Need advice from Catholics here. I recently met a woman who's super religious Catholic and opened up to me...

Need advice from Catholics here. I recently met a woman who's super religious Catholic and opened up to me. She recently got married (she's nineteen!) and later found out her husband is gay, now he is literally bringing his """friend""" to church and she feels humiliated. What's worse is her priest is good friends with the her hub and is not being helpful. I asked her if she could get an annulment (they never consummated the marriage), but she said she already looked into it, that requires refusal on his part, and then she would have to nag him (she said she thought he was angry at her because didn't make love to her on their wedding night, she cried and it took her months to realize what was wrong), but now she says she isn't sure wants to because he might say yes and then she's screwed (she said she hasn't been with a guy before). She actually started crying last time we talked and I had to give her a hug.

What are her options?

Attached: Hello-I-need-Help.jpg (600x360, 22K)

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You should fuck her.

You have golden opportunity to be a girls hero and demonize a gay in your church.

This could be rad as fuck if you take this girl in.

She is very religious, she said she wanted to only be intimate with her husband, that's why she was so hurt when he wasn't interested in her

>She said
Yeah buddy that's a shit test, and you're failing it. Never believe what a woman says. She'll fuck if you're smooth and persistent.

She had it coming to be honest. It's a shitty situation but she got in it by herself. Options? Divorce and change of church, why even ask?

She's a virgin, how many women who are 19 are virgins if they're very attractive unless they're serious about religion?

How did she "have it coming"? This woman is the kindest, most selfless person I know

There is a huge difference between being kind and selfless, and being a fool and easily manipulated.
She's 19, how can she possibly believe marrying at this age in the 21 century is a good idea?

She wants to have a lot of kids and wanted to start early

My point still stands, she isn't a victim of destiny, she is a victim of her own decisions.
Does she even have the money and education to grow up those kids? Where do you guys live anyway?

She's a housewife, very old-fashioned, she thinks the wife should be submissive and dutifully obey her husband, that is why this is especially upsetting to her, she sobbed on my chest for a pretty long time

Husband who would rather fuck bois.

Yeah she actually started thinking it was because she was ugly. She's actually inctedibly beautiful but I am having difficulty convincing her of that

She can and should still divorce him outside the church though. She can get the annulment after. And it should be valid, given that catholic marriage requires BOTH spouses to be faithful and open to kids, two things the husband fails at.

Is there any investigation they do for annulment?

Did you read the link? There’s a tribunal process

Yes but should a private investigator be used?

Why would your friend need one? She should talk to a priest about all this.

Roman Catholics have a hierarchy. If the Priest isn't being helpful go a step up and ask a Bishop.

Her priest is a very close friend of her hub

True but the bishop and her priest went to school together, so unsure how that will work

There’s usually more than one priest at a church. If not, she can go to a priest at another catholic church. Does she really think that she HAS to talk to the one priest who doesn’t want to help?

>a TRUE honest to god Catholic
Fuck the stupid catholic bitch.
Gay people can't control shit and their standards for marriage and virginity are ridiculous.
Why reason with the unreasonable? Leave them to their anto-scientific devices.