get a colonoscopy and EGD done

If you are fat enough a clear liquid diet for a week. followed by probiotics after each meal.
do not touch alcohol or red meat for a while still

good for them, hope they keep doing so, but lots of men that have severe body issues prefer to remain single, and it's easy to understand why
I appreciate your encouragement but if you think about it my problem isn't that small, albeit ridicolous

I'm not that fat, 73 kgs @ roughly 180 cms
I'll try getting more lactose but usually milk makes me pretty upset, also about the probiotics blockage it may be but I kept freeing by water during those occasion so it was not that occluded

serioulsy, talk with your mom about it. Opening up to someone will open your eyes on how much is in your head. I mean it sucks, but its not a life and death issue like you make it to be

I'm with this guyYou just need to come out of the closet with this. There may me some fun jokes but everything is going to be better. Some guys have to shave four times a day, some chicks have to goof with toenails to prevent infection. These are not deal breakers. Anybody can understand that kind of shit and not make a deal about it. I have a disease that involves frequent puke and BM and everything got easier when it got too hard to hide. My wife and coworkers are nothing but understanding and accommodating but yes, I have to answer "how did it go" type questions and that's fun too. This is a big bunch of nothing to worry about. Don't worry about that shit.

I'll try talking to someone, thanks for the patience dude
Not my mom tho lol, because while I love her to bits like the rest of my family she probably would go lengths about natural remedies for this issue

well thanks guys, I'll try to.
however i do think that if my gf will react badly about that I will never anymore muster up courage to have a relationship with anyone

Bullshit dude. Its all in the presentation. Don't make it out to be the big deal that you think it is. Its had no effect on her so far. Why would it need to bug her?

I feel you my dude, I have had digestion problems my whole life (31yo now) and it has definitely kept me from doing tons of things. It's mostly psychological and some diet issues in my case

i mean just try to think about living with someone that can't do the most basic thing in the world, and that cripples every aspect of life by not being able to being out of house for long periods
at this time of her life (she's my age and in college too) it's just easier for her to find someone else, besides it's not like I have any relevant redeeming qualities
and if she accept i fear of doing a wrong thing to her by condemning her to a subpar life though already knowing the possible problems i'll cause

You are overthinking this soo much. Dude. Thats what happens when you ponder about a problem for years, without talking about it.
"cant do the most basic thing" "im a failure"
You have some stomacht issue. Happens. Live with it. Imagine your gf came to you and says she has super bad smelly farts every day, she just has been hiding it from you - now she cannot take it anymore and will kill herself. What would you think about that? Overreaction? Would you hate her because of that? Think she's a failure in life?
Thats literally you right now.

There's literally no such thing as "normal"

We'll you can turn this into a relevant redeeming quality. I would point out that you already have. Think of what you accomplished in spite of the obstacles in your way. Other men are pussies compared to you. Everybody has fucked up stuff about them. This is probably the least of a girl's worries. The fact that you care shows that you're an outstanding dude. Just man up!

there's normal-er imho
thank you anons, i honestly think it's quite different between what would be my reaction or hers because
1. i feel more like trying to be the Atlas in the relationship
2. while I find her redeeming qualities unrelated to this kind of aspects, I'm not sure whether she does the same about me.
Nevertheless, I'll build up the shamelessness to tell her :) or at least try to

snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....


Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....


Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

What voice should this be read in? I used C-3PO. Was that ok?

cortana is alright

Go to a fucking doctor. No need to throw this away because of something that likely can be fixed.

Some people don’t get the urge to drink water, and forcing themselves to drink it is really hard for them. Could be an indication of a further medical condition

Hey OP, I’m Actually having a similar issue. Currently getting blood tests done and about to book a colonoscopy. It’s only been happening for about a year for me..
a started dating a dude around that time and things got pretty serious and we moved in together. It took me until about a month ago to actually say anything to him about it because I was so ashamed and as you can imagine living with someone when you’re having those issues is embarrassing.
Things got so much easier when I said something about it, he was super understanding and worried and helpful.

To be honest I’ve actually had a much easier time going to be bathroom since I opened up to him and to a doctor about everything.
It’s almost like the anxiety was making it worse...

I’m sill getting the testing done though even if the severity has decreased, just so I can know exactly what’s going on.
But it’s just something to consider, things may get easier once you’re open about it. Because I KNOW the kind of shame and embarrassment you’re feeling at the moment and it’s pretty debilitating.

thanks for the advice, yeah like others said it may have become anxiety for the most part, however a colonscopy won't hurt, will def try to get one in the near future